Ai Art

isomeme, avatar

I asked ·E for a spaghetti recipe in the style of a William Blake engraving. I was surprised but not displeased that the recipe appears to be written in a Quenya-Klingon hybrid language.


@isomeme lmfao 🤣

echevarian, avatar

Started with a sketch from a reference image, pen and brush tip marker on paper, and then using it's --cref function, and then for editing the line work and CMYK conversion. Then Magnific..

echevarian, avatar

I drew this but also prompted it, but also designed it, but also prompted and upscaled it.

Go ahead and call me a plagiarist.

Beautiful_Sun_Creations, avatar

Transform your bathroom into a whimsical wonderland with this vibrant shower curtain featuring an enchanting garden of colorful flowers and butterflies. A perfect gift for yourself or someone special.


34 counts!
Don’t Drop the Soap!
DJT - the presidential scent, taste and feel of Rikers. Now 20 bucks off at commissary in your local jail with code: #stinkyorangefuck .

#aiart #LifeOnMars #dalle3 #RealLifeOnMars #dada #reallifeonmarswithoutelonandjeff #forallmankind #taurusforukraine .


cebedo, German

34 counts!
Don’t Drop the Soap!
DJT - the presidential scent, taste and feel of Rikers. Now 20 bucks off at commissary in your local jail with code: #stinkyorangefuck .

#aiart #LifeOnMars #dalle3 #RealLifeOnMars #dada #reallifeonmarswithoutelonandjeff #forallmankind #taurusforukraine .



34 counts!
Don’t Drop the Soap!
DJT - the presidential scent, taste and feel of Rikers. Now 20 bucks off at commissary in your local jail with code: #stinkyorangefuck .

#aiart #LifeOnMars #dalle3 #RealLifeOnMars #dada #reallifeonmarswithoutelonandjeff #forallmankind #taurusforukraine .


TriflingTree, avatar
branch300bpm, avatar

@TriflingTree "No? Then into the soup you go!"

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-05-29 Visual Inspiration prompt:

What is worth a Holy War?

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it. An ode maybe?

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


ixtlidekami, avatar

The Last Crusaders are coming home. Defeated, if you believe what everyone say. They did lost Holy Land, but not empty handed. They have treasure beyond imagination in their hands, and They'll use it to pay for the for the spectacle that will mark the end of their order. They have a mission: protect the knowledge of the future they found in a cave. They know where other parts of that treasure are, and They'll make sure it is found when the right time comes…

jeffc, avatar

It was just a misunderstanding--"grail," for us, is a kind of breakfast roll--but suddenly we're neck-deep in knights with long lines at breakfast.

Sir Galahad is learning to bake breakfast rolls, which is charming, and Sir Gawain is providing scholarly insights into angels dancing on pinheads. However, several haven't returned from their side-quest to Liberate the Sun, and the rest are quite rowdy.

Might you perchance consider recalling your knights?

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-05-28 Visual Inspiration prompt:

Some nights simply don't end well.

Time for another round of #SixWordStories ! Use this AI generated image to write a very very very short story based on it. Can you get the 6️⃣?

And of course if you don't feel like it, just go and let your keyboard loose!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


eperales, avatar


Defeated, they exchanged glances and laughed.

ixtlidekami, avatar

They sent you to therapy, too?

Beautiful_Sun_Creations, avatar

Unleash your creativity with this spiral notebook featuring my vibrant AI creation of an office supply sprint. Perfect for capturing all your ideas on the go.


Future City, Hauptstadt der Menschheit auf der Erde.


"Perry Rhodan" meets "Blade Runner".
AIGrafik, erstellt mit MidJourney.

Neurofabulous11, avatar
VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-05-24 Visual Inspiration prompt.

Do you take other people's things?

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or dress like Jack Sparrow. Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


ixtlidekami, avatar

Captain Stewart hated the new company rules. "We will celebrate every memorial day, no matter how ridiculous. Think of the children". Hence today's uniform. Who had the idea of a Day of Pirates? Here he was, in charge of the entire operation of the ship, while the rest of the bridge crew was entertaining the passengers. But that let him keep his true mission in secret. The cargo would be safely delivered. A working cold fusion drive. Then he would be free…

jeffc, avatar

Style, that's the thing. Do it with panache.

Browns makes the best boots, but they're ugly. If one wanted to change the situation, one would need to blend with the Kowloon ship traffic, like so. Then slip into their factory control, like so. One would--oops! avoid those cameras, perhaps by (carefully) walking across the beam they hang from. Then update the design... and everyone gets nicer boots. With (ding!) a special delivery for oneself.

Aways with panache.


A base on an icy moon.
#aiart #sciencefiction #midjourney

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-05-23 Visual Inspiration prompt.

Don't you have a whirlwind of ideas?

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Or chase a tornado. Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


ixtlidekami, avatar

The first test of the weapon was successful beyond the development team's wildest dreams. Way, way beyond. They used the experimental reactors meant for the ISS-2, and they used them without permission. It'd have take years to get the authorization. They wouldn't live to see the paperwork done, so they did it "by their guns", as one of the scientists likes to say. The weapon created a tornado that destroyed half of the state, by the way. That was by design…

knodel, avatar

Dr. Janice T. had desperately tried to find her first subject. A young woman had been treated with various substances during her pregnancy, but she was afraid the scientist wanted to take away her child. Before giving birth to her son, she left the hospital and moved out of the state.

The family lived in a small municipality in the Midwest, and the boy was considered an freak. Since he and his mother had moved in, several unexplainable incidents had occurred.

Although there was no proof, people suspected him of being the cause of dying cattle, a fire at the school, mysterious car accidents, and more. When he turned 16, they gave him a cruel present. A car ran over his dog; he found the animal’s body in the garden.

"Marla, I have to talk to you and your son," Dr. T. shouted through the closed door. "Please, let me talk to you!"

Rain was pouring down and the wind began to howl. "Please, open the door, there is something you need to know!"

The door remained closed. She was soaking wet as she tried to get back to her car.

hal9kart, avatar

👵🏼 When Maggie Thatcher traded politics for punk, nobody expected this rebel grandma to steal the show! 🤘🏼🧷

Dive into 'Punk Maggie' and witness her transformation from Iron Lady to punk icon.

Unleash the punk within:

hal9kart, avatar

🎨 Presenting 'String Serenade' – a vibrant abstract artwork that brings the magic of music to life with colorful hues and intricate details.

Perfect for adding a splash of creativity to any space. 🎻✨:

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-05-22 Visual Inspiration prompt.

Cut the slack!

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it... Whatever it inspires you to do!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


eperales, avatar

Einar threw the axe with force. Hissing like a serpent, it cut the trunk as easily as if it was bread.

"You outdid yourself Brokk. A silver bar is yours!"

"That's not all my Lord! I added a trick: It can stand upright", as he talked he put the axe on the table standing on its base, then he poked the top. It gently righted itself.

The King's brow burrowed, "why?"

With a smirk he said "Because I can, and you can boast about it to your friends!"

Einar laughed "Two silver bars for you then!"

ixtlidekami, avatar

The Axe (capital A) is kept in a vault located 195m under the Louvre Museum. A vault that isn't part of the museum. Not even the French government know about it. Those who know like to keep things this way. They know everything about the Axe. How it was made. What it was made from. Who made it. And, most important, why it was made and how to use it. Because this is not an axe (lowercase a). Not. This is a Key (upercase K). The Key to the survival of our world…

panther_modern, avatar

What a bunch of fucking vultures.

Amazing how most of the tech industry and industry magnates have basically decided art isn't covered under copyright and you can just rip it off as you please.

Fuck and fuck AIbros

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-05-20 Visual Inspiration prompt.

You don't always know what is in front of you.

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it. Or a movie script!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


knodel, avatar


The Rapporteur

There was a man who seemingly couldn’t die. He had survived numerous accidents, each with odds of one in ten thousand, including a ride down Niagara Falls, four plane crashes, a gas explosion at the factory where he worked, and several minor disasters with more than one survivor. After the explosion, he was fired and lived on a small compensation from his company.

When two mysterious devices landed in the middle of nowhere, inspecting them seemed impossible. Satellite images and long-range shots from planes appeared pixelated or out of focus. Several helicopters that approached the devices crash-landed, and every drone that came near disappeared from the screens. Clearly, this was a job for “Niagara Steve,” as the media had called him years ago. The army equipped him with a handgun, a camera, a radio (not expecting any of these to work within a two-mile radius of the devices), and a jeep, which he gratefully accepted.

At a distance of a hundred yards, he stopped the engine and turned off the radio to silence the static. He got out of the jeep, leaving camera and gun on the passenger seat. He slowly went to the the devices. A ramp descended, and he stepped up and entered. Seconds later, the devices vanished in the sky.
“WELCOME ABOARD. HOW DO YOU FEEL?” said a voice in his head.
“I’m fine. Thank you.”
“They’re nice, but a little boring. Quite good at statistics, but lacking in imagination. Most of them, anyway.”


ixtlidekami, avatar

—I don't get this. Why do we have to take those tanks to the ISS? There's no space for them. What are you NOT telling me?

—Sorry. That's classified. Just take them up there and let the specialists do their job. Just look the other way.

—What? I can't do that! Tell. Me.

The Commander liked this mission less every minute. Those tanks were, among other things, mobile bombs. And fusion power sources. Mixing these things with that damn creature is not safe…

VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-05-18 Visual Inspiration prompt.

A lot of time to think.

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it. Or a very long one!

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


knodel, avatar


  • Are you real? What are you, and what are you doing here?
  • Funny, I was about to ask you the same.
  • Me? I’m just a dirty n*** they wanted to lock up.
  • Why?
  • Who knows? Walking in the park? Wearing a hoodie? Ask the cops. I refused to get into the patrol car, and they gave me six years for rioting.
  • Bad thing.
  • Yeah. And you? A yellow rabbit with blue ears, electric sparks coming out of your tail. You’re just a hologram, right?
  • Touch me.
  • Touch you? Like this… ouch!
  • Mind the sparks.
  • This must be setup. They’re trying to see if they can drive me crazy.
  • No setup. Now listen, Charles D. Munroe: You won’t remember, but as a little boy, you helped me and my kin in a peculiar situation, and now we’re repaying you. If you want.
  • What? But I...
  • We’re getting you out of here. I’m pretty good with electricity and can override the electronic locks. I’ve already overloaded the cameras, so they might not notice your escape. But in the corridors, stay at least twenty steps behind me while I handle the guards, okay? Once we’re outside, we’ll take you to Canada, Mexico, or wherever you want.
  • I must be going mad. I’m imagining breaking out with the help of a plush animal.
  • Then keep imagining and follow me. Door opens in ten… nine… eight...
ixtlidekami, avatar

—Do we have a deal?

—As if I had another option.

—Yes or no?

—Yes. I'll do it.

—You won't actually go to space. You only need to be on that spaceship that day and flip a switch. Then you'll be a free man. But you have be a convincing astronaut. We'll train you on the basics. Ok?

—Just flip a switch?


Prisoner 31416 knew about the new spaceship. He knew the president would be there. The one who didn't sign his pardon.

—Don't worry. I'll do it…

TriflingTree, avatar
VisualInspiration, avatar

2024-05-16 Visual Inspiration prompt.

Almost there?

Use this AI generated image to write a very short story based on it. Or something in verse.

To find more inspiring images, browse the #VisualInspiration tag.


ixtlidekami, avatar

He is the Chosen One. Selected among the many candidates to be the pilot of "The Bumblebee", the newest spaceship of the fleet. He won't go to the Moon, but he likes to ask her blessing before every mission. Call him superstitious, but this is something his mother taught him when he was a kid. And he believes in this silly ritual. But most important, the Moon believes in him, and that's why she has always blessed him…

knodel, avatar

A very rich merchant in Edinburgh fell ill. Every step he took exhausted him, his heart raced, he had headaches, and his back ached. He consulted several doctors, who gave him powders, pills, potions, and lotions, but none of them helped. Desperate, he wrote to the famous Dr. Ironbeard, who lived many hundreds of miles away on the south coast of England. Dr. Ironbeard replied, asking the merchant to list precisely what he ate and drank throughout the day. The merchant responded with a long letter.
In his next letter, Dr. Ironbeard wrote, "Sir, I am quite certain I know the cause of your unwellness. Unwittingly, you have swallowed a tiny lindworm egg, which is slowly growing inside your stomach. I can remove it, but you must come to my home. To prevent it from hatching and releasing the lindworm, you must not ride a horse or travel by carriage; you must walk on foot. Furthermore, you may eat nothing but dark bread and raw vegetables."
So the merchant began his journey south on foot. In the early days, he needed to rest after just five miles, but each day he covered a longer distance, and his illness gradually disappeared. When he finally reached Dr. Ironbeard’s home, he was completely healed. Smiling, he handed the doctor a pouch full of money. Then he turned around and walked back home.

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