@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar



Just making the games I want to, linux/gentoo enthusiast, addicted to C++.

I block stupid people, life isn't long enough to talk to a brick wall.

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and0, to random
@and0@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

So far I don't regret not getting TotK. All posts I see are just "look at this funny thing I made", never "wow this dungeon is well-designed" or "wow this story beat was cool". Sounds like it really is mainly a toybox.

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@Jamacanbacn @and0 one of the many reasons I didn't like botw at all, dungeons were core zelda for me, it's what I enjoyed most in the games, the little micro ones in botw just didn't scratch that itch, they all felt kinda same-ey (at least as far as i got, i never played through past the first few hours). I was pretty much severely bored with the game by an hour or so in, sad to see they doubled down with the design decisions I hate, feels more ubisoft than zelda.

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@and0 @Jamacanbacn yeah, the weapon system was frustrating at best, the small amount of the game i did manage to get through i found myself basically trying to have a full inventory of random junk before going into the mini dungeons because i'd break 3/4 of them just going through, everything felt made of cardboard. Then you'd have to leave the mini-dungeon to go farm more weapons to use in it...not fun.

atomicpoet, to socialmedianews

The media is pronouncing the death of the .

I don't think it is dead. Anyone who's ever played an open world RPG with a VR headset can tell you that it's very alive.

But Meta's idea that we'd all be plugging into VR to do virtual meetings? I don't see that happening for a long, long time.

That's not to say it's "dead" -- just not feasible for now.



@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@gme @atomicpoet @socialmedianews And even more recently before meta started pushing hard on trying to figure out how to make VR as corporate and clean as possible to make the most ad revenue off of it their lunch was being eaten by stuff like VRChat. because as it turns out while VR is great corporate VR loaded with advertisements and company tie-ins is basically the last thing people want to be paying to experience.

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@pre @atomicpoet @socialmedianews as someone who owns and enjoys the hell out of the valve index agreed, VR is doing just fine. Thank god the metaverse nonsense is dying a quick death though, their laughable attempt to get people to "play" something that looked like it was made to run on a voodoo2 and the gameplay involved such things as "spending money" and "going to virtual mcdonalds, to spend money" over what we already had was doomed from the start thankfully.

glassbottommeg, to gamedev
@glassbottommeg@peoplemaking.games avatar

The one thing in #TearsOfTheKingdom that is, actually, #EldenRing inspired is:

those fucking linear quests that you can't advance unless you psychically know where the random NPC with dialog flag you missed is.

I had to literally criss cross the map FOUR TIMES before I could get rolling on the fairy fountains, because all of that is dead ended behind this one incidental encounter that I never even had because I didn't take the road the designers expected, or go to the zone they wished I would first.

That kind of quest chain design really doesn't need to be in open world games. It can fuckin die. It's awful.

It isn't a problem with short quests, because like Zelda did here, you build each dead point in the quest with a dialog prompt hinting where you need to go first.


They wanted epic long quest chains, that interconnect, like Elden Ring.



@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@glassbottommeg honestly, even though it's bigger elden ring is my LEAST favorite overworld of souls games, I've played that game, a LOT, and it's basically just a bunch of forgettable horse riding between checkpoints in the end where earlier games you were still basically free to go multiple ways to your goal but it was distilled down to only what was needed. It's the ubisoft/elder scrolls 4+ world design and I hate it.

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@glassbottommeg to add on, zelda in general just strayed so far from what made it great imho, I know a lot of people loved BOTW but to me it had too many ubisoft-isms, grinding for items, focus on small micro-dungeons, constantly in menu's changing to 1% slightly better items, forced crafting, etc, all the things I liked that zelda DIDNT have. But it seems ever since SS they wanted to go this way. I didn't like BOTW at all.

killyourfm, to linux
@killyourfm@layer8.space avatar

Obscure / advice needed: I'm trying to play Torchlight 2 in docked desktop mode, but the mouse cursor in this game is SO TINY.

Is there any way to increase its size? KDE's cursor settings don't seem to apply in-game, and I can't find any Steam workshop mods for this.

Help me retro gamers, you're my only hope!

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@killyourfm Not sure if the game supports it but I'd assume the game's assets are designed for 720p, maybe if it supports it even bump down to 540p and use the native FSR in the deck for a much larger UI. (I do this in a lot of games to maintain 60+ fps AND low power usage for 6+ hours of gaming anyways, fsr is good enough for 540p to look great on it's screen.)

Moosader, to random
@Moosader@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Guess the new Zelda game is out. Enjoy. I really couldn't get into any of them except Link to the Past, for whatever reason.

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@GabeMoralesVR @Moosader Links Awakening is imho the best game of the series by far! some of the best dungeon design, basically distilled to the good parts to fit on the gameboy, great story, great world, just an amazing game. (the remake is good but nowhere near the original) I'm not a fan of the DS games or wind waker either, but for the GBA ones I did enjoy minish cap. The GBC games are great too (ages/seasons)

LTTP good but imho the slightly later 2d games are just improvements.

forrestthewoods, to random
@forrestthewoods@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

Today I had to use Git for a project. It took exactly 30 minutes before I hit a repo breaking Gitastrophe.

Git is garbage. Kill it with fire.

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@TomF @forrestthewoods I find git to be absolutely awful for either solo or small group projects where you can coordinate (subversion is way, WAY better, especially if you bring in binary files to the mix)

the one thing I do like about git though is it's a bit easier to initialize on the fly with a downloaded folder of source, make edits, and generate a patch, and honestly that's where git shines....making patches for OTHER PEOPLES projects. I would just never use it for actual dev of my own.

gamingonlinux, to gaming
@gamingonlinux@mastodon.social avatar
@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@gamingonlinux I just wish someone, anyone, would make a decent playstation-style controller that's corded, I love my ps4 controllers, which is why i got the ps5 controllers, but they all have the same issue, after around 2-3 years of use the usb ports start to not hold tight and you get frequent disconnects while playing. They work over bluetooth but there's noticeable input lag.

my only reliable controllers over the years are my wavebird/ps2/genesis controllers with usb adapters....

raptor85, to gamedev
@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

I swear I die a little inside every time our entry (which is a very on-the-nose parody of dragon quest) gets comments on. "How much they liked my take on the undertale battle system" or comments on how it's "a 2d rpg like zelda!". I'm 37 but these comments are making me feel like I'm 200 years old O_x...

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

hell i wouldn't even mind people mistaking it for a final fantasy reference at this point, at least that's closer. Also makes me wonder if a lot of people playing undertale missed the fact that a lot of the stuff there were callbacks to older games.

Ericbomb, to gamedev

I would love some more feedback on the game I made for the game jam! It's a blind accessible turn based RPG, and I'm really hoping for feedback because it's the first game I've made in my engine! The goal of the engine is to be accessible to everyone and make games that are accessible. So feedback on this game also helps with the future of my engine be as good as possible! https://itch.io/jam/games-for-blind-gamers-2/rate/2042449 #GameDev #A11y #accessibility #Gaming

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@Ericbomb I downloaded it to give it a shot but it unfortunately crashes on load.

Assertion at /vagrant/mono/mono/metadata/marshal.c:4188, condition `is_ok (err
or)' not met, function:mono_marshal_get_vtfixup_ftnptr, Could not load type of f
ield 'TTS.TTS:<synth>k__BackingField' (0) due to: Could not load file or assembl
y 'System.Speech, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364
e35' or one of its dependencies.

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@Ericbomb linux/wine, not emulated though

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@Ericbomb looks like the issue is the game doesn't like older speechsdk versions in wine for some reason (there's other games that use speechsdk that work so I'm not sure what they're doing differently, maybe a quirk in how mono is loading it?), I updated speechsdk and it loads but there's no freely available voices available for newer MS speechSDK so it doesn't actually play the voices.

patrickmcurry, to random
@patrickmcurry@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

I sat down to write a blog post about how much I dislike prequels in fiction/film/games, but when I made a list of prequels, I ended up with more that I like than dislike!

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@patrickmcurry imho DMC3 is the best game in the series too!(and I know quite a few DMC fans would agree). Of this list though probably DQXI is the one that most people wouldn't even know is a prequel as you don't even learn this until the VERY end of the game with the true ending, which basically leads to a name drop for your hero revealing you're the legendary hero talked about in DQ 1-3 that everyone is a decendant of, and literally showing the opening of 3 as the ending

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@patrickmcurry DQ is one of my all time favorite series, it's just got so much charm coupled in, good plot lines/world building, and solid gameplay that's basically just been SLIGHTLY refined in each game. 1 and 2 are absolute favorites of mine, 3 is where most people agree the series really finds it's stride though. It's a rare series too where the transition to 3d went pretty smooth, the gameplay is practically the same, even the artstyle is basically the same.

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@patrickmcurry just be warned if you play any of the later remakes of 1-4 (the ios/android/etc versions, not the SNES versions, those are pretty close) they made them a LOT easier than the original games, while you might be ok with that it's something to note that while you can literally just attack mash through the remakes for the most part you could NOT do that in the originals, item use/spell use was pretty essential.

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@patrickmcurry The first game is still pretty accessible though, and it's short, like afternoon beatable in length. The opening of my LD53 entry (and well, really the theme in general of our game, lol) is a less than subtle nod to DQ1, especially how the end goal of the game is literally on the same screen you start on.


@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@patrickmcurry if you want short start from the beginning, they get exponentially longer with each game. 1 is ~5 hours long generally, 2 is ~15 hours long, 3 and 4 are around ~30 hours, 5,6,and 8 are in the 75 hour range, 7 and 11 are 100+

1-3 is the classic trilogy/story (with 11 being in the same world and part of the same storyline), imho the SNES versions are the definitive versions of 1-3, I haven't played the recently released switch versions though (i hear they made them WAY easier) 1/2

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@patrickmcurry 2/2 DQ3 is by most players considered the crown jewel of the original games though, and what drove it's popularity, with the SNES remake being absolutely exceptional (original NES was, but SNES version was never released in the US unfortunately, so requires an english patch). 3 are 4 are way, WAY longer but are in general the best of the NES/SNES series, with 3 definitely being better (4 was great though!)

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@patrickmcurry oh, and note my time estimates are based on "if you play as intended", as in actually strategizing, using your items, etc. If you play more of the "overlevel until you can just button mash attack to win" that's VERY hard to do in DQ, especially the early games, and will easily double/triple the time to complete the game, items and spells are POWERFUL in DQ games!

@raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@patrickmcurry oh definitely, I'll take ANY opportunity to introduce people to one of my favorite series! And while I'd love to say "just start with 11!" as it's the most modern/easily available/best music/graphics, it's also longer than 1-5 combined so it's a BIG game to jump right into for the unprepared.

Fun thing about 1 that makes me happy too is it's had a resurgence in recent years with the popularity of the randomizer https://dwrandomizer.com , so it gets speedran on twitch ALL the time.

passthejoe, to fediverse
@passthejoe@ruby.social avatar


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  • raptor85,
    @raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @sj_zero @NEETzsche @passthejoe @bot @coolboymew @dielan

    exactly, all the talk about needing to "simplify" signup, add quote and trending to pull in the birdsite crowd, and basically turn maso/fedi into the exact same popularity contest of other sites is the exact opposite of what I'd like, I dont CARE if we don't get another single user after today, there's tons of great people on here I'm interacting with, you know, having ACTUAL conversations with, unlike other site 1/2

    @raptor85@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @sj_zero @NEETzsche @passthejoe 2/2 The lack of overflowing copy/paste memes and constant drama and literal nazi's flooding an algorithmic "for me" feed is to me a feature, not something that's missing. I just fear that all the changes will do just that, ruin the site for those of us who enjoy it here and turn it into just yet another site to endlessly parrot the same jokes and constantly block people harassing you, where if you're not famous or controversial you're effectively shadow banned.

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