@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar



22: lesbian. She/her. I love all things science and fashion. Girl power always!!! 💖❤️✨

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Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Today is my birthday :-)
This girl is starting another revolution around the sun. :) hopefuly this chapter is better.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Omg I love love the Mona App!!! Its really good. A new update dropped for it just today in fact, and you have the ability to choose notification sounds. If you need a good Mastodon app for IOS, look no further than #Mona.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

So, your girl went out today and got herself an iPhone 14 pro max. I figured why not. Plus my provider was having a good deal on it. I plan to keep this phone for a while I don’t really do the upgrade after every year thing. Instead, I will trade it in after 2 years or so. I’m excited!!! :)

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone. I hope your all having a good day/night. I’m not feeling the best today but I will be alright. Please always be kind to one another and I hope you have a positive day.
Today we are gonna be talking about Perytons.

Perytons are artificial radio signals that last a few milliseconds and resemble astrophysical fast radio bursts (FRBs). They were first detected at Parkes Observatory in
1998. Curiously, the signals
appeared only during lunchtime. It was later found out that they were produced by the pre-mature opening of a nearby microwave oven. Despite their terrestrial origin, Perytons played a crucial role in the discovery and understanding of true FRBs with an extragalactic origin.
By distinguishing Perytons
from genuine cosmic signals, researchers were able to refine their detection methods and eventually pinpointed real fast radio bursts in the cosmos.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Give yourself permission to step away from anything or anyone that makes you feel stressed. You don't have to figure everything out today. Take your time and be patient. It will all come together in the end. have a good Sunday.✨✨✨✨

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone. I hope your doing well. Just letting you all know that there will not be a science post today. I’m not feeling the best mentally. Thank you for reading.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning awesome people!!! Your girl is excited for prime day, I will be ordering lots of cool things. For example a Bluetooth speaker. As well as other awesome things. I’m glad I saved up for prime day, and that I have spending money in my budget. I hope you also have a great day/night wherever you may be on this awesome planet. Please remember to look out for one another, and remember to give some love to yourself too.
Today we are gonna be talking about Newton's First Law.

Newton's first law of motion, also known as the Law of Inertia, forms the basis of classical mechanics. It states that "An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion continues in motion with the same speed and in the same direction, unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." This fundamental principle of physics has numerous real-life examples. For instance, when you are seated in a moving car that suddenly comes to a stop, your body tends to move forward due to its inertia. The seatbelt restrains your body, counteracting the forward motion and ensuring your safety. This law highlights the concept of inertia, which describes the tendency of objects to resist changes in their state of motion.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

I don’t know what it is, but today has been very busy and I feel like I’m in this space where I’m just watching myself go through everything. Sometimes this happens if work is very fast paced or if I don’t get enough sleep. Whatever this is, I hope it passes soon. It’s just a not really describable feeling. I just needed to vent I guess.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone. I think I’m getting a cold or something people at work are sick so something is going around. I hope you all have a wonderful and positive day. Always remember, you matter. And Kindness is awesome and so are you.

Today we are gonna be talking about Brown Dwarfs.

Brown dwarfs are celestial objects that bridge the gap between the largest planets and the smallest stars.
Often referred to as "failed stars," they possess masses that are too low to sustain the nuclear reactions that power stars like our Sun but are too massive to be classified as planets.
Typically, brown dwarfs have
masses between 13 and 80 times that of Jupiter. Over time, brown dwarfs cool and fade, emitting most of their energy as infrared light. This makes them challenging to detect using optical telescopes, but they can be observed with infrared observatories. Studying these objects helps scientists explore the boundaries of stellar formation and processes related to planets.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone. Your girl was not happy this morning, my phone randomly just didn’t turn on after I took it off the charger. Like, it just didn’t do anything at all. So as a result, my alarm didn’t go off and i was late for work. I finely got it to turn on. Thats the crappy fiery mess of my morning. Have a positive day. Today we are gonna be talking about cosmic sensorship.

Cosmic censorship is a conjecture in the field of general relativity that puts forth the idea that all singularities are invariably concealed behind an event horizon. In simpler terms, it proposes that any singularity must be accompanied by an event horizon, effectively shielding it from external observers.
Within the framework of general
relativity, singularities can arise, and they may or may not be visible singularities which lack an event horizon. When a singularity lacks an event horizon, the laws of physics break down entirely as one approaches it. In order to prevent such a breakdown, the conjecture was formulated by Roger Penrose in 1969, asserting that naked singularities cannot exist.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone. I hope you’re all doing well. And I hope your week is off to a good start.

Please remember, you are awesome, and hugs are awesome too, so here is a hug if you need one. Everyone deserves a hug.

Today we are gonna be talking about Equipartition Theorem.

The word equipartition means equal division. In statistical mechanics, the equipartitions theorem states that at thermal equilibrium, energy is shared equally among all forms. For example, the average energy possessed by each particle in a monoatomic gas is 3kT/2, where T is the absolute temperature and k is the Boltzmann constant. Since a monoatomic particle only has three degrees of freedom corresponding to its motion in three dimensions, this total energy will be split equally among all three degrees of freedom. So each will get an average energy of kT/2.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning awesome people!!! :) I hope you all had a great weekend. My weekend was nice and quiet and I love those weekends. I hope your week is peaceful and I hope kindness comes your way because you deserve it and you are loved, and worth it.

Today we are gonna be talking about Colloid mixtures.

A colloid is a type of mixture in which one substance is uniformly distributed within another substance and typically does not settle at the container's bottom. To qualify as a colloid, the dispersed substance should be composed of particles ranging from 1 to 1000 nanometers in size. These particles have the ability to pass through a filter paper but are unable to pass through a semi-permeable membrane. If the particle dimensions are smaller, the mixture is classified as a solution, & if the dispersed phase particles are larger, it becomes a suspension.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Just having one of those nights where I just feel crappy. Everything is very much exhausting. Sometimes, I get this overwhelming feeling of emptiness. I will be ok, but for now, I’m just in these feelings.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone. :) I hope your weekend is going awesome. Today I don’t feel the best, but I will be ok. It’s just one of those crappy headache days.

Remember, you matter, and you make the world better just by being yourself. So go out there and just be you!!

Today we are gonna be talking about The RF Cavity.

A radiofrequency or an RF cavity is a resonant chamber used to accelerate charged particles, such as electrons or protons, in particle accelerators. It consists of metal walls forming a closed structure, creating a resonator, and operates at radio frequencies, typically in the megahertz to gigahertz range. When introduced into the cavity, RF energy generates oscillating electric fields within the structure. As particles pass through the cavity, they encounter alternating electric potentials, gaining energy with each pass. This energy transfer results in particle acceleration, requiring precise tuning of the cavity to match the particle velocity for acceleration.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone. I’m still not doing the best today. Your girl will be resting most of the day. I hope you have a awesome and positive day.
Today we are gonna be talking about Starburst Galaxies.

The galaxies that experience an exceptionally high Star Formation Rate (SFR) are known as starburst galaxies.
SR is expressed in the units of solar masses per year.
A solar mass is 2x1030 kg. The Star Formation Rate of the Milky Way is three solar masses per year, while for a starburst galaxy, it can exceed the mark of 10.
Starburst is an important phase in the evolution of a galaxy. It can also occur due to the interaction or a merger of two galaxies. The spectrum of a starburst galaxy is similar to that of ionized hydrogen with a large flux of Balmer lines.
Some famous examples of
starbursts include the Antennae galaxies, the Cigar Galaxy, Centaurus A, and the Large Magellanic Cloud.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone!!! :) Its Monday, and I hope your week is positive and awesome. Mine will be very busy with a lot of stuff coming up. Please always be kind to one another, and say something kind to yourself. You deserve just as much kindness as you give to others because you matter.
Today we are gonna be talking about the Twin Paradox.

The twin paradox is a thought experiment illustrating key concepts of special relativity, including time dilation. It involves a pair of twins, one of whom embarks on a high-speed space journey at nearly the speed of light. As per relativity, time slows down for the traveling twin, resulting in a discrepancy in their ages upon reunion. From the perspective of the traveling twin, it seems that the stationary twin is the one in motion, implying that the traveling twin should be the one who aged more. This paradox arises because the traveling twin appears younger and older than the stationary twin. The resolution lies in the acceleration experienced by the traveling twin during the turnaround point while returning home.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone. I’m feeling a little better today. I’m still gonna be rresting and such for this weekend. I think I will be good to return to work on Monday. I hope you have a very awesome and positive Friday.Always remember, you matter. Please don’t forget to hydrate and tell yourself your amazing.

Today we are gonna be talking about Latent Heat.

Latent heat is a measure of energy absorbed or released by a body during a phase transition process at a constant temperature. It can also be described as the heat energy required, supplied, or extracted to change the phase of a body. Expressed in joules or calories per mole of a substance, latent heat encompasses the transformational processes. For instance, the latent heat of fusion relates to solid-to-liquid transition, while the latent heat of vaporization pertains to liquid-to-gas conversion. Similarly, the latent heat of sublimation characterizes solid-to-gas transformation. Latent heat plays a critical role in deciphering the shifts between the states of matter.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone!!! :) Its Monday and your girl has a lot of energy for the morning. I don’t know why. As I’m not a morning person but I will take it. Its the start of the week, and I hope its a good one for all of you. Always remember to be kind to one another.
Today we are gonna be talking about neutron capture.

Neutron capture refers to a nuclear reaction wherein a target nucleus absorbs a neutron, forming a heavier nucleus and releasing a gamma-ray photon in the process. As neutrons are electrically neutral, they can easily enter a nucleus without encountering electrostatic repulsion. The target nucleus and the resulting heavier nucleus are isotopes of the same element. In massive stars, nuclear fusion reactions are responsible for generating elements up to iron and nickel. Neutron capture plays a crucial role in the formation of chemical elements heavier than iron. This process occurs through either rapid or slow neutron capture, both producing heavier nuclei. Think of a huge dance party. Countless tiny dancers, representing the particles in atoms, are moving together. Among these dancers are neutrons.

Now, think of a lonely neutron looking for a dance partner. It comes across an atom, which is like a group of dancers performing a routine. The atom has protons and neutrons at its center and is surrounded by electrons, all dancing together.

The neutron gets closer to the atom and is pulled into the dance by the attraction between particles. It joins the atom's center, adding its energy to the dance. This is neutron capture, when a neutron becomes part of an atom's nucleus.

This addition of a new dancer can sometimes change the nature of the dance itself. The atom may transform into a different element or even release excess energy in the form of radiation. Like a dynamic and ever-evolving performance, the world of atoms and particles is constantly in motion, shaped by the interactions and movements of its tiniest participants.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning awesome people!!! I had to sleep in a lot but thats good because I feel great. Now all I need is my coffee and this girl will be ready to take on the day!!! I hope your all having a great weekend. Please know, that your loved and you matter. Always say something nice to yourself, and always remember to be kind to one another.
Today we are gonna be talking about the Grand Unified Theory.

The Grand Unified Theory (GUT) is a theoretical framework that aims to unite three of the four known fundamental forces in nature, the electromagnetic, weak, and strong forces, into a single, comprehensive force. Experimental evidence has demonstrated that at extremely high temperatures, the electromagnetic and weak interactions merge to form what is known as the electroweak interaction. Building upon this, GUT proposes that at even higher energies, the electroweak and strong forces will also merge, representing a period after the big bang known as the grand unification epoch when the three forces were indistinguishable. According to GUT, this unification of forces occurs at an energy level of about 1016 GeV.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning awesome people!! :-)

I hope you’re all having a great day/night.

Always remember you matter and you are very much worth it. It’s gonna be very hot today, which is not fun. Your girl is not a fan of the heat.

Today we are gonna be talking about particle accelerators.

A particle accelerator is a powerful machine used to accelerate charged particles, such as electrons, protons, and ions, to very high speeds and energies. The particles are accelerated by electric fields and focused into a beam by magnetic fields. Particle accelerators come in two basic shapes - circular and linear. A circular accelerator has a ring shape, and the beam of particles travels around the loop. On the other hand, a linear accelerator has a straight-line path, with the particles traveling from one end to the other. It is possible to combine several accelerators to increase particle energies progressively.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Care more about just being yourself than what others may think of you.✨✨✨✨ :dragon_heart:

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning awesome people!!! :)

I hope you all have a wonderful and peaceful week.

Always be kind to one another, and remember, you deserve love and happiness just as much as anyone else. Breathe, and remember the light is always with you.

Today we are gonna be talking about Self-Inductance.

The phenomenon of self-inductance occurs when a change in the electric current in a circuit creates an electromotive force (EMF) within the same circuit. The change in the current in a circular loop of wire generates magnetic field lines, which result in the generation of an EMF in the circuit, which, according to Lenz's law, opposes the change in current. The magnetic flux within the circuit is proportional to the current, with the self-inductance of the wire loop being the constant of proportionality. A wire loop is said to have a self-inductance of one henry if a change in current of one ampere per second results in an EMF of one volt in the circuit. Self-inductance can be thought of as a person’s self-motivation or self-drive. Just as self-inductance is the property of a circuit or device that opposes any change in the current flowing through it, self-motivation is the ability of an individual to drive themselves towards their goals, despite facing resistance or challenges.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone!!! :)

I hope you’re all having a good weekend.

I’m having a great one so far, I’m starting into the first law trilogy and the first book is starting to be very interesting.

Always remember, each and every one of you is awesome and you deserve great things and positive connections. Remember to always continue being yourself because there is no one better.

Today we are gonna be talking about The Einstein-Rosen Bridge

An Einstein-Rosen (ER) bridge, also known as a wormhole, is a hypothetical bridge that connects two distant points in spacetime. Theoretically, an ER bridge can connect extremely remote points billions of light years away or two close points a few meters away. They are also hypothesized to connect two points in time and two different locations in different universes. Ludwig Flamm first proposed the existence of wormholes in 1916 while studying Schwarzschild's solution to Einstein's field equation. In 1935, Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen developed this idea using the general theory of relativity and proposed the possibility of bridges through the spacetime fabric.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone!!! :) Its Wednesday, the midpoint of the week, and the weekend will be upon us in a few days. I hope your staying cool and hydrated. Please remember to take your meds if needed, and smile at yourself, you deserve it. Please know that your loved, and awesome. Always look out for one another.

Today we are gonna be talking about Kepler's Second Law.

Kepler's second law of planetary motion, also known as the Law of Equal Areas, states that a planet or any object orbiting the Sun sweeps out equal areas in equal intervals of time. In simpler terms, a planet moves faster when it is closer to the Sun and slower when it is farther away, but the area it covers in a certain time remains the same. This law applies not only to planets around the Sun but also to moons around planets. It explains why planets spend more time near their farthest point from the Sun (aphelion) than their closest point (perihelion) during their orbits.

Quietgirl82, to random
@Quietgirl82@dragonscave.space avatar

Good morning everyone. I hope your weekend is good and awesome. I’m gonna be preparing for the week ahead, and I might go get my nails done today.

Please remember, your dreams and goals are worth it and so are you. Never forget that you are amazing like a shining star.

Today we are gonna be talking about Blue Shift.

We have talked about Red Shift before. Blueshift is a phenomenon in astronomy that occurs when the light emitted by an object appears shifted towards shorter wavelengths, often making it appear bluer. This happens when the object is moving towards the observer. As an object moves closer, the light waves it emits get compressed, causing a shift towards the higher-energy, shorter-wavelength blue end of the spectrum. Blueshift is the counterpart to redshift, where light appears shifted towards longer wavelengths when an object is moving away. Many galaxies, such as the Andromeda galaxy, have a blue-shifted spectrum. Astronomers use blueshift to measure the speed and direction of celestial objects, helping to understand their motion and the overall dynamics of the universe.

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