cliffwade, avatar

I've spent a good majority of the day moving 750GB of files out of my Google Drive over to my @protonprivacy drive.

I've quit using Google Chrome(long long time ago).
I've quit using Gmail.
I've quit using Google Drive.
I've quit using Google Keep.

The one thing that is just too damn good to quit using that Google makes is Google Photos.

While there are replacements, there's nothing that comes even remotely close to being as good as Google Photos in my opinion. Literally NOTHING!

karrbs, avatar

@cliffwade @protonprivacy what did you use to replace Google keep?

cliffwade, avatar

@karrbs I really only used it for a shopping list, so I found That Shopping List that's on both Android and iOS.


mikec415, avatar

@cliffwade @protonprivacy I never liked Google Photos. They just don’t offer enough storage. I use iCloud Photos.

cliffwade, avatar

@mikec415 I have 2TB of storage there, which is enough as I'm only using about 300GB of storage with regards to photos themselves.


mikec415, avatar

@cliffwade @protonprivacy With Google Photos I was always afraid of running out of storage since I also use Gmail. With iCloud I never think about it. I refuse to pay Google for extra storage but I don’t mind paying Apple since I use lots of other Apple services.

cliffwade, avatar

@mikec415 I used Gmail since before it was public up until about 6 months ago. So about 20+ years and I started using Google Photos the day it was available at all and have never had to worry about storage issues and don't think I would for numerous years to come.

I literally pay $4.99 a month for 2TB of service and like I said, I just moved over 750GB of files that I've had for 2+ decades, if not longer and still have well over 1.2TB left of free space.


Aryanpro, avatar

@cliffwade @mikec415 @protonprivacy wait doesn't pixel have unlimited Google photos storage ?

cliffwade, avatar

@Aryanpro I don't believe so now days. They used to at one point, but I think Google changed that with the Pixel 6 or 7. I could be wrong.

@mikec415 @protonprivacy

mmportal, avatar

Not sure what you mean by Google not giving enough storage.

I mean, ignoring the past point when Google Photos was unlimited, Google includes 15GB free, and then it's $20/$30 a year for 100GB/200GB, with even more storage options in the multi-TB range if you're ok spending the gobs of money for them.

I use Google Photos a ton, and despite that its only using 19GB of my storage after almost three years, and most of that is a few long videos I probably should delete. Admittedly I use their Storage Saver compression, but 16MP photos and 1080p video is more than enough for my uses.

iCloud on the otherhand only gives you 5GB for free. Then charges you $12/$36/+ a year for 50GB/200GB/+.

You can debate plenty of things about Google, like whether there should be another cheaper plan option before the $100 plan for 2TB, but saying they don't offer enough storage is just weird.
@cliffwade @protonprivacy

mikec415, avatar

@mmportal @cliffwade @protonprivacy I have 2TB with iCloud.

mmportal, avatar

So does Google, for $100 a year or $10 a month.
@cliffwade @protonprivacy

mikec415, avatar

@mmportal @cliffwade @protonprivacy As I said, I refuse to pay Google for more storage but I don’t mind paying Apple since I use many other services. Also Google photos just feels wrong since it doesn’t use the iOS native photo app.

cliffwade, avatar

@mikec415 I use iOS more than I use Android, and Google Photos works perfectly well for me there. Again, been using it for years and years.

While I do get not wanting to support one company over another, they both have their pros and cons obviously and they both do good and both do bad.

There is certainly nothing that Apple makes that comes close to providing all of the features that Google Photos does.

It's just a sad reality unfortunately, at least to me.

@mmportal @protonprivacy

mikec415, avatar

@cliffwade @mmportal @protonprivacy It feels wrong to me. I never use android or any non-Apple os.

cliffwade, avatar

@mikec415 That makes more sense if you've never used Android or prefer not to.

I've used iOS since back around the iPhone 5 or 6 and still use it today even though I work for a large Android app.

I enjoy most things about iOS, but moving to Proton and Vivaldi for everything has been super simple and works really well.

@mmportal @protonprivacy

mikec415, avatar

@cliffwade @mmportal @protonprivacy I started with Apple II, used Mac since 1984, and got the first iPhone the day it was released.

cliffwade, avatar

@mikec415 I started back before any of these computers, and then used Apple II and Apple IIe's and Commodore 64/128 and beyond.

I too got an iPhone on day one, and also got the first Android phone on day one(still have it today).

Like I said, there's pros and cons to both ecosystems, at least for me personally.

@mmportal @protonprivacy

stu, avatar

@cliffwade @protonprivacy what about @ente photo storage

cliffwade, avatar

@stu As I stated in a previous response, it doesn't do anywhere near the things that Google Photos does and neither does anything else out there.

I'd want something that does everything Google Photos does, not just photo storage.

@protonprivacy @ente

stu, avatar

@cliffwade I know

ente, avatar

@cliffwade @stu @protonprivacy hey, which feature within Google Photos do you miss the most in Ente?

MartinaNeumayer, avatar

@cliffwade @stu @protonprivacy @ente What so particularly "cool" google photos does, or offer that makes it special or worth giving them your private, personal data? 🤔🙄
I am asking seriously. Name few such functionalities, please.

cliffwade, avatar

@MartinaNeumayer This isn't about private/personal data, because every company takes that to some degree. The difference is what they do with it. If you're on the internet, people somewhere, companies somewhere, have your personal/private data to some degree and you can't deny that.

Auto sync from phone to Google Photos, facial recognition, making of memories, collages and special photos, ease of searching for most anything, great web UI.

@stu @protonprivacy @ente

ente, avatar

@cliffwade @MartinaNeumayer @stu @protonprivacy Thanks for the feedback, this is very helpful! We're working on face recognition and making it easy to search and discover old memories. Beta will be out this month :)

cliffwade, avatar

@ente Oh, that is awesome to hear! Thank you for taking the time to respond. I'd certainly be curious to test it again if/when it had these things.

Don't get me wrong, what little I did play with it a couple of months ago, y'all have a really nice app. Very polished and certainly has great potential.

@MartinaNeumayer @stu @protonprivacy

MartinaNeumayer, avatar

@cliffwade @stu @protonprivacy @ente I don't deny that. I am very aware that with today used technology and standards is not possible to keep own content completely own and manage it in a correct, decent way. Perhaps someday in the future it will be possible? But not now and not soon.
Those features are fairly available in many other similar apps and services which are much more friendly to user and his privacy than google. Sadly they are using people's content for their own, shady purposes.

cliffwade, avatar

@MartinaNeumayer As ente stated themselves, some of those features are NOT available currently but are coming soon. So no, there are things that are not available in other software, or other software simply doesn't work as well as Google Photos and likely won't for a very long time.

@stu @protonprivacy @ente

MartinaNeumayer, avatar

@cliffwade @stu @protonprivacy @ente 2/n And that's why I say no to them. As many other people too. Not mentioning about user/children data illegally used scandals they are involved with. Such company is a big no-go for me.
Btw.. Their ui is very poorly made. Lots of important, normally useful options are hidden, placed without any common sense or not available at all. In this topic #ente for example is much better done, with the usability in mind. Imho.

cliffwade, avatar

@MartinaNeumayer Fair enough. Your opinion is respected, but I sadly disagree with how I wish to use the software.

I choose what I want, and you can choose what you want. It's all about choice and we all are allowed to choose different things.

@stu @protonprivacy @ente

MartinaNeumayer, avatar

@cliffwade @stu @protonprivacy @ente That's the good point. But google doesn't allow you to freely choose what you want. Or you are using all their crap, or you don't use it at all. There is no middle level, no free choice of options. And lots of them are simply not given to the user as they should be. You are simply chained to their ideas no matter how stupid or dangerous they are or can be. That is very not okay. As well as notoriously being lied by them. I can't trust such corpo who lies.

cliffwade, avatar

@MartinaNeumayer I completely and totally disagree. I choose what I want to use or not use, regardless if I'm using Android, iOS or whatever.

@stu @protonprivacy @ente

MartinaNeumayer, avatar

@cliffwade @stu @protonprivacy @ente You doesn't understand what was written.

cliffwade, avatar

@MartinaNeumayer I actually do understand what was written.

My point is, I'll use what I wish to use just like the next person will use what they wish to use.

I made a post about something totally different and it's now turned into a debate about privacy of personal/private data, which I don't care to be involved in at this time.

@stu @protonprivacy @ente

stu, avatar

@cliffwade Time to disengage bro

MartinaNeumayer, avatar

@cliffwade @stu @ente It was about functionalities you can't choose separately. You can only have all or nothing per particular app by google. I hope it is now clear.

Those functionalities are also the part of the topic we discuss about here from the beginning.

Ignoring some most important things and/or functionalities, that is something totally different and it is only your personal thing. I don't care. You can ignore those things or issues, but it doesn't mean they will magically vanish. 😁

cliffwade, avatar

@MartinaNeumayer Again, I completely disagree as I don't have to use all of the functionalities that an app provides, regardless if it's a Google app, Apple app or whatever.

@stu @ente

MartinaNeumayer, avatar

@cliffwade @stu @ente O really? So, try to turn off collecting all type of data that are gathered by Google trough no matter what of their app they provide today.
Can you?
Or you're telling me here now and the other people as well simply some totall bs?
So.. Show me/us how to do that, please.

stu, avatar

@MartinaNeumayer Martina we love your opinion and input on different topics but you are going way off course with your opinions on this particular topic

@cliffwade @ente

MartinaNeumayer, avatar

@stu @cliffwade @ente This are not opinions. Those are the facts and based on the professional experience by working little over ten years long for them. And due this time we did enormous amount of code for google. So I can freely and fairly well say: I know exactly how their shit is done and how it works. Don't I? 😉😁
In the simple words: tons of options are not available for end-user but they are still there and they remain active. Conclusion: no one can choose from them all freely. That's all.

cliffwade, avatar

@MartinaNeumayer I've stated, this post was NOT about this, so please stop hijacking my post or stop tagging me with this stuff.

I don't care to have this conversation nor to have your opinion shoved down my throat. I'm not changing simply because you want me to or feel I need to.

I'd prefer not to block you, but it's nearing that point.

@stu @ente

philipdrobar, avatar

@cliffwade darn, not even Have been eyeing that one.

cliffwade, avatar

@philipdrobar Nope. Just doesn't do all the things that Google Photos does. Google Photos is likely Google's smartest and best product ever made, outside of their Pixel devices.

joostruis, avatar

@cliffwade @philipdrobar you could use maybe?

cliffwade, avatar

@joostruis I doubt it does all the stuff Google Photos does either. There are so many things that Google Photos does that nothing else comes close to. And as an Android Pixel device user, Google Photos is just super simple and just works without any thought or anything else.


joostruis, avatar

@cliffwade @philipdrobar I must admit I do not use it myself but the reason for it existence should be to replace services like Google drive / photos / whatever spiders your data. Perhaps worth looking into it.

cliffwade, avatar

@joostruis The thing here is, Google Photos does WAY WAY more than just "photo storage". So this isn't about storage, as that's being done by my Proton Drive, hence me moving things out of my Google Drive.

To replace Google Photos I would want something that does everything it does, and literally nothing exists currently.


joostruis, avatar

@cliffwade @philipdrobar I hear ya. Well not being into the photo managing thing myself but this might be something

viktor, avatar

@joostruis @cliffwade @philipdrobar While Nextcloud Photos doesn't do everything Google Photos does, Nextcloud Memories app comes really close. Most people migrating from Google Photos to Nextcloud use Memories app.

cliffwade, avatar

@viktor Interesting. The issue here is, it seems to be all self-hosted and stuff like that. I'm not looking for anything like that at all.

I just want a web service that's easy to access and an app that's available on both Android and iOS.

I don't self-host anything and would really like to keep it that way if possible.

@joostruis @philipdrobar

viktor, avatar

@cliffwade @joostruis @philipdrobar Yes, if you're not looking to self-host it might not be right. There are managed providers such as Hetzner,, Good Cloud, Tab Digital, and others. They manage it, so you don't have to do anything.

cliffwade, avatar

@viktor Gotcha. Definitely something to think about for sure.

I appreciate the insight. I see a lot of people talk about and who use Next Cloud stuff for various things, so maybe it's something I really need check out and see what it's all about.

@joostruis @philipdrobar

viktor, avatar

@cliffwade Remembered you work at Nova. Would be nice if Nextcloud was integrated with Nova, just like Dropbox and Slack 🤔🙏😀

cliffwade, avatar

@viktor LOL I realized when I saw the profile picture that it was you emailing. I appreciate you using our app.

We are actually looking to integrate with other apps and software in various ways actually. Is this something that we would talk you about or is there someone you would suggest we speak to at Next Cloud? I could have Kevin or Phil or someone reach out.

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