
What a loaded question.

Outside of the fact that a single cows life provides about 900 meals for humans, and the scraps left over make boots that last for a decade and also feed our cats and dogs. Plus, it’s delicious.


It's delicious, therefore we should torture it and eat it. People are the worst.


Guess you didn’t get to grow up watching the discovery Channel before all their shows were about crab fishing and animal rescue. Would you rather I go rip a gazelle apart and start eating it’s insides while it keeps trying to stand up with only two front legs?

FaceDeer, avatar

There's no need to "torture" cattle to get meat from them. Indeed, meat from animals that are experiencing stressful conditions tastes worse. Not to mention simply having lower productivity. A farm with happy cows is going to be more profitable than one with stressed ones, all else being equal.


Imagine how many people you could feed if we would just eat what we fed the animals!


Ah yes, good old hay … delicious!


We can’t live on hay and corn. Cows need several stomachs to do it.

Also, getting enough protein and creatine and other vitamins as a vegan is a hell of a lot of work and doesn’t taste as good.

Humans are animals, and the type of animals we are is omnivores. Not herbivores.

7heo, avatar

Yeah so, the amount of meals is correct. But that’s about it. I mean, I can’t say about the taste, to each their own, but one kg of cow meat needs two dozen kg of grain.

That’s about as inefficient as it gets.

As for the leather, the industry doesn’t like products that last a decade, so it isn’t actually using the leather in such a way. Industrial leather boots last a year tops.

Finally, pet food is made out of discarded cuts of meat, the uglies, etc. But also lots of cereals, and vegetables.

So we could really afford eating less meat. It isn’t good for anything. Not for us, not for the other species (certainly not for the cows, that get often half assed butchered in a hasty way because of quotas and profit), and absolutely not for the ecosystem.

But I guess the taste is all that matters.

FaceDeer, avatar

Cows are not all fed on grain. A lot of cows are ranched on land that would not be suitable for growing grain crops.


Billions of trees every year get cut down to make space for cattle pastures, now tell me how destroying entire ecosystems that have been there for potentially thousands of years is worth some particular meat.


And billions of acres of pasture could never support trees


Whatever their food is, 1kg of beef requires 24kg of grain's worth of energy. This is something they teach in high-school biology now. The higher the food chain, the more energy is lost. Stopping such production would be pretty beneficial to the environment, but whether we should is a complicated question.

FaceDeer, avatar

But as I pointed out, many cattle are ranched on land that cannot grow grain. They can't grow the sorts of crops that humans eat, only the sorts of crops that cattle eat. If cattle weren't being ranched on those lands they wouldn't be producing edible grain instead, or any other food that humans could eat. So the inefficiency is moot when it comes to the amount of nutrition produced, removing the cattle from that land would simply reduce the total amount of food we have available.

Sure, if you remove the cattle then wild animals could come in to replace them, but we should make sure that's not going to result in starvation and poverty if we do that. Many areas of the world have subsistence ranching by the locals.


Interesting. However, a search says that feeding all the grass (or whatever) to cattle takes that food away from existing ecosystems in dry areas and potentially allow exotic weeds to take over land. So we probably don't want this to expand to the point where we intrude on dry ecosystems.

FaceDeer, avatar

It's just a matter of land management. Many of those grassland areas used to have other large grazing animals on them, so as long as the cattle herds aren't bigger than those old herds it should be sustainable.


And of course the land couldn't be used for anything else... like natural ecosystems.

Just because land exists doesn't mean it needs to be pillaged to feed our desires.


Are we just going to ignore the millions of acres of vast grasslands that supported like 50 million buffalo in the US 200 year ago? Healthy grassland ecosystems and ruminants are a thing.

FaceDeer, avatar

Most ranchland is, in fact, a "natural ecosystem." They just send cattle out to graze on it.

The point I'm making here is about food efficiency, though, not about land use.

7heo, avatar

Exactly. Nah, we just gotta have man made monoculture everywhere, or a desert, right? So that, in the end, it just amounts to deserts anyway. Yay. 😶



Cows eat grains that humans can’t digest, or if they can, it takes energy to transform them to something human can eat.


we use some of the most fertile lands in the midwest that could be used to grow literally anything else to grow vast amounts of soy and corn for cows.

FaceDeer, avatar

And in those specific cases, sure, you could do more efficiently by getting rid of the cattle.

The point I'm making is that there's plenty of cattle raised in places that aren't like that.


sure but a very small amount compared to what people eat. around 50% of american land is just used to grow crops for cattle. if we opted to reduce that, think of how much forest and natural land we could bring back.

iAmTheTot avatar

Industrial leather boots last a year tops.

With respect, you're buying awful boots.

Alto avatar

If we had the same size, I could be wearing my grandfather's steeltoes that are probably a solid 40 years old. People really underestimate how long good footwear lasts when you take care of it.

7heo, (edited ) avatar

So, OK, I’m willing to learn: please show me good brands then.

They need to resist to mud (thick mud, the kind with a ton of suction that will keep your soles when you try and move), seawater, rocks and sand, and pretty dense vegetation.

They also need to have steel toe caps, good soles (vibram or equivalent if possible) that don’t slip, and that aren’t too hard (wet stone is enough of a female dog as it is), and to go higher than my ankle.

The best brand I tried so far was caterpillar, but they lasted only 3 years. That’s a far cry from “a decade or more”.


I can make hey dude’s last 9 months. If OP can’t make the cheapest leather boots last more than a year, they are using them wrong, or they should buy high end boots for whatever they’re doing.


Seriously. I bought some dirt cheap full grain leather biker boots 3 years ago; I have given them exactly 0 care, abused the snot our of them daily, and they are still holding up strong. These weren’t even boots meant for working and they still survived trudging through the various slops of all 4 minnesotan seasons for 3 years.

As long as you are buying actual leather and not “genuine leather” then whatever you buy should easily last several years even if not cared for. Well cared for leather goods can last decades.

FunnyUsername, avatar

Cigarette smokers must really baffle you too


No, they don’t. I used to smoke, nicotine is a fucking bitch of a drug, somehow I managed to quit using vaping and nicotine gum over 2 years. Beef is not an addictive chemical. You must never have experienced nicotine drug, what a naive ass comment to make.

FunnyUsername, avatar

I smoked for 7 years

Get over yourself lmfao

edit: P.s. food is absolutely addictive, btw


Let me just believe you’d be that stupid to make that comment after knowing how difficult it is to quit.

FunnyUsername, avatar

Congratulations on quitting.


It’s nutritious. Instead of carefully observing some diet you can eat some beef and buckwheat or cabbage or beans, and you’re good.

That said, I eat meat so rarely that my relatives worry, mainly because it takes some time to cook if you boil it, and I’m lazy and unorganized, and frying it has the potential of, eh, leaving the kitchen for 5 minutes which turn out to be half an hour and returning for the smell.

Other than that people can’t care about every problem at once.


Meat yummy


Tastes gud

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar

Because we are carnivores and that’s how nature works?


The word you’re looking for is omnivores

p5yk0t1km1r4ge, avatar



I’m not a vegetarian by any stretch but even I know there’s nothing natural about how the bio industry works.


Why do vegans always think they have the moral high ground?


Why does “whatever the fuck you are” have an inferiority complex?


Why does, “what ever the fuck is this comment” make no sense?


Don’t poke the beast. Paragraphs incoming.

CursedByTheVoid, (edited )

Probably because they do, at least in the realm of dietary choices. Choosing to slaughter billions of sentient creatures every year for food and accessorization, when the majority of us have an abundance of other options, is morally fucked… and this is coming from somebody who eats meat with some frequency.

Just because we like it, or because it’s easier, or because it’s “tradition” doesn’t mean it’s morally righteous, it just means we’re selfish assholes 💀

When people lash out at vegans it always seems to boil down to some degree of cognitive dissonance… Eat meat and revel in the immorality if you so desire, no one’s stopping you; but don’t fucking lie to yourself, and don’t get butthurt when someone holds a mirror up to your face. The loss of life, environmental impact, and the effects on our own health is enough justification to argue in favor of veganism, vegetarianism, or some other alternative that doesn’t result in needless harm.


In my country at least beef consumption peaked around 2012 (…/uk-meat-consumption-lowest-leve…)

I think post WW2 there was a drive towards the idea that we’d never need to go without. This combined with lifestyle changes (more people working longer hours) gave birth to the rise of fast convince foods and the mass growth of places like McDonalds and Burger King.

Why don’t people just stop? Ideas within society have a lot of momentum, they take a lot of energy to get started and a lot to turn or stop again.


1 the amount of beef I eat is not a major contributer to the problem. No matter how hard I try. The actual major contributors what to distract people by telling them that they can make the difference. They can’t. 2 I don’t like plants… 3 the way the grow plants for food is also terrible for earth


The major contributors only sell what people buy. They won’t stop so long as there’s money to be made. And most plants grown for food go to feed animals.

You don’t like plants because you’re a big baby.

So yeah, your arguments suck.




because not every country produce beef like you westerner. and not everyone eat beef everyday.

go make your government ban beef like you ban palm oil if you really care about earth.


go make your government ban beef

I would get them to end all subsidies for the beef industry if I could. Unfortunately I’m not in control of that, all I can do is bring up discussion, and I got you to comment, so I succeeded.


So you did nothing that won’t get lost in the maelstrom of the internet…congrats.




Big money involved


Dumb fucks who fall for propaganda on every platform.


I’m a native whose culture have hunted and eaten meat for millennia, what propaganda were my ancient ancestors being shown?


What does what your ancestors did have to do with what we now know about modern factory farming? The question was about still eating beef despite what we know today, what does that have to do with your ancestors? Is your comment not the very definition of a strawman?


Who are you to come to my continent, judge me and tell me my culture is wrong?


The future mate, the future.

Zoot, avatar

The future will absolutely not look down on cultures that have to rely on animals for food. Do we look at native Americans as horrible people because they had to slaughter animals, in a controlled, and relatively well thought out manner?

Personally I believe the most likely alternative will be bugs. Do bugs not count as an animal? Or would you say bugs shouldn’t be eaten either


They would drive animals off cliffs. That would cause horror if they were to repeat it today yes. Just stop eating living animals it’s that simple, but if you want to eat bugs, knock yourself out.

I think we’ll find “plagues” of species more common and end up harvesting as many as possible then so that “locust” is the primary protein source for that year.

Zoot, avatar

Its not that simple. I can see why you believe it is, and it probably helps contribute to why you have little empathy even for those who show you they physically cant.


Why, explain, why the next time you go shopping you NEED to buy animal products?

You talk about my lack of empathy? jokes are flowing tonight. I noticed you didn’t deny the chicken allegations ;)

Zoot, avatar

What chicken allegations? Are you high or something?


Lol replied to the wrong person. A lil.

Anyway ignore that bit. Why do you need to buy animal products? There are alternatives.

Zoot, avatar

Soon to be alternatives, which I’m all for. I was only pointing it out that it isn’t exactly plausible for everyone, and arguing with someone who can’t is not worth their time, or yours.


It’s ingrained into our capitalistic culture. Fast food ads every 20 minutes on tv. Grilling on weekends. Tailgating. A WackDonald’s on every corner. Not to mention big Dairy.

knightly, avatar

Because my partners are picky eaters and I literally cannot get them to even try vegetarian meals. If it doesn’t have beef, pork, or chicken then they won’t touch it. >_<


Not everyone has the time and resources to commit to every ‘good’ fight under the sun especially when the systemic problems are as deeply rooted in our society as they are.

Which device did you post from? Did you vet it wasn’t made with slave labor? You might need to go recycle all your devices and unfortunately that will cut you off from getting your message out to the world.

Your post does more harm to your cause than good because it just makes everyone angry at you.


Eating beef is expensive, though. I agree with the rest.


Stop eating meat, it’s easy, you change your diet and are healthier.

Honestly stop saying “Your post does more harm to your cause than good because it just makes everyone angry at you”

It’s a tired and worn out excuse to avoid saying “I’m lazy and selfish”


Can you provide some product comparisons that include cost and nutritional value? Take into account dietary restrictions as well. Not for me personally but for anyone in general.


No, do your own work if you actually care or are you just trying to “gotcha” me?


Yes, they’re just trying to “gotcha” you. They could spend five seconds and look up that information on the same device they’re posting from.


So could the poster, but you certainly are not accusing him of trying to “gotcha” other people.


OP? Seems like they’re asking for anecdotes and wanting to discuss it. The “gotcha” commenter seemed to clearly be insincere.


In what way? He was clearly receptive to the link given by the other guy. The fact that you only see what you want to see is the real problem here.


Yes based on the further responses I think I misread the intent. No need to be a jerk about it.


The ‘gotcha’ was going to be: “Great information! This is the kind of post that might actually change someone’s mind.”

But instead we have condescending posts/comments that assume everyone simply has the means to make a significant change in their life.


Well I suggest you go to one of the many places where people are talking about it. I hesitate to share one with you but try


Great! Now someone reading this thread that just learned that beef is bad has a community they can look into.

I actually very rarely eat red meat myself but it’s for dietary reasons. Poultry and fish are my biggest source of protein but I still get a good amount from seeds, beans, etc.


It’s easy when you only need to care about your own needs. Try saying that with a family and kids…based on your comment I suspect you can’t.


Lead by example, or are you too weak to do that?


You could certainly lead by example by not acting like an insufferable asshole and giving the movement a bad look.


You could choose to stop murdering animals, yet here we are.


I’m pretty sure more animals got killed by you turning off people against the movement than I ever cause by eating beef my whole life. I barely eat beef in the first place, and most of what I eat comes from small scale local farmers. So congrats, I guess, for killing more cows than me.


You’re just making shit up to try and justify your stance. It’s hilarious.


Sure, whatever you want to believe. You don’t seem to care that you’re sabotaging your own movement, anyway, so what so I care what you think.


Sabotage, lol, keep on coming up with excuses. Pretend it’s not you who’s the shitty person. I started my movement when I was a child and didn’t even know the word vegan. For a lot of people vegan is a personal thing and the fact there’s a community is a bonus, but you wouldn’t understand.


Again, sure, whatever your mind wants to make up and believe to maintain your superiority complex. It’s just really funny seeing how ass-backwards you are since your efforts seem more damaging to your movement than anything else. It’s almost like you don’t actually care about reducing beef consumption, only that you get to claim the moral high ground. Well, whatever. It’s not worth arguing with your ego, I got better things to do.


If you eat more meat because of what someone said you’re clearly deranged.


I’m lazy and selfish


Not that lazy considering it didn’t need to be said. You do you though chief. Good luck getting help to change.


I don’t need help


I mean you just admitted you are lazy and selfish. Not a great look is it?


Who cares



CursedByTheVoid, (edited )

Potatoes, pasta, bread, legumes, nut butters, vegetables, fruits, jelly, jam; all things that many people already eat with some regularity.

Time and resources are hardly an excuse, you don’t have to spend two hours a night preparing some 5 Michelin star meal with the most organic, non-GMO, [insert buzzword] ingredients in order to make better dietary choices, at least not in the first world where we have ample options… Shit, even just reducing your meat intake by 10% is a net harm reduction that adds up.

The slave labor thing is valid to an extent, but not entirely analogous. For better or for worse, modern society is increasingly dependent on technology; folks rely on it, in some form, to find/perform work, pay the bills, stay in contact with friends and family, survive the climate they live in, travel, etc… This isn’t typically the case with meat, it’s often just carnal desire which results in the death of something to the tune of ~80 billion (with a “B”) animals every year that didn’t really need to be slaughtered.

People absolutely should be upset about the conditions of workers being exploited anywhere in the world and advocate on their behalf where possible, but our position shouldn’t be: “Oh, some bad shit happened over here, so I guess it’s fine to allow this bad shit over here to proliferate as well”… just sayin’.


I’s often just carnal desire which results in the death of something to the tune of ~80 billion (with a “B”) animals every year that didn’t really need to be slaughtered.

I’m genuinely curious: what’s the vegans’ answer to the question of “what happens to the cattle and other livestock if everyone on the planet turned vegan tomorrow?”. It’s not like they can just be let loose…

Realistically the amount of livestock is not sustainable and they’d need to be culled in gargantuan numbers so that they don’t go from a “managed” ecological disaster to an “out of control” ecological disaster. And then you get the slaughter without the benefit of feeding billions of hungry people.

CursedByTheVoid, (edited )

I mean the premise already feels a bit absurd, but I’ll play…

I’m not a vegan myself, and I don’t really hang out in vegan spaces that much, so my answers may differ from your typical vegan, or not… who knows. But I suppose if the general goal is to preserve life where possible, then you should absolutely try to find some place for the animals to live out their days in peace. If we can manage to stuff them all in neat little boxes on the land we have now, I doubt it’s some intractable problem. You don’t have to let 'em run free and “out of control” per se, repurpose the land of the now defunct factory farms and slaughterhouses, build a number of sanctuaries all over the place, and plop 'em there. Of course, no one can possibly know all of the variables involved, so I’m not saying this is a well thought out solution, I’m just spitballing… but we’re not exactly hurting for land, to my knowledge.

However, suppose I granted you:

Realistically the amount of livestock is not sustainable and they’d need to be culled in gargantuan numbers

Why would that necessitate this outcome?

And then you get the slaughter without the benefit of feeding billions of hungry people.

Veganism isn’t some virus that physically prevents you from eating meat, and plenty of vegans have been meat eaters at some point in their lives. If it came down to it, I imagine there would be a steady supply of folks who would opt to revert temporarily instead of letting it go to waste. Vegans may disagree with me here, but I think it’s certainly a more ethical choice if the animals are already dead, can’t let the sacrifice be for nothing.

The vegan viewpoint on animals really just boils down to eliminating unnecessary suffering and death. Many are fine with the prospect of hunting, fishing, or raising livestock for food when there aren’t other options (eg. environments with insufficient crop yields to feed everyone or infrastructure to get other food), the problem arises from the fact that those of us privileged enough to live in a land of abundance continue to needlessly slaughter. Do we need to eat? Of course. Do we need to kill things to do it? Fuck no.

All that said, I think a more realistic transition scenario would be something like the meat industry halting slaughter operations, exhausting their existing supply until either there are no animals left to kill, or there are a small enough quantity to where we can just yeet the rest onto some farms somewhere. Not that vegans would be entirely on board with that, being anti-slaughter and all, but it’s at least a reduction in harm and a more believable way for things to play out… I think.

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