derthomas, avatar

I don't know Sonata Arctica and I didn't know about their existence until @Dad_Wood tooted about them.

Judging from the name and the artwork I expected Nightwish style melodic/symphonic metal from Finland 🇫🇮

Turns out the latter was correct, and for the other stuff?

Well, I guess I need to find out, and there is only one way to do this properly... #Metaljourney 🤘

Kicking things off with their debut #Ecliptica

🎵 Replica by #SonataArctica



kreatorfangirls, avatar

@derthomas @Dad_Wood Okay, I'm getting on this journey too!

I first came across them over 15 years ago and I did like the couple of songs I heard then... but somehow never seeked to listen more.

Better late than never when it comes to expanding my musical horizon...

zm1, avatar

@derthomas @Dad_Wood i can't listen to them! Really! That cheesy stuff makes me sick! A friend of me always wears a Sonata Artica shirt when we meet just to annoy me! That's what friends are for 😁

derthomas, avatar

@zm1 yeah if you don't like power metal, you'r gonna have a bad time with this 😂
I don't mind, sometimes it is nice to listen to, but I think I can only do 2 albums in a row before I need a break.

derthomas, avatar


...and is what I got.

That was a bit of a surprise tbh, but I like me some cheesy melodic riffs and vocals from time to time.

Overall is a solid album, a good and fun one time listen.

2.5 out of 5 wheels of frozen cheese.

🎵 Destruction Preventer by

derthomas, avatar


Next up on my #SonataArctica #Metaljourney is Silence.

It starts with an atmospheric intro followed by the finest #PowerMetal riffs:

🎵 Weballergy

Now I know where Twilight Force got their inspiration from 🤘


derthomas, avatar


An 11 minute epos closes Silence.

🎵 The Power Of One by

The album is solid, a fun one time listen. 2.5 out of 5.

I think this was enough cheesy power metal for today, I can only take so much. I think I need some Motörhead now.


  1. Silence 2.5
  2. Ecliptica 2.5

An0n, avatar

The interesting thing about Sonata Arctica is how much they change over the course of their albums. They start off as very power metal, but evolve in a way that can range from pleasing to deeply disappointing...I look forward to hearing your thoughts on their other albums!

derthomas, avatar

@An0n you know I listen to some power metal from time to time, but I dearly hope that what you said is true, because 11 pure power metal albums is a bit much for me.

derthomas, avatar


Winterheart’s Guild is Sonata Arctica's third studio album and next on my

Let the madness continue ✨ 🤘 🎸 🧀

🎵 The Cage

derthomas, avatar


Ok, Winterheart’s Guild is a weird album. There is so much cringeworthy cheesy stuff on it that makes me wanna stop listening. E.g. "Draw Me" is such an awful song.

But then there are some real bangers, like "The Cage" or this one:

🎵 Champagne Bath

Skip that cheesy ballads and you have a good album.
But like this, best I can do is another 2.5 out of 5.


  1. Winterheart's Guild 2.5
  2. Silence 2.5
  3. Ecliptica 2.5

#TomsMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

Time to pick up where I left on my

Some of you wrote that Sonata Arctica has some style changes throughout their career.
Their 4th studio album "Reckoning Night" is, however, still very much
Well, at least the opener sure sounds like it...

🎵 Misplaced

derthomas, avatar

Ok now I can hear some changes. While song 2 (Blinded No More) is almost a hard rock ballad, the following songs add some proggy elements.

Like this one:

🎵 Don't Say A Word by Sonata Arctica

I like where this is going!

#TomsMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar

Wait, did I just hear Lemmy growl something?

🎵 Wildfire by Sonata Arctica

#TomsMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar


Shamandalie is what we call a "Schnulze" in German. It is also the closing track of Reckoning Night.

🎵 Shamandalie by #SonataArctica

I like where they are heading. There are still a lot of cheesy songs, but with all the proggy elements I like this album better than the first 3 on my #Metaljourney

Still 2.5 out of 5. Solid, but I probably won't pick it up again.


  1. Reckoning Night 2.5
  2. Winterheart's Guild 2.5
  3. Silence 2.5
  4. Ecliptica 2.5
derthomas, avatar


  1. Unia.

This sounds different.
This sounds better 🤘

🎵 In Black And White by #SonataArctica

#TomsMusic #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar


#Unia really is better. I see a new leader on my #SonataArctica #Metaljourney ranking coming.

🎵 It Won't Fade by Sonata Arctica

This song could almost be a Devin Townsend song.


derthomas, avatar


I don't like cheesy ballads, and the closer of an otherwise good album is no exception...

🎵 Good Enough Is Good Enough

Other than that, #Unia is my favourite Sonata Arctica album so far. There is not much left of their power metal roots, except some keyboards and chimes. And the cheesy stuff.

Good album, 3.5/5


  1. Unia 3.5
  2. Reckoning Night 2.5
  3. Winterheart's Guild 2.5
  4. Silence 2.5
  5. Ecliptica 2.5

#TomsMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

Dad_Wood, avatar

@derthomas My favourite ❤️

derthomas, avatar


Was an outlier and Sonata Arctica will return to sweet with the next album on my

"The Days of Grays" is up next, kicking off with an instrumental intro that doesn't answer my question yet. Maybe song 2 does? 👇

🎵 Deathaura

Wait, there's a women on vocals. That's a new...

derthomas, avatar


"The Days of Grays" sounds like the soundtrack to The NeverEnding Story.
Sonata Arctica brought back some cheese. But good cheese.

🎵 The Last Amazing Grays

#TomsMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar


Have you ever wondered what #DeathMetal sounds like, if you pour a ton of sugar on it?

I didn't, but this song sounds like it 👇

🎵 The Dead Skin by #SonataArctica

Why does this work? How?
What a great song! 🤘

#TomsMusic #Metaljourney

derthomas, (edited ) avatar

My wife just asked me what kind of music this is, because I usually don't listen to this cheesy stuff 🤷‍♂️

Yeah.. Sonata Arctica's "The Days of Grays" is at least 3 songs too long.

I'd rate it 3/5.

Unfortunately these cheesy songs in the end ruin a better rating.

🎵 Everything Fades To Gray


  1. Unia 3.5
  2. The Days of Grays 3
  3. Reckoning Night 2.5
  4. Winterheart's Guild 2.5
  5. Silence 2.5
  6. Ecliptica 2.5

#TomsMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar


After "Days of Grays" (and after I cleansed my plate with some Hellripper), it is time to move on to "Stones Grow Her Name" on my #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

The opener...

🎵 Only The Broken Hearts (Make You Beautiful)

...sounds like a proggy hard rock song with trademark Sonata Arctica stuff (cheese, but weirdly interesting cheese).


derthomas, avatar


I think Stones Grow Her Name is the romantic comedy in Sonata Arctica's discography.

Not a good one to be honest.

🎵 The Day

#TomsMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

derthomas, (edited ) avatar


Nope nope nope.

"Don't Be Mean" is one of the shittiest songs and "Stones Grow Her Name" one the worst albums I have listened to in a long time.

1 out of 5 starts (the lowest rating since I started rating).

Dear #SonataArctica stop doing that now or I will stop my #Metaljourney for the first time ever!


  1. Unia 3.5
  2. The Days of Grays 3
  3. Reckoning Night 2.5
  4. Winterheart's Guild 2.5
  5. Silence 2.5
  6. Ecliptica 2.5
  7. Stones Grow Her Name 1


Dad_Wood, avatar

@derthomas The worst album is yet to come, but also the second best (at least to me).

derthomas, avatar

@Dad_Wood oh lord... this was really painful to listen to, which is a shame, because they delivered good albums before.
So I guess you're also not too fond of Stones Grow Her Name?

Dad_Wood, avatar

@derthomas Nope, second worst to me.

derthomas, avatar


Yesterday's path on my ended with an all time low. Let's forget that and start fresh with "Pariah's Child", Sonata Arctica's 8th studio album.

It doesn't start with an intro track, but with a quite old school song:

🎵 The Wolves Die Young

...which 3 minutes in sounds like it could be on the soundtrack of Frozen (which I never watched).

derthomas, avatar


hm... yeah... Pariah's Child doesn't move me much, but this is a decent song:

🎵 Half A Marathon Man by Sonata Arctica

"X Marks The Spot" is also interesting.

#TomsMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

derthomas, (edited ) avatar


Pariah's Child sounds like Sonata Arctica are auditioning for the soundtrack of a Disney Movie (Frozen?).

I mean, listen to this...

🎵 Larger Than Life by #SonataArctica

2 out of 5 <insert Blayne Smith skull rating joke here>

Yeah that's not for me.


  1. Unia 3.5
  2. The Days of Grays 3
  3. Reckoning Night 2.5
  4. Winterheart's Guild 2.5
  5. Silence 2.5
  6. Ecliptica 2.5
  7. Pariah's Child 2
  8. Stones Grow Her Name 1

#TomsMusic #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar


Moving on. The next album on my #SonataArctica #Metaljourney is "The Ninth Hour". After two terrible dissapointments, I am hoping for the best.

🎵 Closer To An Animal


derthomas, avatar


I enjoyed the first half of "The Ninth Hour".

And then comes this...

🎵 Candle Lawns by #SonataArctica

...and my toenails are all curled up.

#TomsMusic #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar


Ok I have to confess, I never liked symphonic melodic metal. I never liked Nightwish or Within Temptation and consorts.

The Ninth Hour is exactly this. And suuuuper cheesy. Cringeworthy cheesy.

It has some good songs in the beginning though, that's why I'll give it 2/5.


  1. Unia 3.5
  2. Days of Grays 3
  3. Reckoning Night 2.5
  4. Winterheart's Guild 2.5
  5. Silence 2.5
  6. Ecliptica 2.5
  7. The 9th Hour 2
  8. Pariah's Child 2
  9. Stones... 1

#TomMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar


Addon to The Ninth Hour...

@Dad_Wood you made me listen to this band... you made me listen to THIS FUCKING SONG??? 👇


...ok I am a bit dramatic now, they do have good songs and enjoyable albums. But gosh... their lows are really low. And corny.

#TomsMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

Hadeur, avatar

@derthomas @Dad_Wood Yikes.. :D

derthomas, avatar

@Hadeur ja, das ist gar nicht mal so gut. @Dad_Wood

Dad_Wood, (edited ) avatar

@derthomas @Hadeur Nur die Harten und so weiter. 😂 Ersthaft: Manchmal brauch ich diese Band. Sie haben mit ihren zahlreichen Alben eine sehr große Hitanzahl und ich finde Tonis Stimme aussergewöhnlich. Mir machen sie zum größten Teil echt Spaß. Und live sind die super. Hang in there, nur noch 2 Alben 🤘

derthomas, avatar

@Dad_Wood das verstehe ich schon, die sind zeitweise echt kurzweilig und mir macht diese Metaljourney auch Spaß!
Manche Lieder sind nur extrem hart anzuhören, so kitschig ist das.

Dad_Wood, avatar

@derthomas @Hadeur Gut, du gibst dir halt auch die ganzen Diskografien en bloc. Das würde mir persönlich bei fast jeder Band schwerfallen. 😅

Cat Cheese GIF

derthomas, (edited ) avatar

Best of kann ja jeder 😉
Aber ja, es ist schon zeitintensiv und geht nur wenn ich mal Phasen mit weniger Meetings habe. Zu lange Pausen sind nämlich auch schlecht, dann verlierst du den Flow irgendwie. Aber es ist schon faszinierend zu sehen, wie sich eine Band entwickelt.
Bei Amorphis war es ähnlich. Meine liebsten Journeys waren Death, Carcass und Type-O-Negative. Und eigentlich auch Amorphis.

Dad_Wood, avatar

@derthomas @Hadeur Ich lese sie auf jeden Fall furchtbar gerne 🤘

derthomas, avatar


Two albums left on my #SonataArctica #Metaljourney and I am wondering if they'll be able to make me like them again.

The album is called Talviyö and starts with a message from the sun.

🎵 Message from the Sun by Sonata Arctica


derthomas, avatar


Ok, so far Talviyö is less corny symphonicy than the previous albums. It's more on the hard rocky ballady side.

🎵 Storm The Armada by #SonataArctica

I'd still wish for another Unia though...

#TomsMusic #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar


Hey what's that? I like that one! 👇

🎵 Ismo's Got Good Reactors by Sonata Arctica

That's some really nice guitar works and.... and probaly my favourite #SonataArctica song on my #Metaljourney

But that song title confuses me tbh. Is Ismo the finish energy provider? And what reactors do they use that ares so good? 🤔


derthomas, avatar


Talviyö closes with a typical Sonata Arctica style balad, however overall the album is less corny than the previous ones

There's some nice riffing which makes this album really enjoyable.

Overall a solid 3/5


  1. Unia 3.5
  2. Days of Grays 3
  3. Talviyö 3
  4. Reckoning Night 2.5
  5. Winterheart's Guild 2.5
  6. Silence 2.5
  7. Ecliptica 2.5
  8. The 9th Hour 2
  9. Pariah's Child 2
  10. Stones Grow Her Name 1

#TomsMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar


Here we are, "Clear Cold Beyond", the most recent #SonataArctica album and also the last album in my #Metaljourney

And it starts of great 🤘

🎵 First In Line Sonata Arctica


derthomas, avatar


3 songs in and Clear Cold Beyond is already my favourite Sonata Arctica album.

The riffs hit harder, the pace is fast, the cheesy stuff is very reduced and the vocals are less annoying.

🎵 Shah Mat by #SonataArctica

...ok, not so fast, because it happened before that their albums started of great, only to develop into corny snoozefest later on.

But I am very optimistic with this one!

#TomsMusic #Metaljourney

derthomas, avatar


Clear Cold Beyond was on its way to a 4 star rating (=great) , but then comes the second half that brings back the corny ballads (Teardrops, The Best Things, title track) and my rating drops to a (still good) 3.5/5.

Man there's so much potential for real greatness - but at least for me- they ruin it with their Diseny movie soundtrack stuff.

🎵 Angel Defiled by Sonata Arctica

#TomsMusic #SonataArctica #Metaljourney

derthomas, (edited ) avatar


That was a wild ride with Sonata Arctica!

High highs, really low lows.

Clear Cold Beyond almost made the top spot. But only almost.

So, here is my final #SonataArctica #Metaljourney album ranking:

  1. Unia 3.5
  2. Clear Cold Beyond 3.5
  3. Days of Grays 3
  4. Talviyö 3
  5. Reckoning Night 2.5
  6. Winterheart's Guild 2.5
  7. Silence 2.5
  8. Ecliptica 2.5
  9. The 9th Hour 2
  10. Pariah's Child 2
  11. Stones Grow Her Name 1

And here is my Best Of playlist:


Dad_Wood, avatar

@derthomas Cool. Your top 2 are my top 2 as well 🤘 I consider Talviyö to be their worst record, by far, though.

derthomas, avatar

@Dad_Wood yeah these 2 really stand out!

But Stones Grow Her Name over Talviyö?

I almost had to stop listening to Stones Grow... because I couldn't stand how cheesy it was.

Dad_Wood, avatar

@derthomas Talviyö lacks pressure, intensity, riffs, edginess. I hardly remember any songs from that record. Stones is a record that I don't really understand. But at least it surprises me unexpected add-ons, like the banjo or with unusual songs like Cinderblocks or Shitload of Money. And I do like the (cheesy) ballad of I Have a Right. I simply love its message. Anyways: SA are the NGO in Heavy Metal. As a hopeless romantic and do-gooder, SA often hits my sweet spots.

SteVanDee, avatar

@derthomas once more, I totally agree. I enjoyed the „harder“ vibe a lot. And me too, I cannot understand, why they feel urged to have at least 2-3 ballads on EVERY album.
But maybe, that‘s how they define the „symphonic“ style of theirs. 🤷🏽‍♂️

derthomas, avatar

@SteVanDee my theory is that they have a lot of fanst who want exactly these ballads.

They should do a double album, one side only fast paced harder stuff, one side ballads.

Dad_Wood, avatar

@derthomas I have a feeling ...

trendskater, avatar
trendskater, avatar

@derthomas Komisch, ist doch ne suuuuper Band!

Happy Season 2 GIF by Law & Order

derthomas, (edited ) avatar

Haha das definitiv mal eine andere Metaljourney.
Also die sind eine komische Band, die machen zum Teil so derbe kitschigen Scheiß... und dann hauen sie richtige Banger dazwischen raus.

trendskater, avatar

@derthomas Da gibt’s ja einige … Amaranthe fallen mir spontan ein, bei denen verirrt sich auch mal ein guter Song, hab ich gehört 😄

Dad_Wood, avatar

@trendskater @derthomas Amaranthe is ja auch so ein Ding … aber zum Laufen auf den Ohren sind die super🤘

Dad_Wood, avatar

@trendskater @derthomas Ich muss mir dringendst angewöhnen, meine Posts nach Autokorrekt-Fehlern zu checken BEVOR ich sie abschicke. Oh Mann!

derthomas, avatar

@Dad_Wood @trendskater also ich hätt gar keinen Fehler bemerkt.

Dad_Wood, avatar

@derthomas @trendskater Is ja schon editiert gewesen 😉

SteVanDee, avatar

@derthomas I totally agree. Sonata Arctica has a few really brillant songs hidden between overly cheesy stuff.

To me, it‘s like root beer. Sometimes I‘d have a craving for it. After less than one can, I‘m fed up with it…😜

I am curious what you‘ll think about the current release, though.

derthomas, avatar

@SteVanDee yeah I think my Sonata Arctica will be 🔥 because I cut out all the cheesy songs 😂

Dad_Wood, avatar

@derthomas Not really symphonic, but melodic, sometimes cheesy power metal with some progressive and „weird“ elements - especially on (my favourite record) UNIA. Enjoy🤘

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