Vincarsi, avatar

The idea that it's justifiable to let unspeakable suffering within your community continue when you have enough excess (meaning losing it wouldn't affect your overall quality of life) resources to stop it, just because those resources "belong" to you and you shouldn't be expected to give them up unless you get something better in return, is absolutely the most selfish, morally bankrupt and evil foundation for a society that always leads to fascism eventually.

freemo, avatar


Agreed, people who dont donate their time and money to help charities, especially when you have excess, is morally dubious at best.

Not sure what that has to do with #Capitalism however.

Radical_EgoCom, avatar

@freemo @Vincarsi
#Capitalism concentrates wealth and resources into the hands of a few rich individuals, which is what leads to the kind of conditions that the OP is talking about, where wealthy people hoard resources for themselves and refuse to give any to others unless they can benefit financially in some way.

freemo, avatar


concentrates wealth and resources into the hands of a few rich individuals

Yes, though, it distributes fairly based on their contribution to society when operating in a healthy way. Societies dont have an equal distribution of people contributing equal utility, ergo you should see unequal distribution of wealth in a healthy government with a typical population.

which is what leads to the kind of conditions that the OP is talking about

Fully disagree. Uneven distributions of wealth does not, in and of itself, lead to lower quality of life or less charitable works. In fact, it has been objectively shown that rich people give significantly higher percentages of their income to charity than middle class or poor.

where wealthy people hoard resources for themselves and refuse to give any to others

That does not line up with reality IMO. Very few rich “hoard wealth” which would look like a mountain of resources sitting in a vault collecting dust (such as useful minerals, or other materials useful to society). In fact they dont even tend to hoard money itself. Almost all rich people have all of their money actively in the community and used for social utility. For example in investment in businesses. No person who hoarded wealth would be rich because wealth looses value with time. You only become rich by not hoarding wealth (putting your money out into the community, at a risk of loosing it or getting a return).


aeleoglyphic, avatar

@freemo @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi Missing their whole point it seems.

freemo, avatar


Feel free to clarify then, ill do my best to understand what I missed.

Note: most people confuse missing one's point with not agreeing with it. So please be careful you didnt make that mistake here, its a vital difference.

@Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

aeleoglyphic, avatar

@freemo @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi Even if you don't include america. Capitalism in every conception creates inequality. Not just in the context of america. But in the context of access to resources. Even in some of the european countries non-citizens are forced to pay out of pocket for healthcare. No human should be denied treatment. So no, contribution hardly matters. The market decides your worth, which is arbitrary and non-sensical.

freemo, avatar


Even if you don’t include america.

Agreed, I am not including america here specifically. I am speaking of capitalism as a whole (which would include the whole of the EU, the UK and the overwhelming majority of countries world-wide).

Capitalism in every conception creates inequality.

It doesnt create inequality, it fairly rewards people for the amount of utility they give to society. Since people give utility to society unequally, this means people are fairly rewarded and those rewards are unequal.

Capitalism (when healthy) provides equity (fairness) not equality (everyone event) which is exactly how it should be!

Not just in the context of incom [sic] But in the context of access to resources.

Agreed, and this is a good thing. People who provide more utility to society should have access to more resources since they have proven to be more effective in converting resources to utility.

Again equity over equality. The bigger issue is if people have the same access to opportunity. In other words, if you can demonstrate you provide utility to society will you have the equity of having access to the resources you have demonstrated you earned. A healthy capitalism does just that.

Even in some of the european countries non-citizens are forced to pay out of pocket for healthcare.

If you can afford healthcare you should be paying for it out of pocket. If you cant society should help you with welfare programs. A capitalism does not preclude social welfare.

No human should be denied treatment.

Agreed, and when a capitalist government provides healthcare to those who cant afford it, they are still a capitalist country. Capitalism is not mutually exclusive with social welfare.

The market decides your worth, which is arbitrary and non-sensical.

No it doesnt. It defines your access to resources, and it isnt arbitrary, it is based on the utility you provide to society (in a healthy capitalism).

The fact that you think a persons worth as an individual is synonymous with the resources they have access to is a very concerning POV.

@Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


«People who provide more utility to society should have access to more resources since they have proven to be more effective in converting resources to utility.»

Someone who believes this ought to support a very different system from modern-day “capitalism”.

For example, one should support taxing inheritance at 100%, since proof of effectiveness at converting resources to utility is not hereditary.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


As I pointed out earlier Capitalism isnt a system. It is a base tenant that can be used in the development of systems. The actually system has tons of nuance and tenants that interact. there is no modern day capitalist system, just lots of different systems of government most of which have tenants of capitalism and social welfare as part of such systems (and other tenants as well).

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


One would also have to support the abolition of rentier income of all kinds, because mere ownership of a resource does not contribute to the productive process.

Whether or not rentier income can in practice be clearly distinguished from productive profit does not detract from the point that rentier income is incompatible witht he principle of distribution based on effectiveness at converting resources to utility.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


being a landlord is not "mere ownership of a resource".. The resource is the land, the utility you provide is the livability of that land. You are providing the maintenance of the building, keeping it up to code, repairing damage due to natural disasters or renter abuse, hell at one point you had to even build the building, not mention maintaining the physical land (removing trees and overgrowth, repairing fences etc).

Landlords very much are providing a utility from a resource.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


Yes, of course, a landlord does managerial work that should be compensated. But ownership of the building is not necessary for the ability to do that managerial work, nor is doing that work required for the legal entitlement of the collection of rent.

The landlord isn't even usually the person who built the building or repairs the fences.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


Yes, of course, a landlord does managerial work that should be compensated.

Cool we agree there at least.

But ownership of the building is not necessary for the ability to do that managerial work, nor is doing that work required for the legal entitlement of the collection of rent.

I dont recall anyone saying it was necessary that the owner of the resource be the same person who is deriving utility from said resource.

These can of course be complete separate resources. In which case the person who owns the land is providing the utility of selecting/screening the most effective managerial service. The managerial service is then outsourced to do the actual management. In this case the utility is provided in multiple steps is all. But the landlord and t

he rental service are still providing a utility.

The landlord isn’t even usually the person who built the building or repairs the fences.

Not always, and as I just covered when they are separate then the landlord is providing a different utility than the managerial service. But both are still providing utility.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


«In which case the person who owns the land is providing the utility of selecting/screening the most effective managerial service.»

Of course, but that work could be provided by anyone. The tenant. The government. A tenants' union. It takes no special skill and neither does it require ownership of the building.

The only reason it's the owner who gets to do that job is that they're legally entitled to. And somehow that entitles them to rent.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


Of course, but that work could be provided by anyone.

It absolutely could… Any case of a resource being turned into a utility could be done by anyone. The point here is in capitalism the people whoa re most effective at converting resources to utilities are the ones who get assigned those abilities through the free-market pressures that drive it.

If a tenant were as good or better than the landlord at driving utility then in a healthy capitalism they would be a home owner and not a renter, thats the whole point.

A tenants’ union

Nothing stopping such an entity from existing in a capitalist government. The key is such an entity will only exist (for long) if they can provide such a utility better than everyone else.

It takes no special skill and neither does it require ownership of the building.

It absolutely does take special skill. Evaluating the quality of a managerial service and who you defer such services to is very much a skill. Pick a bad service and you loose everything (as you provided bad utility), pick a good one and you thrive. You also need to be ready to switch services should your current service decline in quality.

The only reason it’s the owner who gets to do that job is that they’re legally entitled to.

No that isnt the only reason. They are legally entitled to and provides the best utility in doing it. If they were only legally entitled to but didnt provide good utility they would pick a poor service and have lost their property as a result, which would mean a newer better landlord would take their place that can provide that utility better.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


You're making a very strong assumption that resources would get distributed to whoever can best turn them into utility.

Do you have a specific mechanism in mind through which this happens? Or is it just magic?

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


You’re making a very strong assumption that resources would get distributed to whoever can best turn them into utility.

Yes I am. If you dont then you dont have a healthy capitalism. The assumption here is you have a healthy capitalism, which i defined as a free market (a market where utility is the determiner of profit, and is not gamed by centralized interests).

Do you have a specific mechanism in mind through which this happens? Or is it just magic?

Not magic, yes. But systems of governments are hugely complex pieces of working machinery. While we can discuss the tenants (such as capitalism, social welfare and others) the specific mechanisms are huge complex and would require an exorbitant amount of time to exhaustively discuss. That say, I am willing to discuss any specific aspects you’d like to challenge as I have so far done.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

18+ Vincarsi, avatar

@freemo @magitweeter @aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom
So basically you're asserting that Capitalism works perfectly when it doesn't interact with reality?

freemo, avatar


Snark I dont mind. But the employing the red herring fallacy (grossing mischaracterizing a persons stance to be the opposite of what is said as some gotcha to appear to create an illusion of “winning)… honestly based on your comments up until now I’d like to think your better than that.

That said at least you had the good sense to point out it was snark rather than a fair evaluation. So i can be a little less critical of it. But it certainly isnt helping your stance IMO.

@magitweeter @aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom

magitweeter, avatar


«a free market (a market where utility is the determiner of profit...)»

This sounds like an incredibly difficult, if not impossible, thing to achieve. I for one don't see a way to achieve it without outright abolishing private property as we know it.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


This sounds like an incredibly difficult

Most governments eventually fail no matter what ideology they employ, this is true of capitalist, communistic and everything else. Yes governments are incredibly difficult to do successful. No argument there.

I for one don’t see a way to achieve it without outright abolishing private property as we know it.

Its been done, and those governments have all failed too. Even when they are democratic they have literally been voted out of existance by the massive starvation it tends to result in.

So we have very clear proof that simply enacting such a policy in a government system will absolutely not be a magic fix for these ills.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


Let me clarify what i meant. I didn't mean just that it would be difficult in practice. What i meant is that not even in theory is it clear how «a market where utility is the determiner of profit» could be made to work.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


Let me clarify what i meant. I didn’t mean just that it would be difficult in practice. What i meant is that not even in theory is it clear how «a market where utility is the determiner of profit» could be made to work.

From your perspective that is very understandable. I would completely expect that it would be unclear how it would work in theory, because as I said the theory is extraordinarily complex when it comes to any system of government. Since I have not conveyed the full details of such a system to you, due to time and complexity, it is perfectly understandable you dont have that information and therefore it would be unclear.

However from my perspective, as someone who has put a great many man hours into the study of such systems and have considering it in great detail to formulate my stance it is quite clear both in theory and practice. Being complex in no way implies it isnt clear.

It is likewise perfectly understandable you wouldnt just take my word for it, nor should you. The best I can do is answer your questions where you happen to remain confused and alleviate some minor aspects of your confusion and get you closer to understanding. If such conversations go on for an extended period of time you would either come to understand the theory, or find holes in it and thus I would refine my stance further.

Thats simply the nature of complex systems, and it is why governments tend to fail, most people are not good with high complexity, and therefore democracies are a bit paradoxical in that you are trying to get people bad at complex things to be the ones making decisions about complex things. This is why most governments fail.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


Given your stated willingness to answer my questions, let me rephrase my last few replies in the form of a question:

How does it come to be that utility is the determiner of profit in a “free market”, whatever that means?

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


How does it come to be that utility is the determiner of profit in a “free market”, whatever that means?

Through a very complex system of laws and regulations that are carefully selected. I could not ellucidate such a complex and complete system trivially here in these comments in a single night.

That said, if you’d like to touch on a small fraction of some of the major regulations that keep a market free we can certain touch on some of the major points in a non-exhaustive manner.

  1. free education and training for everyone at every level. You cant have equity (equal oppertunity, not equality) if peoples start in life in terms of skills and abilities arent equal.

  2. Good generous caring results-based conditional welfare… in others words, a system that makes sure the poor have the absolute basic to survive no matter what, and enough to thrive as long as they are willing to do their part.

  3. Strong anti-trust (anti-monopoly) laws that are enforced. Monopolies mean the market isnt free. You cant have a free market if monopolies can control it.

  4. Strong laws and strong enforcement against corruption, particularly price fixing. Regulations mean nothing if you can simply collude to circumvent them.

These 4 are probably some of the most important top 4 elements neccesary for a capitalism to be a capitalism (as I defined it), though as I stated they are only a very small tip of the iceburg.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


Those are all practical policy recommendations which may or may not help make utility the determiner of profit. I can even grant that they do. My question is about something different.

Is it wrong of me to assume that you're taking for granted that production and distribution are organized around markets as they're typically understood? Markets in goods and services, markets in labor and capital, supply and demand—that sort of context?

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


Those are all practical policy recommendations which may or may not help make utility the determiner of profit. I can even grant that they do. My question is about something different.

I am glad we agree, at least, so far as we can with such a limited scope.

Is it wrong of me to assume that you’re taking for granted that production and distribution are organized around markets as they’re typically understood?

Yes I would say thats a wrong assumption. I am not taking it for granted. At no point did I say that current governments are healthy governments. Therefore how they are currently organized has little bearing on how I claim a healthy government should be organized.

The disconnect, as I see it, is that I am arguing that such dysfunction arises in the nuance between the extremely complex facets of government systems that ultimately fail to deliver healthy markets, as well as quite a few other unhealthy byproducts (like starving poor people). The solution is not and never will be a dogmatic and ideologically pure system like pure blind redistribution of wealth (everything is free and equal) or pure unregulated wealth (everyone has whatever they can kills steal and rob and its theirs). A healthy solution can only arise from the careful nuance and interplay of various ideologies and an understanding of where and how they should be applied in such as system.

On the flip side it would appear your argument is that the very tenant of capitalism as an element int he more complex systems of governement is the factor that is to blame and will rot it away (never mind the fact that we have counter proof of that since governments that are anti-capitalist have likewise failed). One might presume your argument would be one for communism as an idealized principle, but that is just speculation. and I argue that any idealized dogmatic principle applied tot he formation of a government is in fact what leads them to fail, and not any one principle in isolation.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


No, i haven't posed an argument so far, i have only expressed my objections to your position. If i had to make an argument, it would look something like this:

Wealth affects agents' ability to pay for a resource, therefore their willingness to pay. Thus wealth inequality distorts demand, and so distorts prices, and so distorts profit. Thus someone commited that «utility should be the determiner of profit» should take a stand against inequality.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


Ok, so if your premise is that inequality of wealth leads to these problems I would presume (correct me if im wrong) that the corollary is therefore true. Ensure perfect wealth equality (Everyone has the same amount of wealth, exactly) would be the only way to ensure a fair market?

If wealth equality is threfore the solution, how would you achieve that without invoking communism, which is literally the principle of wealth equality?

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


I should clarify that i'm not interested in achieving “a fair market”. I am, at best, agnostic about markets.

I should also emphasize that inequality is a spectrum. Taking a stand against inequality doesn't mean advocating perfect equality, it just means prefering less inequality rather than more. It means that inequality should be (perhaps ambiguously) undesirable on principle, rather than an unambiguously good outcome of “healthy capitalism”.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


If inequality drives power vacuums that ultimately lead to corrupt elements of systems (like the market), then what would your reason be for wanting a little bit of inequality at all? Wouldnt perfect equality be superior to simply reducing inequality? What the reasoning there for you?

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


It has nothing to do with what i want. Perfect wealth equality is unachievable even if inequality is undesirable.

Neither does one need to be committed to perfect wealth equality to agree that, for example, a billion dollars is too much wealth for anyone to have.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


> It has nothing to do with what i want. Perfect wealth equality is unachievable even if inequality is undesirable.

Ok lets rephrase slightly. Would your view of an ideal system be one that achieves the most wealth equality as possible through 100% even distribution of wealth (or as close to 100% even as the system can reasonably do)... If not, why not?

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


“as close to 100% as reasonable” is very generous and arguably passed by any given system. Maybe someone considers any attempt at wealth redistribution unreasonable, and therefore complete laissez-faire is to them as close to 100% equality as it reasonably gets.

Rather, i believe that relative equality would be the outcome of the system doing other things well, rather than a goal to pursue in spite of other concerns.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


> Maybe someone considers any attempt at wealth redistribution unreasonable, and therefore complete laissez-faire is to them as close to 100% equality as it reasonably gets.

We are talking about what you envision as an ideal system (not what you want but what will make for the best system for all in your opinion)... therefore we are talking about reasonable by your reasoning and no one elses.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


not sure i follow. I thought equality wasnt just a side effect but needed to prevent power vacuums?

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


Not trying to give you a hard time. Genuinely trying to understand your POV.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


Well, i never said anything about power vacuums. You must be mistaking me with another commenter.

Insofar as concentration of wealth leads to concentration of power, the ideal system leads to relative wealth equality in particular because it's good at preventing concentration of power in general.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


Not so much that im mistaking you, rather that im trying to extrapolate from what you said and getting some of it wrong, which is why we are talking and not yelling at each other :)

Ironically we are in complete agreement. In a healthy system wealth equality will in fact occur naturally through he other mechanisms in place. You do not want equality, but you will have less of a wealth gap in a healthy system than you would in an unhealthy system.

That said, as to the point I made many times a wealth gap is also going to exist (and needed) for such a healthy system as well.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


That's where i disagree. You see a degree of inequality as a necessary condition for the sorts of incentives that drive your ideal system, while i see it as an inevitable consequence of there being a multitude of people appraising a multitude of goods in unequal ways. Which is why i emphasize the relativity of it all.

I'm heading off for the night. With apologies to @aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi whose notifications we've probably blasted full by now.

freemo, avatar


Nah everyone in this thread blocked me a long time ago. You are the only one who remained mature and respectful. So dont worry they didnt see most of this.

You have a good night.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

magitweeter, avatar


Also, please, don't mistake granting a statement with agreement.

I see plenty of problems with the ideas of free education, welfare in general, conditional welfare in particular, law in general, and anti-trust law in particular, both in the context of the “free market” and beyond.

I'm just not interested in discussing them right now because, like i said, my question is about something different.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


Also, please, don’t mistake granting a statement with agreement.

I see plenty of problems with the ideas of free education, welfare in general, conditional welfare in particular, law in general, and anti-trust law in particular, both in the context of the “free market” and beyond.

I didnt, dont worry. This is why I was careful to add the bit about the limited scope of our agreement. Specifically the aspect you said that you “granted” me.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

niclas, avatar


To clarify; "healthy capitalism" is not what the socialist/communists calls "capitalism". We have today a state-induced power structure that breeds off capitalism (unhealthy) for power and control.

What is sickening to me is that said socialists/communists in practice want to get rid of the "good part" (capitalism) from what we have today and keep the "power and control" to micromanage the population to starvation, when the capital runs out.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


If a capitalism isnt healthy then it isnt a capitalism. So they are using the wrong term.

The fundamental tenant of capitalism is a free market where all players are judged not on who they are or their power, but by the utility they bring alone. If you have an exploitative system then you dont have a free market (as someone is in control of it) and therefore do not have a capitalism to begin with.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

niclas, avatar


We on the capitalism side agree on this, but my point was that when socialists talk about capitalism, they mean the crony-crapitalism we have today (where billions of loot...I mean taxes...are handed out to BigCorps), and therefore the subject can't even be discussed in a honest manner.

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

freemo, avatar


Yea I get that... my point to drive home to them (not you) is "that isnt what capitalism is at all, you can't just make up words" :)

@aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

Vincarsi, avatar

@freemo @niclas @aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom My issue with this whole debate is that I was calling out a real problem with the real economic system I am affected by in reality that calls itself capitalism, and you jumped in to defend the hypothetical version of capitalism that can't exist in a pure form so it's irrelevant to my critiques and deflects the point. I want to engage with people about the reality we're facing and discuss potential solutions, not have my energy wasted on pedantry.

niclas, avatar


Difficult to discuss solutions, if the problem can't be properly defined.

@freemo @aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom

freemo, avatar


Properly framing the problem (which includes clearly defining the terminology) is usually the most important step in reaching a solution. It is also the step most often dismissed as pedantry when it is anything but.

@Vincarsi @aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom

freemo, avatar


My issue with this whole debate is that I was calling out a real problem with the real economic system I am affected by in reality that calls itself capitalism,

Again there is no such thing as a “system called capitalism”… capitalism is a tenant, a small component in a complex system with countless components. Its more accurate to say you are identifying real problems in a complex system of government. One of its many tenants includes capitalism among them.

The important aspect of my initial response, which directly address the context without going onto a tangent at that time, was that your system of government being shitty has nothing to do with it having a principle of capitalism among its principles, but rather other factors dealing with complex and subtle elements.

and you jumped in to defend the hypothetical version

No that came later as people had various clap backs at my input, and then we down the rabit hole into discussions that expanded on various ideas and explored them. This was not the case for my initial response. But ultimately diverging into this deeper dive shouldnt be problematic in anyway. That said, you could always have asked me to politely disengage and I would have been more than happy to honor that. You did not, we continued

that can’t exist in a pure form so it’s irrelevant to my critiques

No tenants can exist in pure form, as no tentants are systems… Communism, socialism, corpacracy, capitalism… any tenant you list are just singular ideas, not a single one of them can exist as pure systems of covernement because not a single one of them is a system of government on their own. We do however have tons of examples of system of governments that include some combination of those ideas within their system.

So yea, it cant exist in a pure form, neither can anything else, that doesnt make it irrelevant to your critiques, it just makes your critiques poorly formed (in my view, others may find them well formed). You absolutely could have critiqued it in a way that would have been entierly relevant to any critiques, its just to do so you’d have to stop insisting it was a whole system and recognize it was only an ideal that can be used as a principle in some systems.

and deflects the point.

It doesnt deflect the point, it does however require you to refine the point to incorporate the new information I am present. A re-framing of your point to the new information very well could have had a more valuable and fruitful discussion (in fact a few others were able to do that more successfully IMO)

I want to engage with people about the reality we’re facing and discuss potential solutions, not have my energy wasted on pedantry.

Exactly, which is precisely my goal as well. Which is why it is so important i push you to stop making dogmatic idealized arguments and recognized the complex nuance of these systems so we can do just this, discuss real potential solutions rather than wasting time on pedantry.

@niclas @aeleoglyphic @Radical_EgoCom

Radical_EgoCom, avatar

@aeleoglyphic @freemo @Vincarsi

Just block @freemo. There's no point in having a conversation with them. All they did was claimed that I was wrong about saying that capitalism is inherently exploitative without explaining why I was wrong, and instead just kept making claims about the competitive nature of capitalism being good for everyone, again, without explaining why. It's like debating with a pro-capitalist AI with a system malfunction.

Vincarsi, avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @aeleoglyphic yeah, brings me back to the days when I learned apologetics for young earth creationism. So convinced you're correct that any evidence someone presents to the contrary just doesn't compute. It's the same kind of dogmatic thinking, except instead of "God created earth 6000yrs ago" it's "Capitalism is actually the best system if people just stopped messing it up!".
A system for social organization that results in such a massive imbalance is not a good system.

freemo, avatar


I mean your the one who keeps referring to these concepts as monolithic pure ideologies rather than nuanced components of a larger system as I keep indicating.

Projecting much?

My reply to you here quite clearly shows that im the only one in this conversation who isnt dogmatic and actually addressing the finer nuance of the discussion:

@Radical_EgoCom @aeleoglyphic

Vincarsi, avatar

@freemo @Radical_EgoCom @aeleoglyphic Does the ideology of Capitalism hold that an individual has the right to withhold access to property they own title to, even if the lack of access results in the death of another person? Yes or no.

freemo, avatar


Does the ideology of Capitalism hold that an individual has the right to withhold access to property they own title to, even if the lack of access results in the death of another person?

No, in the sense that, the ideology of Capitlism is not explicit on that singular issue. That would depend on your interpretation of the ideal.

The ideal itself is essentially that a markets need to be free of any sort of centralized control. But it does not dictate that such a market can not have regulations that does not represent a single controlling interest.

Some may interpret capitalism to mean “no regulation of any kind” in which case the answer to your question under that interpretation is yes. Others might interpret it to mean “regulation is needed to avoid centralized control” in which case they may interpret the answer as no.

For example the Netherlands is a capitalist country, just like all of the EU. Yet it has a law, roughly translated to anti-crack laws, that says if you have extra homes you are required by law to give them to someone in need to live in them if you cant find a renter at a reasonable economic rate. So int he Netherlands we have an explicit example of a country which adopts the capitalist ideal where the answer to your question is unequivocally “no”.

@Radical_EgoCom @aeleoglyphic

skoombidoombis, avatar

@Radical_EgoCom @aeleoglyphic @Vincarsi yeah, i stopped with the claim that uneven wealth distribution doesn’t mean a lower quality of life—utopian corporatist views have no place in our modern world. People who make arguments like theirs believe the world is a beautiful place and poverty is self-inflicted.

freemo, avatar


People who make arguments like theirs believe the world is a beautiful place and poverty is self-inflicted.

I beleive nothing remotely of that nature.

I explicitly stated a healthy capitalism must have social welfare programs, that directly contradicts your mischaracterization of me.

I also clearly list in my profile quite a few strong stances that disagree with you, such that all education at all levels should be tax paid, strong and generous welfare systems, free tax paid abortion, etc.

@Radical_EgoCom @aeleoglyphic @Vincarsi

Radical_EgoCom, avatar

@freemo @Vincarsi
Concentrating wealth in the hands of a few individuals inherently creates systemic inequalities and power imbalances, regardless of any perceived meritocracy in wealth distribution, and charitable works and investments by the wealthy do not address the root causes of poverty and exploitation perpetuated by the #capitalist system.

freemo, avatar


> Concentrating wealth in the hands of a few individuals inherently creates systemic inequalities and power imbalances

While the word "systematic" is a bit nebulous here, and not too important, overall I'd say yes, this is true, it creates power imbalance, and that is a GOOD thing.

There should not be equal power, there should be power imbalance. People who have demonstrated they have produced the most utility for society should have more power than those who dont. This ensures those with a demonstrated track record of providing utility for society continue to maximize societies utility.

Now the important part, of course, is having the proper checks on those powers. A president has more power than a citizen, this is fine because we have checks on that presidents power, checks that (ideally) ensure that if that power is abused they loose that power.

> investments by the wealthy do not address the root causes of poverty

Agreed. I am not claiming that investments by the wealthy alone address the root cause of poverty. While having wealthy people in a society is a good thing I am in no way proposing it solves all of life's ills. I am also in no way claiming we should be without social programs. All countries in europe are capitalistic for example, most of which also include social welfare as part of their capitalist governance, and that is an important aspect of a healthy capitalist government, but must be done carefully to do right as well.

> exploitation perpetuated by the system.

Capitalism doesnt exploit people. People exploit people. And if markets allow exploitation then they arent free markets, and therefore are not capitalist in nature.


Radical_EgoCom, avatar

@freemo @Vincarsi
Concentrating wealth in the hands of a few individuals creates a power imbalances that favor the wealthy elite at the expense of the majority, and checks and balances within a capitalist system are sufficient to prevent abuse of power that these power imbalances spawn. Capitalism itself inherently exploits workers through the extraction of surplus value from their labor. It's not correct to only attribute exploitation to individual actions and ignore the effects of #capitalism

freemo, avatar


Concentrating wealth in the hands of a few individuals creates a power imbalances that favor the wealthy elite at the expense of the majority,

Thats a circular argument. Concerntrating wealth creates wealthy people, absolutely, thats the point. It doesnt favor the wealthy, it creates them, exactly as we should want it to (assuming this is concentration is a factor of utility, which in a healthy capitalism it is).

checks and balances within a capitalist system are sufficient to prevent abuse of power that these power imbalances spawn.

Whether they are sufficient or not dependent entierly on the government. Some government lack sufficient checks and balances on power, others do not. There is nothing inherent about capitalism that garuntees these checks and balances are absent.

Capitalism itself inherently exploits workers through the extraction of surplus value from their labor.

Wrong, capitalism provides the necessary utility to workers to allow their labor to have surplus value, surplus value that their labor would not have on its own.

It’s not correct to only attribute exploitation to individual actions…

Agreed, it would be incorrect to attribute exploitation only to individual actions. Which is why i didnt do that, I expressed both the effects of individual actions and collectively (checks and balances are a collective actions).

and ignore the effects of #capitalism

Its not the effects of capitalism, so those arent ignored.


Radical_EgoCom, avatar

@freemo @Vincarsi
A few individuals concentrating wealth among themselves isn't desirable, at least not to the poor, as it creates a power imbalances that favor the elite. These power imbalances exist because the capitalist system inherently prioritizes profit over the well-being of workers and the community, making checks and balances insufficient in preventing exploitation and oppression. It's not individual or collective action that's at fault, it's the inherent nature of #capitalism.

freemo, avatar


A few individuals concentrating wealth among themselves isn’t desirable

It is if those individuals are providing the most utility to society. Absolutely it is.

at least not to the poor

Even to the poor. A society that maximizes utility of its resources benefits the whole of society when that society has equity (instead of equality). Which as I said is an element of a healthy capitalism.

as it creates a power imbalances that favor the elite

No, it creates power imbalances that favor the people who add the most utility to society, making them elite. Which again, is exactly what we want.

These power imbalances exist because the capitalist system inherently prioritizes profit over the well-being of workers and the community

Incorrect. capitalism inherently prioritizes utility, profit without utility doesnt exist in a healthy capitalism. As for the well-being of workers, you only get maximum utility if you have healthy workers, ergo a healthy capitalism will not dismiss the health of its working populace.

making checks and balances insufficient in preventing exploitation and oppression.

Since your prior was wrong your posterior is likewise wrong.

It’s not individual or collective action that’s at fault, it’s the inherent nature of #capitalism.

Since you are repeatedly mischaracterizing what capitalism even is this conclusion falls flat.


Vincarsi, avatar

@freemo @Radical_EgoCom you're mischaracterizing capitalism as something that doesn't have inherent flaws.
The very fact you keep talking about "healthy capitalism" belies that you know you're talking about a fantasy where all of the problems with capitalism are magically solved. I'm not interested in a system that's only good if everyone does it right. The world has been brought to the brink of destruction under capitalism, it doesn't matter what it's like healthy when it's so easily sickened.

freemo, avatar


you’re mischaracterizing capitalism as something that doesn’t have inherent flaws.

No I wouldnt say so. I am not claiming its flawed or not. Capitalism itself is one ideology, as with all ideologies it does not and can not exist in a bubble. There is no such thing as a “pure capitalism” because a capitalism is one among many principles that must be combined to form a government.

Flaws arise in how one combines the various principles available to them to form a system of government than incorporates those principles.

As I have mentioned many times I continually assert the adjective “healthy capitalism” to distinguish it from unhealthy capitalism, which can certainly exist as well (and have plenty of flaws). What makes a capitalism healthy or not comes from the nuance in how one combines principles along side it.

The very fact you keep talking about “healthy capitalism” belies that you know you’re talking about a fantasy where all of the problems with capitalism are magically solved.

Quite the opposite, if I thought capitalism was perfect as a pure ideology without the need for any other principles or nuance then I would not need the adjective “healthy”. The fact that I am using that adjective is exactly the evidence that it isnt a fantasy and that I am well aware that unhealthy capitalism can also exist.

I’m not interested in a system that’s only good if everyone does it right.

Since capitalism is not a “system” it is a pure ideology, and a system only comes about when you combine principles and nuance to create an overall mechanation this statement is nonsensical to the context.

The world has been brought to the brink of destruction under capitalism

The world has been brought to the brink of destruction under quite many principles in play, many of which have had unhealthy manifestations. This includes communistic countries (which also are equally nuanced).

it doesn’t matter what it’s like healthy when it’s so easily sickened.

Agreed, which is why the overall system selected must be one that is not easily sickened.


Cirdan, avatar

@freemo @Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi
I understand your reasoning and why you think that way, but I wholeheartedly disagree with most of your conclusions.

freemo, avatar


Certainly nothing wrong with disagreeing.

Of course without further comment other than that im not sure stating as much adds much value to the dialog. But that said I do appreciate you sharing your stance on the issue all the same.

@Radical_EgoCom @Vincarsi

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