GottaLaff, avatar


Via Scott MacFarlane:

Asked by CNN if he agrees w claim that defendants are hostages, Sen (R-SC) answers, "I believe that our DOJ should allow a jury of our peers to make the decisions"

(Approx. 140 people have been convicted at trial, 700+ opted for guilty plea)

Scott also told CNN about the Jan 6 mob: "99% of the people who showed up were there to exercise their first amendment rights.

(Of the 1200+ defendants, 450+ have been charged with assaulting police)

kshapar, avatar

@GottaLaff And that guy’s a Senator - whose life was threatened by those people “exercising their 1st Amendment rights”



In 1990s I read book titled "American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass", by Douglas Massey.

He pointed out that it was elected Black people who often were the main cause of the poverty affecting the people they were elected to represent.

Scott seems to be an example.

GottaLaff, avatar

@tutormentor1 Wait what? So Barbara Lee, John Lewis, Hakeem Jeffries, Kamala Harris, etc etc are "the main cause of the poverty affecting the people they were elected to represent?"



Read the book. Certainly most of the leaders you mention, and thousands of others, have done much to reduce poverty. However, there are others who have not.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@GottaLaff I expect stupid remarks like this to be uttered by multiple desperate GOP

lin11c, avatar

He is a vile liar. On brand for MAGAt GQP. What a loser.

William3rd, avatar

@GottaLaff Unbelievable stupidity! What did South Carolina do to deserve this self-serving ass?

GatekeepKen, (edited ) avatar

Uncle Tom is discusting. Every thing is Joe Bidens fault. He said Biden destroyed the economy...WTAF


@GottaLaff it's a southern thing to want to rewrite insurrection as some sort of rights exercise.

GottaLaff, avatar

2/ More from MacFarlane:

About Tim Scott's claim: "Our Dept of Justice should allow a jury of our peers to make the decisions"

The courts & Constitution have always required defendants be offered jury trial. DOJ doesn't get to choose

(And 100% of Jan 6 juries have handed down full/partial convictions)

WmShakesp3are, avatar

@GottaLaff Tim Scott is an idiot. That’s all.

RunRichRun, avatar

Justice is blind. GOP is delusional.

Snowshadow, avatar

I heard that Project 2025 will be implemented upon the election of the next GOP president. After reading the "project" and observing the GOP I am thinking the MAGAs have begun already. They are sowing doubt as to the vailidity of the DOJ and the Constitution. Prepping the public..brainwashing with propaganda.


@Snowshadow @GottaLaff

Look.... IMHO, the military will not stand for authoritarianism in this country. It's bad for them. I know most people would be tempted to think the opposite, but I've always been a bit of a contrarian . I submit that their job is to defend the constitution first and foremost. Following the orders of the president is secondary to that. They have a duty to not enable unlawful commands... I may be wrong.

Snowshadow, avatar

@lednabwm @GottaLaff
I understand what you are saying, and I hope you are correct. However I have talked with members of the armed forces and I find it troubling to hear that in many messes (cafeterias) Fox is on the TV 24/7.

Threadbane, avatar

@Snowshadow @lednabwm @GottaLaff
Not just the military, but DoD contractor corporations' buildings ( Raytheon, Lockheed-Martin, Rockwell Int., as well as DoD civilian installations, like Rome Lab, the Navy Yard, the National Security Agency, etc. It's like having the Pentagon having piping Tokyo Rose into the hallways, TASS broadcasts during the Cold War, or Baghdad Bob when we were invading Iraq. It's psychopathic.

lin11c, avatar

@Threadbane @Snowshadow @lednabwm @GottaLaff
This administration has control over this. They need to demand that FOX or other RW sewer channels are never allowed on government owned premises. They lie and it's insane that this is OK. It's like we are broadcasting the propaganda of democracy's enemies. Absolute madness.

Snowshadow, avatar

@lin11c @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
Indeed. so much for freedom of speech, eh?
(Cue the censorship trolls!)

lin11c, avatar

@Snowshadow @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
It's not freedom of speech if it is the only voice heard and it is billionaire propaganda to destabilize society. We have to draw a line somewhere and not get played with GQP messaging. It is proven that RW hate broadcasting is almost completely responsible for the radicalization of the GQP. It started with rural radio and moved up the food chain.

Snowshadow, avatar

@lin11c @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
You are correct. 100%.
I know.
( But I am just a "dumb Canuck" according to some Americans.)

lin11c, avatar

@Snowshadow @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
I'm so sorry you have a border with us. The US is definitely infecting Canada. 😢

Beachbum, avatar

@lin11c @Snowshadow @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff I don’t think that we are doing any of the infecting. I think the Alt-Right machine led by Steve Bannon worldwide is affecting all of us. Their whole platform is grievance and retaliation. They are promoting autocracy to gain power for themselves. They are trying to destroy all aspects of any administrative state. #AutocratsWantTotalPower

Snowshadow, avatar

@Beachbum @lin11c @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
It is indeed a global problem. You only have to read the news from other countries to see that. <sigh> what a mess!

lin11c, avatar

@Snowshadow @Beachbum @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
Yes the billionaires in every country are in cahoots.


@lin11c @Snowshadow @Threadbane @GottaLaff

I agree, but you have to remember that these folks are predisposed to authoritarianism. Their imaginary pet dictator deity is their only claim on living. And even there, it's all about the imaginary necrodestination. Also, they can be as evil as they want, and all they have to do in thd end is seek forgiveness. It's as if they think their personal savior is not smart enough to know he's being played... WTF christo-fascists... really?

lin11c, avatar

@lednabwm @Snowshadow @Threadbane @GottaLaff
There are definitely those who are hard core haters. The Patriot Front creeps and their ilk. But there are so many who watch FOX and believe that "the election was stolen" and "immigrants are poisoning the blood of our people" etc. This is what they are told over and over on the television by the FOX mouthpieces and politicians. It's completely manipulative and evil.

lin11c, avatar

@Snowshadow @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
There is a research study where people were denied their diet of FOX hate for a month and their views started to change. Then when they went back to FOX they changed back. It is a very effective weapon and should be treated as such.

lin11c, avatar

@Snowshadow @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
The Ukrainians are very good at disabling Russian propaganda. The US is too afraid to confront it because the GQP will whine. Also, people at bases or government facilities can watch FOX or NewsMax or whatever other crap on their own devices. No one is stopping them.

Snowshadow, avatar

@lin11c @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
True. But an endless barrage of visual and audio propaganda is difficult to resist even with training against it.

lin11c, avatar

@Snowshadow @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
Repetition until you believe it. The Firehose of Falsehoods.

Snowshadow, avatar

@lin11c @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
Yeah I read about that somewhere. Same thing occurred when Trump was booted off social media. Support for him dropped dramatically.

GottaLaff, avatar

@Snowshadow However: The more people see Trump on TV, the more visible he is, the more his numbers drop. Per MSNBC. @lin11c @Threadbane @lednabwm

lin11c, avatar

@GottaLaff @Snowshadow @Threadbane @lednabwm
I think it's finally sinking in how impaired he is. They tried to hide it for a long time.

Snowshadow, avatar

I hope so. 🤞 People need to notice his dementia. He has serious cognition and judgement issues.@lin11c @Threadbane @lednabwm

lin11c, avatar

@Snowshadow @GottaLaff @Threadbane @lednabwm
The fact that GQPers who aren't stupid are lining up to endorse an obviously demented dangerous fool, makes me think they have a dastardly plan. It's obvious he can't perform his duties. Watch very closely who becomes VP because they are probably going to 25th amendment #DonTheCon if he is elected in 2024 and install the VP as POTUS.


@lin11c @Snowshadow @GottaLaff @Threadbane

That's something I've thought as well... thanks for this posting.

lin11c, avatar

@lednabwm @Snowshadow @GottaLaff @Threadbane
Either that or he will be a figurehead like Reagan in his 2nd term where Nancy and her astrologer ran the country. 🤬


@lin11c @Snowshadow @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
Yank FCC license.
National Security.
Ask Japanese Americans in 1941
how fast your freedoms/speech
can be curtailed.

lin11c, (edited ) avatar

@Rezzonator @Snowshadow @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
I love the idea of yanking their license but since they are cable they aren't under FCC jurisdiction I read. We could change that law I guess except our Congress is worthless right now.

Beachbum, avatar

@lin11c @Snowshadow @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff The Murdochs in cahoots with the Alt-Right fascists knew and used it very effectively. What I still can’t get over is the good people in the @GOP who have been brainwashed, completely. #LetFreedomRing Freedom itself is not a sound, but "letting freedom ring" means to exercise your freedom clearly and openly, in this case by standing up for a just cause in a nonviolent way.

lin11c, avatar

@Beachbum @Snowshadow @Threadbane @lednabwm @GottaLaff
GQP and MAGAts have twisted and perverted everything about Amerikkka. We are in upside down world. "Freedom" to them means the freedom to bully, terrorize, prosecute, or imprison those who aren't of their race or religious persuasion. That is not what the founders intended. "Justice" means prosecuting or killing your enemies and subverting the legal system. 🤬

DEDGirl, avatar

@lednabwm @Snowshadow @GottaLaff the people who have been skeptical of government / conspiracy driven, are fully on board with this fascist authoritarianism. I’m in dem heavy L.A. & everyone I have known & around me are full blown Trumper nuts. They are doing way more than any dems. They are buying guns (illegally), hoarding ammo, boycotting things they love, protesting, energizing. Every military person I know is LOVING it. Everyone should be ready.


@DEDGirl @Snowshadow @GottaLaff Thanks for the datapoint... but methinks they watch too much television.

DEDGirl, avatar

@lednabwm @Snowshadow @GottaLaff Except they aren’t. They are boycotting media. They are “voting with their dollars”. I’m telling you what large groups of people in dem heavy areas are doing. And it’s not watching TV. 🤦‍♀️


@DEDGirl @Snowshadow @GottaLaff

I meant that in the sense of taking in the dystopia fantasies on TV; the walking dead comes to mind. It's like John Lennon wrote in Working Class Hero... "Keep you doped with religion, sex, and tv..."

DEDGirl, avatar

@lednabwm @Snowshadow @GottaLaff ah, okay. Yeah, def the religion, & I think it’s more the hate & fear. “They’ll” take their jobs, their guns, their women, their “pride”, their property. All fear based nationalism.

Snowshadow, avatar

@DEDGirl @lednabwm @GottaLaff
** Some** Americans are very isolated from the rest of the world which is a shame. They assume that because they ignore world politics, the world is the same. Perhaps if they listened to what other much older and seasoned countries had to say, they might avoid falling into then same political traps.

Clarity, avatar

@Snowshadow @DEDGirl @lednabwm @GottaLaff Bush)(43) gutted the Education dept/. Trump)(45) chartered it/. #Ignorance

Snowshadow, avatar

@Clarity @DEDGirl @lednabwm @GottaLaff
The US was in trouble long before Bush. He only continued the process.

peachfront, avatar

@lednabwm @Snowshadow @GottaLaff

the military didn't do F to stop Jan 6, nor did it do anything about the 2000 "selection" of POTUS by the SCOTUS

coups happen in the US as they happen in all nations in the Americas, kidding ourselves about what the military will or will not do about them is a waste of time

if there's a coup, the military will likely do nothing except purge those military leaders who are pro-democracy

GottaLaff, avatar

@peachfront How would the military do anything about the 2000 election? That was a legal battle.

As for Jan 6, again, that wasn't their job. Had a "war" developed, and had they been called on by Trump to do something, then maybe you'd have seen some retaliation (aside from those in the military supporting Trump blindly) @Snowshadow

Snowshadow, avatar

@GottaLaff \
Good point. The military can't make a move without the president making the call.@peachfront

Beachbum, avatar
lin11c, avatar

@Beachbum @lednabwm @Snowshadow @GottaLaff
Remember Nunes's little bitch errand boy Kash Patel? He ended up as Chief of Staff for this POS Miller. It's mind boggling to me that both of these traitors weren't indicted. Patel is the one who got Loose Cannon confirmed. They are "friends". So much corruption it truly makes the head hurt.

Snowshadow, avatar


The party of law and order.!<sarcasm in the morning>

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