mpirnat, (edited ) avatar

Inspired by a thing I saw on Reddit earlier today, I’m going to try listening to more complete albums this year. Maybe daily? We’ll see how it shakes out.

I’m starting off with the 2019 mix of Abbey Road by The Beatles:


mpirnat, (edited ) avatar
mpirnat, (edited ) avatar

@mpirnat you just reminded me 2024 is a leap year

mpirnat, avatar

@morganpyne I’m not sure whether that’s a positive outcome or not. 😅

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brennx0r, avatar

@mpirnat yesss, one of my favorites

mpirnat, avatar

@brennx0r I had picked it up on release and honestly never listened to it more than once or twice. Just didn’t connect with it. I decided to give it another go in case 20 years changed that (also wtf how did THAT happen?!). I enjoyed the instrumentation better this time but lyrically it still mostly doesn’t do much for me. (Exception: “The Gloaming” seems particularly timely.) I seem to prefer their albums before and after it.

grantmc, avatar

@mpirnat Good album, but like 4 songs too long. Just needed to remove some of the weaker tracks and I think it would flow a lot better.

There There and Wolf at the Door are brilliant, IMO.

mpirnat, avatar

@grantmc Yeah, I was reading the Wikipedia entry on it last night and even the band members have said they should’ve trimmed it up by 4 songs or so.

mpirnat, avatar

@grantmc I suspect that my relationship to Thom Yorke’s vocal stylings is similar to most people and Geddy Lee.

Also, I feel like most of the HttT lyrics are a little weak compared to other Radiohead albums. But that could be my fault for having recently done a Bowie and a Nick Cave. 😅

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

This is lovely with some whiskey (Old Pepper rye) and salted caramel Twix.

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mpirnat, avatar

Okay, this one is pretty fucking weird.

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mpirnat, avatar

Hot take: this album has good songs on it, but it’s not a good album.

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 30/366: Random Access Memories (Drumless Edition) by Daft Punk

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

Hot take: this is such a good album, it’s even good without drums. As soon as it finished I went back and skimmed it to firm up my recollection of which tracks had my favorite bits in them.

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 31/366: Tabula Rasa by Einstürzende Neubauten

This seems to barely exist/not exist for “legit” streaming in the US, which made it a pain the get a working Songwhip link, so maybe this will work if you want to check this one out:

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

A reminder to own physical media if you really care about something!

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mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 34/366: The Chronicle of the Black Sword by Hawkwind

It was D&D night. So, yeah, I kinda had to.

#music #NowPlaying

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#AnAlbumADay 41/366: On! Air! Library! by On! Air! Library!

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 42/366: What We Are, You Shall Be by Passarella Death Squad

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar
brainwane, avatar

@mpirnat I was just thinking of Ray Lynch's "Deep Breakfast" recently.... My college friend Seth Schoen introduced me to free software, and to the writing of Neal Stephenson and the music of Ray Lynch and Dar Williams.

Of course the entire trajectory of the second half of my life so far is worlds away from what it would have been otherwise. But also - maybe without him, at UC Berkeley in the late 90s, I still would have gotten into everything else. But Lynch seems least likely.

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

What do the kids say — iykyk?

mpirnat, (edited ) avatar
mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

A belated #AnAlbumADay update that I forgot to post yesterday…

50/366: xx by The xx

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

Which brings me to today’s pick…

#AnAlbumADay 51/366: Close to the Edge by Yes

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

Whoops, forgot to post this last night…

#AnAlbumADay 53/366: Allfather by Neon Odin

#music #NowPlaying

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mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar
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Donatella, avatar


They were awesome with Lacuna Coil in San José. I'm so glad I finally got to see them in person

mpirnat, avatar

@Donatella I'm kicking myself for not seeing them the when they were in town here. I couldn't convince any of my concert-going friends to join me and so ended up just staying home. :-(

Hopefully there will be a next time!

mpirnat, avatar

Could have sworn I’d posted this last night since I already had the link in my history, but I guess not…

#AnAlbumADay 59/366: Ghostory by School of Seven Bells

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

“All of this has happened before, and it will all happen again…” Feels appropriate for a leap day.

#AnAlbumADay 60/366: Hack by Information Society

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

It’s been that kind of day…

#AnAlbumADay 61/366: I See Good Spirits and I See Bad Spirits by My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar
bitprophet, avatar

@mpirnat 🤘🤘🤘

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

With work travel, I’ve been too busy to post, so let’s get caught up!

#AnAlbumADay 65/366: The Mask and Mirror by Loreena McKennitt

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, (edited ) avatar

Belated #AnAlbumADay 67/366: On an Island by David Gilmour

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

Belated #AnAlbumADay 68/366: Quadrophenia by The Who

(I’m swapping two letters here for reasons which will shortly become obvious.)

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

And finally, belated #AnAlbumADay 71/366: So by Peter Gabriel

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 74/366: Void Dweller by Eon

No Songwhip link this time since this isn’t available on any of the major streaming services. A pity, since (in particular)“Spice” is still a banger, and relevant again with all the Dune stuff in the zeitgeist at the moment. Lots of other cool movie samples on this album too (@onelson might appreciate the Basket Case stuff, for example).

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 75/366: Wish by The Cure

The album that got me into the Cure, and such a nice coincidence that “W”falls on a Friday (I’m in love).

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 76/366: X&Y by Coldplay

How is this nearly 20 years old already?! I don’t remember giving my permission for that to happen.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

Meant to post this yesterday -- needed something Irish for St. Patrick's Day and discovered...

#AnAlbumADay 77/366: Ye Vagabonds by Ye Vagabonds

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 78/366: Zeitgeist by The Smashing Pumpkins

Weirdly, this isn’t on ANY of the major streaming services, so a YouTube link will have to suffice:

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

Back to alpha-by-artist for another cycle with…

#AnAlbumADay 79/366: Gravitas by Absurd Minds

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 80/366: The Boy with the Arab Strap by Belle and Sebastian

I’m embarrassed to admit this is my first listen to this album. 😅 I was aware of it but just never got around to it, and then way too many years went by… Thanks to @brainwane for the nudge.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 81/366: Bloodletting by Concrete Blonde

Trying to reconnect with the Curse of Strahd campaign I’m running after a longer-than-expected hiatus…

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 83/366: Emerson, Lake & Powell by Emerson, Lake & Powell

I’ve only ever listened to “Touch and Go” (which is great!) but this is my first listen to the rest of the album.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 85/366: Galactic Empire by Galactic Empire

Had to pick this for artist-starting-with-G today since I’m going to see them live next week! 🎸🤘

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 86/366: Blue Wonder Power Milk by Hooverphonic

It’s been way too long since I’ve listened to this one.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 88/366: Doubt by Jesus Jones

What a perfect coincidence that today is this cycle’s J day — I’m seeing them for the first time tonight! 🎸🎶🤘

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

Belatedly posting last night’s selection for #AnAlbumADay 89/366: In the Court of the Crimson King by King Crimson

...which, shamefacedly, I confess I haven't listened to in its entirety before.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 90/366: Innocence and Despair by The Langley Schools Music Project

This is a little uneven, and it's definitely one of the weirdest/most niche things in my library, but there are some absolute gems on this.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 91/366: The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance

How had I not listened to this before? Better late than never, I suppose.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

Last night’s #AnAlbumADay was 92/366: Movement by New Order

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 93/366: A Rose Made of Galaxies by Orange Yellow Red

A shame they only seem to have recorded this one album and vanished into obscurity. It’s the dreamy sort of shoegaze, and the vibe feels really right for me tonight.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 94/366: Empire by Queensrÿche

Skipping over “P” for reasons that will become obvious on April 8… it’s been a lonnnnnnng time since I’ve listened to this one all the way through. And the expanded version has a cover of “Scarborough Fair” that I hadn’t heard before.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 96/366: Ruby Vroom by Soul Coughing

Trying to make amends for seeing Mike Doughty a couple weeks ago without doing literally any homework first. 😅

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 97/366: Music for Space by Test Shot Starfish

Didn’t get to listen until quite late, didn’t have time to post this morning. I dig this a lot.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 98/366: Demons and Wizards by Uriah Heep

Back on schedule.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 99A/366: Obscured by Clouds by Pink Floyd

The sky’s not TOO bad so I’m hoping for a successful part B to follow up…

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 99B/366: Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd

And here… we… go!

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

Holy smokes, the #eclipse was really something! Hours later I’m still giddy and awestruck. Even though we had some wispy, high-altitude clouds, the sun punched right through it to give us a spectacular display at totality. I cannot believe our good fortune here; I was anticipating MUCH worse weather.

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 100/366: Electric Sun by VNV Nation

Refreshing on the new stuff before seeing them later this week. Can’t wait!

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 101/366: The Undivided Five by A Winged Victory for the Sullen

A place of sonic refuge.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

A bit late with album listening thanks to a spicy work day followed by taking the kiddo to a concert, so you’ll get a double feature today. First up is…

#AnAlbumADay 103/366: Cool it Down by Yeah Yeah Yeahs

This feels like the right speed/vibe for a post-concert recovery day.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 104/366: Imperium by Zombie Hyperdrive

Some retro synth stuff while I figure out level-up options before tonight’s D&D game.

#music #NowPlaying

grantmc, avatar

@mpirnat Not sure if you take suggestions, but the new Vampire Weekend album is so good. I’ve never really listened to them before, but the songwriting and production really blew me away.

mpirnat, avatar

@grantmc I do, thanks! I also haven't really ever listened to them (only enough to find out that the song I was looking for, "Vampire Lake", wasn't them). If I don't get to it on “album-title-O day", I'll probably do it for an “artist-name-V day” (since I'm still doing this silly alphabet game to give me some structure).

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 105/366: Ancient by Kitaro

Maybe not my favorite Kitaro album (it’s good, I just haven’t listened to it as frequently as some of his others), but it’s the only one with a total eclipse of the sun on the album cover, which is a definite win in the wake of my own totality experience this week.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 106/366: Butcher’s Coin Red by Traitrs

I saw them open for VNV Nation on Friday, and really enjoyed their fusion of Joy Division and Cure vibes. Good stuff!

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 107/366: The Crane Wife by The Decemberists

Why don’t I listen to this more? It’s really good.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 108/366: Dookie by Green Day

Didn’t get around to a listen yesterday so I’m catching up today.

“I’m not growing up, I’m just burning out, and I stepped in line to walk amongst the dead”… hits a little different in middle age. 😅

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 109/366: Enema of the State by Blink 182

Riding the pop-punk vibe a little longer today, I guess.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 110/366: Facing Future by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole

Yesterday didn’t go as planned, so this selection is both later and different than I expected.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 111/366: Garbage by Garbage

I never feel quite as old as I do when I put on the "20th anniversary edition" of something and realize that it got released roughly a decade ago. 😅

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 112/366: Heathen by David Bowie

Wasn't going to double-dip on Bowie right away, but when it’s "H" day on a Sunday and that's also the title of the opening track… Yep. Gotta do it. This thing still slaps.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, (edited ) avatar

#AnAlbumADay 113/366: Inhuman Rampage by DragonForce

On towards the wilderness, our quest carries on! (Also: how is this almost 20 years old?! That can’t be right!)

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 114/366: Joshua by French 79

This is one of those things that I don’t remember adding to my Apple Music library but am glad to (re)discover. Thanks, past me!

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 117/366: Moving Waves by Focus

I’ve adored the glorious rock madness of opening track “Hocus Pocus” ever since @reasie introduced me to it while helping out with one of my first on-air slots at WRUW, but I’m ashamed to admit it’s taken me nearly 30 years to finally listen to the rest of the album. Friends… I should not have waited.

#music #NowPlaying

reasie, avatar

@mpirnat omg it slaps. I fail as a friend for not advising you

mpirnat, avatar

@reasie All good, I got there eventually. The fault is entirely my own!

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 119/366: Orbital 2 by Orbital

If I’ve timed this right, “Monday” should start right about midnight. Also, this album still rules, and it’s really fun with headphones on. Don’t think I’ll ever get enough of “Halcyon + On + On”. Also: Star Trek samples, if that’s your jam!

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 120/366: Phaedra by Tangerine Dream

This one’s for my analog synth nerds. Apparently a bit of a milestone!

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 122/366: Rage Against the Machine by Rage Against the Machine

Apropos of nothing at all…

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 123/366: The Seduction of Claude Debussy by The Art of Noise

A classic that I love to get lost in... 10 stars out of 5! And yes, that’s John Hurt narrating.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 124/366: Takk… by Sigur Rós

A nice choice for unwinding at the end of the week.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 125/366: Unforseen Consequences by Morch Kovalski

Apparently futuresynthy covers of Half Life and Black Mesa soundtracks? I dunno, I did Portal but not Half Life. Anyway, this is cool; dark, driving, has a good edge to it. Satisfying listening for my post-D&D nightcap.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 126/366: The Velvet Machine by Neal Acree

Meant to post this for Sunday. My friends who dig cinematic synthy instrumental stuff will love this, I think. I stumbled onto it by accident—turns out Acree has a TON of cool soundtrack credits (Stargate SG1, Vox Machina, WoW, Diablo 3, more), and this is his first solo album.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 127/366: while(1<2) by Deadmau5

Yesterday’s selection is an evergreen favorite that I love using while I work. The NIN/How to Destroy Angels covers are cool too.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 128/366: X by The Beloved

Doing this alphabet game with my album picks sometimes pushes me to try artists that I’m completely unfamiliar with; today is one of those days. I’m a couple tracks in and it seems all right — a mid 90s dance sound that I definitely harbor nostalgic affection for.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, (edited ) avatar
mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 130/366: Zenyatta Mondatta by The Police

I think “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” is the only thing I’ve ever heard off of this one; it was certainly inescapable on the radio and MTV. Time to see if there’s anything else interesting here…

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

Yeah. Nah. Kinda… but not really. This was one really solid single followed by ten B-sides in a trenchcoat.

Oh well, they can’t all be winners.

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 131/366: The Dimension Gate by Aurora Sutra

I waffled a bit about what to pick today as I get back to alpha-by-artist, but after seeing an actual aurora tonight… Yeah. Had to do it.

I haven’t listened to this in a long time, but I remember I really dug the instrumental elements suite in the back half, and the third track, “The Garden of Temptation”, was on a cool sampler from Cleopatra Records that helped expand my tastes.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

Got busy over the weekend and didn’t get time for tunes, so I’m going to do some catch up, starting with…

#AnAlbumADay 132/366: Twilight by Bôa

I’ve had this sitting in my library forever (because I’m mildly obsessed with “Duvet”, AKA “the song from Serial Experiments Lain”) but somehow had never heard the whole thing. I was a fool! This is really good.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 133/366: Telepathic Last Words by Course of Empire

Playing catch-up still from a busy weekend and busy start to the week.

I got turned on to this from the Dark City soundtrack (a great movie, I should rewatch it one of these days). Good stuff from beginning to end.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 134/366: Freedom of Choice by Devo

More catch up; I think this is technically Monday’s pick.

I bought a greatest hits collection way back in high school and just… never listened to the actual Devo albums, even though I really liked their stuff? Not sure why that happened, so I’m fixing that now.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 135/366: In the Garden by Eurythmics

More catching up.

I am very familiar with a few of the inescapable hit singles that got immense radio play in my youth, but I’ve never sat down with a full Eurythmics album, and I doubt I’ve heard anything from this, their debut, at all. Hopefully it’ll be interesting!

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 136/366: Feel.Love.Thinking.Of by Faunts

Still playing catch up… meant to do F on the road today but didn’t, so I might be behind by a day for a bit.

I’ve been obsessed with “M4 Part 2” ever since finishing Mass Effect, so figured I should maybe listen to some mkre from Faunts.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 137/366: This is Normal by GusGus

Still a day behind…

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 138/366: Doctor Who Theme Collection Vol 1 by HardWire

I’m enjoying the latest run of Doctor Who; last night’s new episode put me in the mood for this lovely collection of different interpretations of the classic theme music. (This continues the trend of pleasant coincidences I’ve found with this “alphabet game” format.)

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 139/366: Long Distance by Ivy

I’ve loved a handful of Ivy’s songs for a long time, but have for some reason never explored beyond those few. I’m glad to be remedying that tonight. Also, “Edge of the Ocean” is as perfect a track as ever.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 140/366: Nothing’s Shocking by Jane’s Addiction

Didn’t manage to get to this yesterday so I’m starting off the morning with a classic.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, (edited ) avatar

#AnAlbumADay 141/366: Latent Whispers by Kite Base

I could never understand, nor figure out, why they never released anything else. It’s such a strong debut! Even the “main project”, Savages, seems to have just disappeared around the same time.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, (edited ) avatar

#AnAlbumADay 142/366: Sound of Silver by LCD Soundsystem

Another “why haven’t I ever listened to the whole album” pick. This one goes out to all my #PyConUS friends (for reasons that come into focus in track 5).

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, (edited ) avatar

#AnAlbumADay 143/366: Black Holes and Revelations by Muse

Yet another “why have I only heard the one song” selection today.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 144/366: Blood Spills Not Far from the Wound by Necessary Response

Meant to post this yesterday (got distracted by Baldur’s Gate); this will appeal to fans of bands like Covenant, VNV Nation, and Assemblage 23. I dig it.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 145/366: The Orb’s Adventures Beyond the Ultraworld by The Orb

Meant to post yesterday, but work, and Baldur’s Gate… I’ll try to catch up today.

This is a beloved classic for good reason, though oddly it seems to have slightly different Songwhip listings for Apple Music vs. everywhere else, so you get your choice of links to enjoy it yourself:

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

146/366: Cascade by Peter Murphy

Another whoops-meant-to-post-yesterday selection.

I discovered this album 25 years ago, in the spring of 1999, as I was just about to graduate from college, and was on the cusp of meeting the phenomenal woman I'd end up marrying. “I'll Fall with Your Knife" was a big hit for me, and it resonated with her too -- an early signal that we'd found something special.

mpirnat, avatar

147/366: Walking in Space by Quincy Jones

Yet another whoops-meant-to-post-yesterday selection.

I stepped outside my usual comfort zone on this, but I really dug it. Groovy tunes for the long weekend.

mpirnat, avatar

148/366: In Between Thoughts... A New World by Rodrigo y Gabriela

I'm a lot more familiar with their early releases, but they played a bunch of songs from this when I saw them a couple weeks ago, and I really like how they've evolved their sound.

mpirnat, avatar

149/366: Abraxas by Santana

I’ve been waiting for the weather to feel right for this one. Today seems about right, or near enough.

mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar
mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 152/366: The Loop by Volkor X

Can I offer you a sci-fi synthwave epic on this Friday night? There’s also an instrumental version if you’re less interested in the story.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

#AnAlbumADay 153/366: Artifact by Waveshaper

Catching up with yesterday’s listen.

#music #NowPlaying

mpirnat, avatar

154/366: Skylarking by XTC

Catching up with yesterday's listen. I'm super familiar with closing track "Dear God", but I'd never gotten around to listening to the rest of this. Good not-quite-summer weekend sounds.

mpirnat, avatar

155/366: Solid State Survivor by Yellow Magic Orchestra

Catching up with yesterday's listen. This was a cool discovery that I came across when not wanting to pick a "Y" artist that I felt was too easy or well known. They kind of remind me of Space and Kraftwerk.

mpirnat, avatar

Jesus Jones was great tonight in Cleveland! Never thought I’d get to see them, so this was a real (real, real) treat. Here’s the setlist:

I also really liked the opening band, Discoveries of the American Scientific:


mpirnat, avatar

@grueproof If you’re not familiar with this one, I think you’d find at least one or two tracks that’d be good for your show.

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