benjaminhollon, avatar

Have you ever noticed that there are certain directories everyone has? ~/Documents, ~/Downloads, ~/Desktop, and so forth? Some of them you don't need, some of them you might wish were named differently, but any time you rename or delete them, the originals reappear?

You see, these directories follow a standard so that all programs know where they are—with the right tools under your belt, you can customize them.



@benjaminhollon nice trick. now i can move the desktop folder to $HOME/.local/Trash

benjaminhollon, avatar

Brilliant! XD


@benjaminhollon Some of us are just lazy at renaming

benjaminhollon, avatar

Nuke and pave. :)

hook, avatar

@benjaminhollon ...and these are localised. Which confuses me sometimes because my home machines are set to Slovenian and my work machines to English.

benjaminhollon, avatar

Ha, yes! XD

If it helps, you can edit ~/.config/user-dirs.locale to change the locale they're in.

freemin7, avatar

@benjaminhollon and then some software doesn't use those XDG variables and assumes the default paths hard coded and ...
But neat. I will use those paths in relevant programs.

benjaminhollon, avatar

Yeah, it's frustrating that some programs do that. :P

I found out from someone else that apparently snaps don't honor XDG variables… one more reason to dislike them, I guess.

mforester, avatar

@benjaminhollon thanks for this post. I've enjoyed every one so far, but this is the first where almost everything was completely new to me. 😁
I was aware of the XDG config directory env variable, but not much else.

benjaminhollon, avatar

Good! I'm glad this one has helped you learn something!

I was half-afraid in writing it that all the reactions would be "why would you want to do that?" Thankfully, people do seem to like this post. :)

RL_Dane, avatar


Loving the blog, bro!

benjaminhollon, avatar

I'm glad you are! Hopefully that'll keep up. :)

I've been especially pleased with the positive reaction to this one; as you may remember, I was delayed from starting it by a lengthy conversation, so it had less editorial review than I'd normally have applied. :P

jppelt, (edited )

@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon how do you find the time? Thank you for sharing. I am going to remove “desktop” as I too find it useless.

benjaminhollon, avatar

@jppelt @RL_Dane
You planning to move to a Tiling WM?

I'm not sure how I find the time—in part, it's just that there's a lot other people do for fun that I don't. For example, I don't play video games, and I don't usually watch movies or shows.

For another, I've done enough writing that I'm able to do it quickly. Especially helpful is that over time I've needed less review—one pass is enough before publishing for most blog posts, though some (like the tar article) get special treatment.


@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane I tried i3 and Sway. I enjoy Sway under certain conditions. I tend to favor Cosmic and really like Budgie. So happy to see Solus come back from the dead. Solus + Budgie…such a sweet combo.

But so is Pop and a Sys76 machine - unmatched smooth.

Oddly enough, I use Sway in a Fedora laptop.

So many great options…#gnulinux life!

benjaminhollon, avatar

@jppelt @RL_Dane
Oh, okay.

I started with sway on Fedora, so perhaps it doesn't seem as odd a combination to me. And they have a sway spin, now! I wanna try it. :)

RL_Dane, avatar

@jppelt @benjaminhollon

ONE OF THESE DAYS I will get a machine made to run linux.

I thought kernel 6.3.1 had my GPU bugs fixed. Nope. Hard freeze in KSP. Argh.

This LG Gram's a little bit blursed :P

benjaminhollon, avatar

@jppelt @RL_Dane
Actually I watched two movies tonight, with my grandparents. (They were good—"Abe Lincoln in Illinois" and "Kings Row")

I told my grandpa—he watches more movies in a week than I watch in a year. XD

benjaminhollon, avatar

@jppelt @RL_Dane
The last time I was with them for the weekend my grandpa and I stayed up till one watching "Stormy Weather" and "Confessions of a Nazi Spy," then the next evening we all three watched "Casa Blanca" over dinner. ;)

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @jppelt

Have you seen The 39 Steps?
I vaguely remember seeing that as a kid.

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @jppelt
I don't think so.

My grandpa probably has, though. ;)

RL_Dane, avatar


I'm starting to wonder how much older your grandpa is to me, and I'm a little scared that it's only 10 years or less. 🤣



benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @jppelt
He's seventy-something.

I'm the oldest of all the grandkids by over three years.

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @jppelt
They have a sign in their living room that says "It's weird being the same age as old people."

RL_Dane, avatar
RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @jppelt

Ok. Cool. I'm not super old yet.

'cuz I'm totally 22 in my head. And probably something around 900 in my heart.

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @jppelt
I think sometimes that I must be about three at heart; that's the age of people I get along the best with. :D

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @jppelt

I can relate. :D

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @jppelt

Basically, as I've grown up/older, I've always found my own generation the most boring. Or rather, my own age bracket. I kinda like GenX a lot.

I've always liked people older and younger than me.

Really young people are cool because they're so hopeful.
Really old people are cool because they have so much experience.

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @jppelt

What will that mean for RHEL, where some companies may still need to rely on Xorg for whatever reason?

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @jppelt
It all makes sense now: GenX === Xorg

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @jppelt



benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @jppelt
(I'm gonna assume that reply was to the wrong thread?)


RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @jppelt



@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @jppelt Gen Z == ... Zayland?

benjaminhollon, avatar

@pixelherodev @RL_Dane @jppelt
Clearly wayland is actually a rediscovered artifact of the mythical Gen W.

RL_Dane, avatar

@pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @jppelt

See, I always KNEW Wayland was a step backward, because it doesn't start with a Y!

W -> X -> X11 -> YottaPixel Display Server. Or something like that ;)

RL_Dane, avatar


Been meaning to ask -- I realized from your recent presentation that you're a lot younger than I originally surmised.

How did you get caught up in the Plan9 world? I'd expect that to be the realm of greybeard wizards ;)

@benjaminhollon @jppelt

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
We young’uns can be wizards too. :)

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @jppelt

Yeah, Whiz Kids ;)

Speaking of which, I need to go re-watch one of my favorite TV shows from childhood:

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt I haven’t heard of that one.

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @jppelt

It wasn't a hit. You wouldn't have heard of it unless you were a nerdy kid who was massively into computers in 1983 XD

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt All but the last two words. :)

RL_Dane, avatar


lol, yep, I know 😁

@pixelherodev @jppelt

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
Though I do have a lot of interests from that era, film is not one of them.


@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @jppelt The honest answer is, uh

I don't entirely remember?

I'm pretty sure I got into Plan 9 because of one of Drew's posts (I distinctly remember, but I don't recall if that was what prompted me to try it).

I might have had a conversation with him about it at some point in 2020 or 2021?

Pretty sure I tried it on my thinkpad because of something he said, found the gridchat, and after a few months went "why am I using anything else??"


@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @jppelt tl;dr I got caught up in the Plan 9 world because it's awesome and the rest of computing isn't ;)


@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @jppelt ...this is a joke. I suspect you realize that, but it's occurring to me that the internet is not a bastion of private conversation and someone's going to see that and think I'm totally serious :facepalm:

RL_Dane, avatar

@pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @jppelt

I mean, there's obviously things about Plan9 that you really like that differentiate it from everything else, so yes, I totally read your toot at face value.

Of course, that's coming from someone who's quite used to making impassioned proclamations and then walking them back (xref. anything I've ever said about #systemd -- not that I love it or anything, but I've had a wee bit of time to simmer down. XD )


@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @jppelt's like I don't even know you anymore.


@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @jppelt Jokes aside, see

> it sucks to have nuanced views on the internet

> “systemd has the right goals but also has poor architecture: i like operating it but i don’t like its underlying design” is so much harder to digest than “systemd good” or “systemd bad”

especially the first bit

All joking put aside for a second, I think caring about the init system is extremely silly. It's not like the rest of a linux system is any better.

RL_Dane, avatar

@pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @jppelt

> > it sucks to have nuanced views on the internet

I was just reading this earlier. Excellent post.

> All joking put aside for a second, I think caring about the init system is extremely silly. It's not like the rest of a linux system is any better.

YoU wOuNd Me, SiR!! XD


benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
I don't personally care much from any impassioned standpoint, for me it's just that I experienced the performance boost from systemd-free and I very much would like to have that. ;)

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @jppelt


You gotta EARN that facial hair by making technical arguments on the basis of purely dogmatic/ideological preferences.

THIS IS THE WAY (of the neckbeard).


@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @jppelt I, for one,

choose to shave.


@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @jppelt HAIR BELONGS ON TOP OF THE HEAD



@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @jppelt /me hides from the graybeard crowd

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
I've already got facial hair, and it looks good on me. ;)

Not a neckbeard, though.

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @jppelt

Yes, I know. I said "earn" not "grow." ;)

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
I did. :)

The style I wear is what I've seen dubbed "Around the World" or "World Traveller". I EARNED this facial hair. XD

(It's a modified version to accomodate the fact that I don't grow quite enough facial hair yet to make it fully work)

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @jppelt

Don't worry, some of us NEVER grow enough facial hair for any kind of beard, moustache, etc. 😣

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
Eh, that might end up being me. I'll admit it's still thin, but I keep it around partially to reduce any ambiguity due to my long hair.

I realized this morning that whether subconsciously intentionally or completely coincidentally I've been imitating a professor I admire. I realized this when I ran into him this morning and he complimented my long hair. ;)

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @jppelt

Hah, yeah, that happens.

What's bizarre is that while the mimicry dies down a lot as you age, the desire for validation from an authority figure can pop up at random times, even well into your 40s.

It can be... awkward.

Important life lesson: emotional/mental health issues absolutely don't go away on their own. Oh my. They seriously don't. XD

Nothing gets better without effort.

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
So, speaking of "desire for validation," I ran into him because he was given an award at a ceremony I was a stagehand for, related to the Honors program. I went over afterward to say a quick congratulation, and was kinda surprised when he ended up introducing me to the other COMM prof he was with and saying… let's say incredibly high praise.

He's really a great guy and teacher. Really great to hear those words from him, though I wasn't sure I deserved them. ;)

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @jppelt

That's super.

I remember some relationships with professors just a few years back that were really awesome.

They're mostly just incredible people.

I wish I had done a better job keeping up with them.

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt

Yeah, I absolutely want to take another class with him. I'm especially interested in "Communication in a Diverse World" which includes a trip to Costa Rica and work with a UN representative.

Actually, during my interview for the University Honors advisor role, the person interviewing me at one point stopped me and said, "Do you know Dr. Dave Tarvin? You'd like him." (That's the professor in question.)

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @pixelherodev @jppelt


I learned midway through my upper division undergrad years that you select classes BY THE PROFESSOR, not the subject (within reason).

It's seriously the only way to fly. ;)

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
I'm trying to do that, but I'm also hoping to graduate in three years, which lowers my flexibility for things like that.

Also at a school with 75k students there's a lot of demand for the good profs. ;)

RL_Dane, avatar


Oh yeah. You gotta stop everything the moment the classes go live and get a seat, ASAP.

I vaguely remember doing that on a desk at a random hallway in a random building I was walking through.

@pixelherodev @jppelt

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
I have "early" registration, but that's 11k students. And they stagger the registration windows, so classes can already be full by the time yours opens.

RL_Dane, avatar


That's crummy.

Not saying I know of a better way of doing it, but dang.

@pixelherodev @jppelt

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
Yup. :P

2/5 of the classes I wanted were full by the time my slot opened this semester. One it turned out I can't take until Junior year anyway (even though it's a 200-level class???), but the other was a core curricular, "State and Local Government".

They make more seats available for slots on later days, but that doesn't help those of us whose slots are at 10:45, not 05:00.

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
Heh, I just remembered a detail: the award he received was the "Wells Fargo" Honors Program Director award. XD

(He's in charge of the Communications departmental honors program.)

Crazy to me that even things like that are sponsored nowadays.

RL_Dane, avatar


Nasty. 🤦🏻‍♂️

I remember when universities named things after professors that spent a lifetime pouring into subsequent generations.

Then it was big donors.

And now, ruddy corpos.

@pixelherodev @jppelt

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
Yeah for the most part A&M still names it after either big faculty or donors, which is why this surprised me so much. "Tradition" is basically our whole deal.

RL_Dane, avatar
benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
Ha, yes. Meant to specify that. When clean-shaven with long hair I look far too feminine to myself; it just feels off.


@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @jppelt :facepalm: Ahhhh okay. Obvious in retrospect.

[context: I have long hair and have... okay, probably not literally never thought about it, but never thought about it seriously

...I mean, further context: I regularly sing very loudly outside while walking down the street, which should express quite succintly exactly how much I think about other people's opinion of me :P

or it did until I added the note about how succint it was

and then that note


benjaminhollon, avatar

@pixelherodev @RL_Dane @jppelt
Not so much about other people's opinion of me in my case as it doesn't look right to me. :P


@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @jppelt ah, okay

...I can say in total honesty I don't care about how I look to myself? er. That's not quite right.

Gender isn't something I factor in?

That's a bit closer. Not sure I'm wording it quite right, though

benjaminhollon, avatar

@pixelherodev @RL_Dane @jppelt
Fair enough, I can see what you're getting at.

But I'm the person who started parting my hair in the opposite direction because I realized the way I was seeing it in the mirror and imagining myself as looking was the opposite from what other people saw. XD


@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @jppelt "Breaking news: different people are, uh



@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @jppelt I shoulda added a smiley face for emotion


works better that way

RL_Dane, avatar
benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
Hey, COMM is all about controlling what your personal image communicates to others. ;)

Of course this was long before I accidentally stumbled my way into Communications.

RL_Dane, avatar


Oh, do tell.

Because I totally stumbled into my major as well.

@pixelherodev @jppelt

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
Well, I was going to be in English. Then based on how uch test credit I had (and that my scholarship lasts for four years of undergard), I decided to do a second major, COMM.

Turns out A&M is a top COMM school and has limited seats, so I declared it as my primary major. Turns out I liked it so much I didn't declare English as a second major after all. ;)

RL_Dane, avatar


As a former Literature Major*, I think you made the right choice.

*It's called Literary Studies because my university has a non-compete clause with the other UT system university in DFW the metro. Stupid.

@pixelherodev @jppelt

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
Hahaha, yes. Non-compete clauses within universities. XD

Ahhhhh the sweet smell of academia.

RL_Dane, avatar


Tragic, really.

I remember Academia of Old.
It was a sight to behold.
I mean, and absolutely full of grotesque politicking and crap, but still. Glorious.

@pixelherodev @jppelt

RL_Dane, avatar

@pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @jppelt


It's another priority thing:
Bluetooth isn't a priority for #OpenBSD
Having a cohesive OS with good docs isn't a priority for 90% of #Linux distros
Being remotely SANE isn't a priority for #Canonical

See? ;)

RL_Dane, avatar

@pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @jppelt

~ $ cd sarcasm
bash: cd: sarcasm: Too many levels of symbolic links

benjaminhollon, avatar

@pixelherodev @RL_Dane @jppelt
HOW DARE you joke about a thing as serious as that.



@benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @jppelt because I was ~75% serious but wanted to leave myself an out /s

RL_Dane, avatar

@pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @jppelt

lol... plausible deniability. I like it.

RL_Dane, avatar

@pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @jppelt

That's a sentiment I can definitely understand. :D

RL_Dane, avatar

@pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @jppelt

That's wild that you're so deep into that world after only a couple years.

I've thought about trying it on a VM, but as I'm not much of a coder (particularly in C, although I understand the basic basics and I like the language conceptually), I think my mileage may be quite inferior to yours.


@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @jppelt Eh, you don't have to be a programmer to understand its advantages. "better for programming" is just one of many :)

Namespaces and "everything is a file system" is a much bigger one, really - the primary advantage, according to most.

I can set up a VPN by importing the /net file system from one machine onto another.

I can debug a remote process by importing the remote /proc - or snapshotting it on one machine, sending to the other, and mounting it!

RL_Dane, avatar

@pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @jppelt

That's pretty wild!
Reminds me a bit of #OpenBSD's focus and elegance, but on another level ;)

Are there any tiling WMs, or is it the interface more like cwm. Is there any progress on that front, or is that just not a priority? (which is totally fine)


@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @jppelt Basically everyone has expressed desire for a different window manager, but nobody has expressed desire to write one :P

sigrid's riow has been merged in, which helps [workspaces!], but...

RL_Dane, avatar

@pixelherodev @benjaminhollon @jppelt

Ah, the quintessential bottleneck of small projects. :D

RL_Dane, avatar


Well good mornin', youngun'!

@pixelherodev @jppelt

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @pixelherodev @jppelt
Heh, I've been on the go since 08:00. ;)

Post-finals training for the Sophomore Advisor position are today, tomorrow, and the first half of the next day.

RL_Dane, avatar

@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @jppelt They could use XWayland to run Xorg applications in Wayland, or they can switch to another distro that still uses Xorg.

Personally, I still like Xorg and still use it. Not every device might support Wayland, and BSD might also not support it for at least a while.

RL_Dane, avatar

@jamesp @benjaminhollon @jppelt

I think #FreeBSD has unofficial Wayland support, and is just a few years behind.

#NetBSD #Wayland support has had some work done, but it's difficult going.

I don't think the #OpenBSD devs give a rip about Wayland.

_bapt_, avatar

@RL_Dane @jamesp @benjaminhollon @jppelt why a few years behind? i am running happily the lastest sway as my main desktop environnement for years on #freebsd

RL_Dane, avatar

@_bapt_ @jamesp @benjaminhollon @jppelt

Only because I've heard it isn't officially supported.

I'm glad it's working well for you!

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @jppelt
Yeah, that seems about right.

It doesn't hurt that kids age 1-5 apparently are extremely easily entertained by me. XD

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @jppelt

I vaguely remember the quarter-behind/from-the-ear trick FASCINATED me. XD

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @jppelt
Heh, I can't do that. Mostly I make amusing faces. :)

Also whenever I try a little game it turns out fascinating to them.

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @jppelt
Oh, and for ones that talk, I listen well. Take 'em seriously.

And for the ones that make talk-esque noises, I respond to them as if I understand what they're saying. ;)

RL_Dane, avatar

@benjaminhollon @jppelt

That's cool. I have kind of an opposite problem with little kids.

I don't know how to talk like a kid.
But I take them equally seriously.

"Goo goo gah gah!"
> "Fascinating! Have you thought of combing that with a diffraction grating?"

Something like that. I've had parents laugh their butts off because I'd be talking so far over the kids' heads without even realizing it.

benjaminhollon, avatar

@RL_Dane @jppelt
Heh, yeah, that’s about how it works out. :)

scientiac, avatar

@benjaminhollon wooh! was a good one! loved it!

benjaminhollon, avatar


With this article I'd promised to post it yesterday but didn't have anything written as of that morning, so I basically had to pick a topic that could be done with minimal extra research on my part (which some articles I'd planned require). Wasn't sure how it'd turn out, but people seem to like it! :)

yakkoj, avatar

@benjaminhollon finally, I can name the things to what I want instead of ignoring them now!

benjaminhollon, avatar



@benjaminhollon And a pox on Snap and half the people who write games ported to Linux for not honoring them.

benjaminhollon, avatar

Uhhh snap doesn't honor it? Add that to the list of reasons I don't like it. XD

Zoom is the one I run across that doesn't honor it. So I just use the web version, now, when I have to use it.


@benjaminhollon $HOME/snap every time. Annoys me to no end since I like simple root directories.

Zoom also.

A lot of games don't either. Even if I like them, I sometimes don't play simply because they don't behave.

benjaminhollon, avatar

For games, I'd probably run 'em on my dual boot, I guess. I do that anyway for KSP since I can't get it running on NixOS. Frustrating, though.


@benjaminhollon Yeah, NixOS is a challenge with games. Fortunately, steam-run handles a lot of them though I can't use a lot of the mod-loaders without a lot of pain. Since 90% of my collection is Steam, using Proton also is pretty stable but I always have to reboot after doing an update.

benjaminhollon, avatar

I couldn't get KSP running with steam-run, unfortunately. It used up system resources like it was running, but nothing every appeared.

I'm planning to try a new distro setup, though, which hopefully will get me the best of both worlds. :)


@benjaminhollon The kids have Windows laptops, but I'm a single boot on my mine. All Linux, all the time.

benjaminhollon, avatar

I should clarify, both boots in my dual-boot are Linux. I dual boot NixOS and Fedora 38. ;)


@benjaminhollon I'm serially monogamous when it comes to distributions.

benjaminhollon, avatar

I'm hoping my next attempt will end up that way. :)

The hope is to have a stable and minimal (systemd-free) distro as a base. I only install the bare minimum with it. All user-facing programs would be installed with nix, getting me the software support I want, as well as letting me do configuration like I do with NixOS.

Binaries would work normally, I wouldn't need systemd, etc.


@benjaminhollon Not having systemd is a fight I don't have the time for. It work well enough for my needs, I know enough to get Ceph working without using it (they both try to set it up), and it covers my use cases.

For others, it makes sense. I just need to choose my battles wisely and I already have too many projects.

I really hope you find your forever distribution though, everyone should have that.

... unless it's Mac. Then they choose poorly. (Quote from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.)

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