hamid, (edited )


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  • Maalus,

    GDPR absolutely applies to Lemmy, it’s just that nobody has looked at it / there wasn’t a complaint. When that happens, lemmy will be in trouble.

    hamid, (edited )


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  • Maalus,

    There will be enforcement if one asshole reports instances. Are you certain nobody will get disgruntled and report it?

    hamid, (edited )


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  • Maalus,

    Yeah uh huh, I sure do suck mr random person on the internet. The only thing you are saying is “these people won’t audit lemmy because they don’t want to”. You think that in some magical way, lemmy will be immune. Guess what, it won’t. The fines aren’t simply because people aren’t cooperating (and the devs themselves said that they don’t care about GDPR outright). You don’t know how it works, all you do is wishful thinking and insulting others.


    GDPR applies to any entity that processes personal data. That includes instance owners. In fact of you look up GDPR enforcements you can that it’s also enforced against private persons.

    hamid, (edited )


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  • GoodEye8,

    Maybe you should reread what you wrote? You said there’s no way GDPR would ever apply. I said it does. You said there are no enforceable actions, there are. the part you thought makes you right is the “criminal charges” part but that makes zero sense to begin with because GDPR, as an EU wide regulation, imposes only fines and no criminal charges.


    I don’t agree with the tone of the Lemmy devs, but they are right: it’s opensource being worked on mostly in the free time of people. Do not treat the devs like they are paid to do your bidding, because they aren’t. If you donated and have expectations, you don’t understand the meaning of a donation.

    Imagine if the author had a woodworking workshop on their compound where they made things out of wood; figurines, furniture, tools, sculptures, and so on. Say they opened it up to the public so that guests could have a look, play around, spend some free time there, and maybe even use the equipment there. But then guest started demanding the author buy newer equipment, make sculptures more to the guest’s liking, made the workshop more accessible to invalids, put up the national flag, play the radio, and a host of other things. All the while not footing the bill for anything, not helping clean up, not volunteering to help in any fashion.
    Then the author refused and invited the guests to help. But instead, the guests went off and made a blog saying the author was selfish, cold, self-centered, egoistic, rude, and what not.

    This is what the author of this article and people in that github discussion come over as. If those people came into my workshop and told me how to do things without helping out in any way, I’d rightfully tell them to fuck right off.

    Articles like these that are practically demanding change will not and do not improve the dialogue. They are actually bad for opensource as a whole because they give people who don’t understand opensource the feeling that they have the right to complain, the right to demand, the right to expect, the right to be entitled to an opinion and an outcome.

    That’s a thumbs down from me dawg.

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


    I have a better example. What if a small company made pills or medical devices. Do they get to be noncompliant with the EU law, and tell their patients “we won’t get a medical license, there is too few of us to do it”? If you aren’t okay with that, you aren’t okay with lemmy being noncompliant GDPR-wise


    Beautiful example of a commercial company selling products to customers 👍 My questions to you:

    • are the lemmy devs a commercial entity who paying clients are dependent on for making a closed source solution that nobody can modify?
    • who is non-compliant for failing to remove personal data form the database and filesystem? the admins who have access to the database and filesystem or the lemmy devs who don’t?
    • if the people complaining are so concerned, why do they not contribute the code to fix their perceived issues?

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


    Are lemmy admins handling EU information? Yes. Do they offer services? Yes. It doesn’t matter if free or not. Hosting a lemmy instance that allows EU users is therefore illegal.


    Ah, I see. You’re answering your own questions with the answers you like. Do you even need me to agree with yourself?

    Let me guess: “no”.

    If you want to read your opinion typed by somebody else, I suggest you get a secretary. I’m not here to indulge in your fantasy.

    CC BY-NC-SA 4.0


    Of course the Lemmy devs aren’t liable for GDPR violations; the admins are. That doesn’t eliminate the problem, though: if the Lemmy devs wish to see their software used as it is now in the long term, they need to introduce GDPR compliance tools. We should consider it gravely concerning that bad actors (e.g., a Reddit employee) can set up Lemmy admins for a massive GDPR suit at any moment.


    if the people complaining are so concerned, why do they not contribute the code to fix their perceived issues?

    I know it’s a stereotype around here, but not everybody on Lemmy is a programmer with free time.


    Hey everyone, I just wanted to thank you for the lively conversation and thought-provoking insights. We don’t have to agree on every point (or at all), but I’ve decided to synthesize a lot of thoughts and ideas from these conversations into a blog post: deadsuperhero.com/…/economic-musings-on-federated…


    I generally think these guys are being a bunch of assholes.

    However, some people in the comment threads challenged my point of view, and stated that users have no rights to demand anything from developers who give away their work for free.

    I can’t imagine why the devs or others wouldn’t be receptive when that’s how you start off


    Lemmy devs being man children when confronted with GDPR compliance.

    And if Lemmy if supposed to better Reddit in basic fucking decency then GDPR is absolutely crucial.


    how are you supposed to do gdpr compliance on a federated system though?

    Badeendje, (edited )
    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar
    • By defining all information that is processed and why.
    • By not processing and storing any personal identifiable information (an IP address is PII for example) without a clearly defined need.
    • When stored ONLY using data for the defined purposes. This also means shielding data that should be shielded.
    • By implementing the mechanics for someone to be forgotten (delete my account, should delete all info, especially PII).
    • Making sure the mechanics to federate these changes/deletions exist.

    You are responsible for data collected by your own instance. If a deletion request comes through, you are responsible for deleting it from your account, and forwarding the deletion request and responses to other instance you federate with. You are in the clear as long as you don’t keep data you legally can’t, and have sufficiently informed other instances of your obligations.

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    No, if you collected the data and shared it with others, simply informing the others is not enough. This is why the platform needs tools for admins to comply.

    A proper method, that allows the users to nume their account could already be enough.

    SupraMario, (edited )

    You can’t and this is a shit article…the GDPR doesn’t apply to instance outside of the EU…

    The GDPR even applies if no financial transaction occurs if the US company sells or markets products via the Internet to EU residents and accepts the currency of an EU country, has a domain suffix for an EU country, offers shipping services to an EU country, provides translation in the language of an EU country, markets in the language of an EU country, etc.


    Literally people using the GDPR like it’s some gotcha thing for admins. If nothing is sold or offered to be sold and their is no financial gain it’s not going to apply. On top of that good luck suing a FOSS dev.

    Edit: that downvote button does jack shit on Lemmy people. If you think I’m wrong why not prove that I’m wrong…and why a bunch of law firms are wrong as well.


    You can’t and this is a shit article…the GDPR doesn’t apply to instance outside of the EU…

    It absolutely does, if the company processes data of EU residents. The US enforces GDPR themselves, as they have signed an agreement to do so. To be clear, this means that according to US law, if you are a US web host, you can abuse US customer data and the FBI will not come after you, but if you do so with EU customer data, US authorities will come after you on behalf of the EU.

    Literally people using the GDPR like it’s some gotcha thing for admins. If nothing is sold or offered to be sold and their is no financial gain it’s not going to apply.

    Yeah it does, as soon as you are providing a service, if you have a user from the EU that’s not you, it applies. And while GDPR fines are defined in a revenue percentage, there is a minimum of “up to 10 million EUR” for a violation.

    On top of that good luck suing a FOSS dev.

    Nobody is getting sued. EU data protection agencies don’t “sue” people and companies. They fine them. The difference is that a lawsuit is a process where at the end you might need to pay money, but you mostly settle. A GDPR fine looks like you get a letter saying you need to pay an amount, if you want to appeal, you can do so after paying.

    And it’s not the devs that will be getting these fines, it’s instance admins.

    @yamanii@lemmy.world avatar

    And this is why misskey is a mastodon instance that just blocked access if the person is from the EU, it’s too much to ask for devs in a single digit that survive by donations or their own pocket money, this is a hobby for them.


    Did they defederate from all instances allowing access to EU citizens? If not, they are still liable, as they are scraping EU citizen’s data for federation. Even usernames are personal data according to the GDPR.

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah, their main income is from a Dutch based EU fund to help Foss projects. So maybe, just maybe they can then fix issues in following dutch/eu law.


    It absolutely does, if the company processes data of EU residents. The US enforces GDPR themselves, as they have signed an agreement to do so. To be clear, this means that according to US law, if you are a US web host, you can abuse US customer data and the FBI will not come after you, but if you do so with EU customer data, US authorities will come after you on behalf of the EU.

    No it does not, the instances are free, no one is making money off user data or selling anything to the user. It does not apply period.

    Yeah it does, as soon as you are providing a service, if you have a user from the EU that’s not you, it applies. And while GDPR fines are defined in a revenue percentage, there is a minimum of “up to 10 million EUR” for a violation.

    No it does not, if you do not sell anything to anyone or offer any services or make any money it doesn’t apply. Stop repeating bullshit.

    Nobody is getting sued. EU data protection agencies don’t “sue” people and companies. They fine them. The difference is that a lawsuit is a process where at the end you might need to pay money, but you mostly settle. A GDPR fine looks like you get a letter saying you need to pay an amount, if you want to appeal, you can do so after paying.

    Good luck fining a host admin, of a foss instance. I don’t know why you think that any admins of instances will be getting fined if they’re not selling anything. You need to read up on the GDPR.

    And it’s not the devs that will be getting these fines, it’s instance admins.

    Again, no they will not.


    No it does not, the instances are free, no one is making money off user data or selling anything to the user. It does not apply period.

    As per official EU communication:

    The GDPR applies to:

    • a company or entity which processes personal data as part of the activities of one of its branches established in the EU, regardless of where the data is processed; or
    • a company established outside the EU and is offering goods/services (paid or for free) or is monitoring the behaviour of individuals in the EU.

    Lemmy instances are entities that offer free services and are arguably monitoring the behaviour of individuals in the EU through federation. From the perspective of the GDPR, there is no difference between Facebook and a Lemmy instance regarding what they can or cannot do, or whether they get fined for something.

    You need to read up on the GDPR yourself.


    What personal data is being processed by a Lemmy instance, what are they processing that’s being sold in the EU? The GDPR does not apply here, stop trying to wiggle it into something it’s not.


    Usernames at the very least, as online identifiers.

    Art. 4 GDPR Definitions

    For the purposes of this Regulation:

    ‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person;

    And they don’t need to be sold, just retained. GDPR applies even if there is no payment anywhere, even to non-commercial entities.


    Usernames are not PII…the GDPR only applies if someone is making money from the service. It does not mean just because your site is free but hosts ads or sells user data it’s exempt. Lemmy instances do none of this.


    Usernames are not PII

    What do you think an online identifier is then? And why would the GDPR only apply if there is money made? It specifically says in multiple places free services also count.


    www.ibm.com/topics/pii#:~:text=Personally identif….

    Usernames are not and never have been considered pii

    The GDPR states it clearly that the company/entity has to be collecting pii or selling something to the person. Lemmy does neither of these.


    How is IBM authoritative on this subject? And even so, this article doesn’t say that usernames are not PII, it even indirectly says it is indirect PII.

    Here’s another random company’s page saying usernames are PII: keepersecurity.com/…/what-is-personally-identifia…

    The GDPR says it clearly and explicitly that:

    • online identifiers such as usernames are PII
    • selling data or money transactions of any kind is not a requirement for the GDPR rules to apply

    Usernames that are used in an internal network are, because they’re linked to pii, a public username is not pii.


    And where did you read that? If anything, public usernames are easier to correlate to form identities.


    Why are you trying to be an authority on GDPR without even reading about what it is?

    GDPR applies to all personal data of people currently in the EU. If you have a service that uses data from a person in the EU, you need to comply with it. It’s not some “gotcha” law which goes in effect once you make money.


    What personal data is a Lemmy instance holding onto?

    I’m pointing out how much bullshit is being spread in this damn thread by people who don’t understand the law. You’re the same damn users who get pissy with forums and demand action be taken using a law you don’t understand.


    You are the one who doesn’t understand the law.


    Says the guy who’s literally arguing with what lawyers in the USA say about the GDPR…good one.


    Show me a lawyer that says “if you are processing data of EU citizens you can’t get fined in the US”. You don’t know anything about GDPR. It’s not some toothless law that only works in Europe.


    What part of personal data do you not understand? Lemmy instances are no processing any personal data

    And the link I provided has already stated this, but here it is again.


    @dameoutlaw@lemmy.ml avatar

    Nothing in there about the gdpr… literally 0, because it’s not part of hosting a forum that doesn’t host private user data or collect non essential cookies.


    @deadsuperhero Damn..breaking GDPR is a big problem

    @Marsupial@quokk.au avatar

    If an entity isn’t in Europe it shouldn’t be a problem at all.


    Or the US. The US enforces GDPR on behalf of the EU. If the US catches you with misusing EU citizens’ data, they will let the EU take 10 million off your accounts and/or close your instance.

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    That depends and should depend on what the instance is used for and whom it is used for.

    @Marsupial@quokk.au avatar

    If it’s an instance open to anyone, it’s up to Europeans to not participate if they don’t want to.

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    Yeah unfortunately that’s not how the law works.

    Marsupial, (edited )
    @Marsupial@quokk.au avatar

    Actually it is :)

    Not located in the EU, not targeting the EU, and under 250 employees means no GDPR to worry about.


    Badeendje, (edited )
    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    From your link:

    • a company established outside the EU and is offering goods/services (paid or for free) or is monitoring the behaviour of individuals in the EU.

    A social networks core purpose is processing data, processing of data does pose risks to people.

    I doubt that privacy watchdogs will pursue smaller instances, but pretending it never applies could lead to legal issues.

    @Marsupial@quokk.au avatar

    Eh i still dont think itd hold up.

    But more reason to hate European arrogance. Imagine if i could go to say your blog, comment my name and address, and sue you for not going into your database and scrubbing it all. Just another way to benefit big companies at the expense of individuals who dont have the tech skills to comply but want to run their own personal sites.

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    Such an ignorant stance. Privacy is an individuals RIGHT. It should have been the defacto stance for everything.

    You allowed the corporate fuckery to cloud your thinking it is too much to ask for. It isn’t. And GDPR compliance is usually straightforward.

    • is the data required to do what you and the user agree, then be explicit on why and store it. (So the content of a post is required, anything else is not).
    • Do not use data for purposes not explicitly agreed to with the user and remove any data no longer nessecary.
    • certain data can NEVER be stored unless legally required to do so.

    If the blog platform in your example had an option to “delete my account” and it would then completely scrubbed this would be plenty compliant probably. As would the option for people to comment without storing anything but the comment.

    @Marsupial@quokk.au avatar

    It is, which is why you have the RIGHT not to use a public space and push your information out to millions of people. You explicitly agreed to it the second you started doing it.

    And if it didn’t? If it’s just a simple piece of software made by two people? Should they drop everything to cater to European demands?

    Europe invaded the world, then turns around and tells the world to respect its self imposed rule it enforces on others. We can’t even host our own space on the internet without you invading and threatening us to operate your way. The only safety we apparently have is in our small size means we might escape notice.

    It’s utter arrogance.

    Badeendje, (edited )
    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    Europe funds them. Check where they got their money.

    Requiring people (yes also tankies devs) to respect human rights as outlined in many treaties is not a fringe stance.

    The GDPR was implemented to require entities to respect human rights by giving privacy watchdogs some teeth. It’s not some strange law people made because they felt like it. It is apparently needed because privacy is just some silly concept to some people.

    If you don’t understand all of that, maybe just sit down and be quiet.


    To be precise, it’s not devs that need to worry about GDPR, it’s instance admins. I don’t disagree with you, but I think it’s an important distinction to make.

    Badeendje, (edited )
    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    Fair point, it also requires privacy by design though.

    And again, why not invest some time into actually respecting privacy. Storing all sorts of info through a framework that is not needed. And at least discuss what is needed and for how long.

    It is a work in progress, but there is no need to be hostile about these requirements by people against these rules.


    The fact that Lemmy’s core team is taking a fairly laissez faire position on moderation, user safety, and tooling is problematic, and could be a serious blocker for communities currently hosted on Lemmy.

    At this point, most of the solutions the ecosystem has relied on have been third-party tools, such as db0’s fantastic Fediseer and Fedi-Safety initiatives. While I’m sure many people are glad these tools exist, the fact that instances have to rely on third-party solutions is downright baffling.

    Honestly, what? Why would be baffling to have third party tools in this ecosystem? It would be baffling if that was the case for Facebook. Also the devs did work on some moderation features, but they probably have tons of other stuff to work on, all for an amount of money which is a low salary for one developer.

    deadsuperhero, (edited )

    That’s not the argument being made. What’s baffling is to pretty much only rely on the efforts of third party devs to fill in the missing gaps. It’s a profoundly bad strategy.

    It’s like with Bethesda releases a shitty half-finished game, and leans on the modding community to actually put in half the things that would actually make it in any way fun to play. Except Bethesda actually makes money, and the community works for peanuts. Here, Lemmy makes some money, but a huge chunk of the user community shoulders the cost out of pocket. A big chunk of the Fediverse is actually unpaid labor that brings in negative dollars month over month.

    The devs have a vested interest in ensuring their project continues to grow, they continue to get funded for their work, and features on their own roadmap get planned and developed. They can’t do that if the tooling is too brittle, shitty, or threadbare to actually handle the deeply fucking intense problem of managing and maintaining a server and community on the open Internet, where literally anything and everything goes. Factor in a myriad of local jurisdictions and laws about data and content, and a lot of these things end up becoming severe liabilities.

    Look at it this way: with federation, a handful of volunteers themselves are doing labor for free, for the devs, by propping up their platform, client ecosystem, and reputation in the space. If this gets bad enough, people will literally say “fuck it” and walk away.

    sudneo, (edited )

    That’s not the argument being made. What’s baffling is to pretty much only rely on the efforts of third party devs to fill in the missing gaps. It’s a profoundly bad strategy.

    I literally quoted the article:

    At this point, most of the solutions the ecosystem

    I mean, there are some moderation features in Lemmy, for sure with gaps, but there are many gaps on other aspects as well, and if people can’t run the instances due to other technical issues, there is also nothing to moderate, so obviously prioritization is complex when resources available (dev) are so limited.

    That said, I really don’t see the problem of third parties. We rely on third parties for one of the most fundamental features, which is community discovery (lemmyverse.net), for example. What’s the problem with that? I think that’s literally one of the benefits of making an open platform, where other people can build other tools in the ecosystem. We are not purchasing a service, we are not talking about an organization who has a substantial revenue and tons of people and can’t deal with basic functionalities. We are talking about a project with a team that is smaller than the team that in Facebook deals with which colors to make buttons, and it’s “paid” 1/20th of that. So I still don’t understand, what is “baffling”? Because from where I stand, all things considered, it’s totally normal that a project with these resources and that gained popularity less than a year ago has still tons of gaps and a long roadmap, and that tools in the ecosystem address some of these gaps.

    It’s like with Bethesda releases a shitty half-finished game

    No it’s not. Bethesda is company that sells you a proprietary product while having a revenue in the order of hundreds of millions. The relationship between Bethesda customers and Lemmy users has absolutely nothing in common.

    Here, Lemmy makes some money

    Lemmy makes no money. Considered the opportunity cost, Lemmy loses money. A single dev with a full time job can easily double the amount that Lemmy devS earn. Not to talk about the fact that the money they make are donations, without a contract bounding them to anything and also not granting them anything (tomorrow everyone could cancel donations and the income would disappear).

    They can’t do that if the tooling is too brittle, shitty, or threadbare to actually handle the deeply fucking intense problem of managing and maintaining a server and community on the open Internet, where literally anything and everything goes. Factor in a myriad of local jurisdictions and laws about data and content, and a lot of these things end up becoming severe liabilities.

    Sure, but again, if those were the only problems and the devs would be sipping cocktails in Hawaii splurging on those 4k/month, I would agree with you. If they think priorities are elsewhere, or are also elsewhere, they might have their reasons. In fact, in the article there is a complaint about them answering in a “hostile” manner, but I also understand that the issue in question is probably the 100th issue in a week/month in which other people tell them what they should do. This is a regular problem in OSS (See mastodon.uno/@bagder - the maintainer of curl - for plenty of examples). After they understood better what’s the problem, their stance changed as well, which is also reasonable.

    Look at it this way: with federation, a handful of volunteers themselves are doing labor for free, for the devs, by propping up their platform, client ecosystem, and reputation in the space. If this gets bad enough, people will literally say “fuck it” and walk away.

    I don’t look at it in this way at all. I think the devs made it extremely clear (even given the political stance of both) that despite the happiness of seeing their project flourish, they have no interest in growth as an end. In fact, I would say that nobody is doing work for the devs. But I see that we have a fundamentally different perception on the dynamics in Lemmy, so I see no reconciliation between our opinions.


    This link has been posted and discussed on Reddit too.

    Of course, we shouldn’t care about what people on Reddit think (and I noticed this post by chance since I log on there very rarely now), but some users in the thread genuinely ask about joining Lemmy and so I guess it’s useful to know about possible obstacles to trying it that they may perceive.

    @steal_your_face@lemmy.ml avatar

    That OP has been crying everywhere about the Lemmy devs being mean to him. Saw a few threads of his here on Lemmy.

    @NOT_RICK@lemmy.world avatar

    No space for muh centrism



    Ya, reading the GitHub issue sounds entirely like burnt out devs being abused by users. It’s a massive issue in open source.

    The Late Night Linux and Linux Dev Time podcasts talked about exactly this in a recent episode. It can be extremely demoralizing to do all this work for free for a project only to be inundated by ungrateful people demanding you fix something or implement a feature they want. Many open source projects have died because of that.


    while i think there are people like that i think this particular issue is a serious issue that should be handled properly. i think the conversation should have been much professional from both sides, but nonetheless this issue addresses a serious problem.


    Why should it be handled professionally? I don’t necessarily disagree, but what makes you say that? This isn’t a paid job. They aren’t working for a corporation. And all of their work is voluntary for a free project.


    Does them working on the project voluntairly, makes them be able to steal code from non-opensource projects, ignore licenses and do other shit like that? If the answer is no, why does working on the project voluntairly lets them break the law in other ways?


    steal code from non-opensource projects, ignore licenses and do other shit like that

    That’s a lot of incorrect assumptions there.

    They didn’t steal any code. They didn’t ignore licenses either. In fact, the only reason they had a judgment ruled against them is because they were taking monetary donations. Which was interpreted as “profiting”.

    They reverse engineered a process without stealing anything. They didn’t even circumvent DRM, which is actually protected by law on the grounds of creating personal backups and data/software preservation.

    You’re either very ignorant on the subject or you just ate up Nintendo’s BS.


    I was talking hypothetically. Are they allowed to do that? If not, then they cannot be noncompliant with GDPR, simple as.


    Are they allowed to do that?

    Actually yes. The people that run afoul of the GDPR are the people who run the instance servers. The code writers are not the ones legally responsible.


    Yeah, theu are just as legally responsible as admins of instances.


    That’s going to vary heavily based on regional laws. You cannot make such a blanket statement like that.


    Yes I can.


    Ok, sure. You can. You can also just be completely wrong at the same time.


    That’s how a Minecraft server I ran died. Too many people telling me how to run it and trying to break things when I was asleep.

    masterspace, (edited )

    We’re not talking about a user demanding you release a flatpak build targeting their personal linux distribution running in a VM’d WSL, we’re talking about a consumer facing social app that doesn’t include the functionality for a user to delete something they added.

    You know what the acronym used for describing the most basic functional web app api is?

    CRUD - Create, Read, Update, Delete


    You seem to know what you are talking about. Have you made a pull request yet?

    masterspace, (edited )

    Have you learned how to program to fix the problem?

    It doesn’t seem worth my time to learn Rust just to submit a PR to devs who behave like that, they’ll just reject it and be pithy, like they are when a user asks them to comply with EU privacy law.


    It doesn’t seem worth my time to learn Rust just to submit a PR to devs who behave like that

    Ya, this is exactly the attitude that burns out devs and kills projects. Congrats for being super entitled towards a free project.


    It is not entitled to expect a published project to comply with basic privacy legislation and not be illegal to use.

    If your bar for this project is that much below basic consumer expectations, then this project was always going to fail.


    It is not entitled to expect a published project to comply with basic privacy legislation and not be illegal to use.

    No it’s not. But what is entitlement is bombarding voluntary devs with garbage requests. Is this particular issue entitlement? No. But having seen the various requests made over the last year or so there’s a breaking point where a person gets overly sensitive.

    Think of being pestered ALL day at work over garbage and having an all around bad day. Then on the way home you jump into a store to pick something up and someone says something annoying but ultimately innocuous to you. Some people can handle it in stride, some people’s nerves get frayed.

    I’m not excusing the devs here. I don’t actually know what their thoughts are. But from personal experience in the dev world and from what I’ve seen, it looks to me like they’re getting frustrated by users.

    And they might be in a region where the privacy concerns don’t apply to them. And I agree that it’s a problem, but ultimately it’s their right and prerogative to not implement.

    Remember, absolutely no one here has paid a single CENT to the devs for their work (not talking about donations).

    So complaining about the quality of their work while you are benefiting from it for free is literally entitlement.


    I understand having frayed nerves, I even understand snapping at someone because you’re having a bad day, and I do feel sympathy for the devs, and wouldn’t hold this against them (especially since they’re at least providing a nuke everything option that will address it).

    But the line between entitlement and reasonable expectation is not one of monetary compensation.

    Engineering ethics does not let you off the hook just because no one paid you to build what you built. If an engineer goes to the park and unilaterally builds a playground that doesn’t meet basic legislated safety standards and kills a kid, they’re not off the hook. They will be investigated by their professional body and have their license revoked.

    Hell if they just build a playground off in the woods on their own private land but don’t take reasonable steps to prevent kids from accessing or using it then they will have their license revoked.


    Hell if they just build a playground off in the woods on their own private land but don’t take reasonable steps to prevent kids from accessing or using it then they will have their license revoked.

    Sure, but if you want to extend the analogy that far, then the devs are just posting free plans online on how to build a playground. It’s the instance owners who physically build the “playground” and are liable.


    Again, that does not matter. If an engineer published those plans online and you built it and your kid died they would have their license revoked and face likely criminal liability.


    There’s no equivalent to a licensed civil engineer in programming.The proper analogy is just anyone putting up those plans.

    Why do you keep adding new parameters to these analogies? It’s such a simple concept but you are determined to prove your opinion, that the devs should acquiesce to your point of view, no matter what.


    There’s no equivalent to a licensed civil engineer in programming.

    It’s literally called a software engineer in most jurisdictions that aren’t America where anyone is allowed to call themselves that. And software engineers also have to take engineering ethics, both courses in university as well as in their final professional exams if they want to call themselves engineers.

    Why do you keep adding new parameters to these analogies? It’s such a simple concept but you are determined to prove your opinion, that the devs should acquiesce to your point of view, no matter what.

    You’re the one who added the “posted online” parameter. I responded and pointed out that it doesn’t matter to the analogy.

    If you put something dangerous into the world, mark it “ready to use”, and encourage people to use it, and that results in them getting hurt or hurting others, then that is a bad thing and you have an obligation to fix it or warn people.

    It’s such a simple concept but you are determined to prove your opinion, that the devs should acquiesce to your point of view, no matter what.

    You’re right about it being a simple concept, I don’ understand where you think I’m demanding anyone do anything. The devs have already acquiesced after the community overwhelmingly dumped on their response. My only point has been that it’s not entitled to expect a developer to put a warning on software once they’ve been alerted that it’s dangerous.


    Your failure to provide a reliable source for your claims is not my problem.

    If you cannot provide a reliable source of your claims, your claim will be dismissed.


    Is it entitlement if it’s making using the entire thing illegal everywhere? Since there is no tooling to block traffic from the EU / not federate with instances that don’t comply with GDPR?


    Is it entitlement if it’s making using the entire thing illegal everywhere?

    No. It’s the dev’s project. They can do whatever they want with it. They can delete the repo and go live in the woods if they want.

    To be clear, I don’t agree with the stance they have taken. But I also see the kind of reactions there are far from what people are making it out to be. I think the people complaining about the devs being “mean” are just hypersensitive and have never been told “no” their whole lives.

    Like I said, I disagree with the devs’ position to not implement this feature. It’s been highly requested, and for good reason. But this is a free project. If they say no, then it’s no. If we don’t like that decision, then maybe we need to move somewhere else.

    It sucks but sometimes that’s life.


    I don’t care if they are mean. The app isn’t GDPR compliant. That’s what matters.


    Fine, that’s what matters. Then ask them to implement it or write it yourself.

    And if they say no, then that’s your answer and Lemmy instances within the EU will need to move out of the EU or just shut down.


    They can’t be in the EU or the US. That cuts like 99% of them off. That’s exactly my point - they don’t want to implement something that makes the app illegal with 99% of the userbase being from there.


    Ok, then it’s time to jump to another platform


    For an instance admin? Yeah, it probably would be a good time to not get screwed over. Or at least try to implement it themselves. Traffic blocking isn’t that problematic when location based


    we’re talking about a consumer facing social app

    What we’re talking about is a complete free and open source project that’s built and maintained completely through volunteer labour.

    There are zero obligations towards the people actively using the software.

    While I agree that the functionality should exist, the devs can literally do whatever they want. Nobody is paying them.

    Edit: you’re also seeing only a single instance of a conversation. I can guarantee that the devs have been dealing with asinine and demanding users for a while now. There comes a point where your patience wears thin.


    There are zero obligations towards the people actively using the software.

    Yes, there are, and that obligation is to not publish something as production ready if it is illegal to use because of how it’s built.

    I’m a software developer, I understand exactly how frustrating user demands are, that was still a completely and utterly unacceptable way to respond to a very politely worded request for software that literally just doesn’t break privacy laws to run.

    As the commenter pointed out, if you don’t want to fix it, fine, but then you absolutely have a moral, ethical, and professional obligation to document that clearly in your README.md.


    Yes, there are, and that obligation is to not publish something as production ready if it is illegal to use because of how it’s built.

    No, there really isn’t. Do I feel that project owners should follow good practices for maintaining clean code that also allows users to keep things legal? Absolutely I do.

    But that is not the same thing as an obligation. If there was a single cent exchanged between the devs and anyone else (donations do not count) then this conversation would be entirely different.

    I don’t agree with the devs’ stance. But it is 100% their prerogative to say no. It’s their project, not ours.

    I’m a software developer, I understand exactly how frustrating user demands are

    As am I.

    that was still a completely and utterly unacceptable way to respond to a very politely worded request

    I agree.

    As the commenter pointed out, if you don’t want to fix it, fine, but then you absolutely have a moral, ethical, and professional obligation to document that clearly in your README.md.

    No, you absolutely do not. Although I do somewhat agree on the professional part, but it’s still not an obligation. It’s completely unprofessional, but that’s different than it being an obligation.


    The word obligation is not as narrow as you’re using it:

    obligation /ŏb″lĭ-gā′shən/

    noun A social, legal, or moral requirement, such as a duty, contract, or promise, that compels one to follow or avoid a particular course of action. “Are you able to meet your obligations?” “I have an obligation to attend their wedding.”

    Does he have a contractual obligation? No, no contracts were signed. Does he have a legal obligation? No, the license file in the project absolves him of legal liability.

    But he absolutely has a moral, social, and professional obligation to do so.


    If you want to apply such a better definition, then you have an obligation to learn Rust and submit a PR to bring the project into compliance. You have a societal obligation since you are aware of the issue and use Lemmy.

    You owe it to your fellow Lemmites. Lemurs? Lemmings? Whatever the term for a Lemmy user is.


    All I have an obligation to do is give back to society, and I do so through taking care of my parents and grandparents, volunteering teaching classes every weekend at the community center, volunteering to upgrade and maintain an app for a non profit, donating to charity, open source projects and news organizations, helping my elderly neighbours with their snow and leaf clearing, etc.

    And if you find one of my open source github projects will cause a user to violate a local law, kindly file an issue and I’ll immediately update the README.md and take it down until the issue is fixed.


    And if you find one of my github projects that will cause a user to violate a local law, kindly file an issue and I’ll update the README.md / consider taking it down until the issue is fixed.

    100% your prerogative.


    Nope, it’s my moral, ethical, and social obligation as a person, my professional obligation as a professional software developer, and if I had bothered to file the paper work for my engineering license, would also be my legal obligation as an engineer.


    Again, 100% your prerogative. No one is forced to use any of your software. The only time you must fix it is if you have a contract that outlines those conditions or you are selling licenses to customers in the EU.

    masterspace, (edited )

    Again, you are narrowing the definition of “obligation” to just legal and contractual.

    If you just want to think about yourself and how you interact with the world through legal and contractual terms, good luck, it will be hard and miserable and you will be disliked. Otherwise you do have moral, ethical, and social obligations for everything you put into society.


    What I truly don’t understand is why the negative eggs that you WILL ALWAYS HAVE NO MATTER WHAT, read it again, ALWAYS HAVE NO MATTER WHAT, gets so much mental attention than the many more people who are actively applauding you and saying their thanks and giving you their praises.

    I will never understand the focusing on the negative I guess. It’d be easy as fuck for me to ignore people’s assholeishness while still taking their badly typed criticism and improving (if I reasonably can).

    Shit, it makes me feel like the fucking champ when some random persons says thanks for something I did, and I laugh and ignore the ones who don’t like what I do.

    But hey, if focusing on the few negatives instead of the mountains of praise is what you want to do, it’s all yours.


    Imagine you get approval to build a new park and playground for your neighbourhood. You spend hundreds of hours designing the plan and layout and you spend incredible amounts of your own money to get the resources.

    You get to work and things are going well. As you near the end of months upon months of work, the park finally opens for families and kids to use.

    As you’re standing there proud of your work, some people come over to you. Do they say “thank you!” or “you did amazing work”? No, they come over to complain about things that are missing, tell you what you should have done better, that you didn’t accommodate their each specific needs, etc.

    You would very quickly get bitter and demoralized.

    Like I mentioned before: this is a massive problem in the open source development world and has killed many great projects. This has nothing to do with “mental attention” and everything to do with users abusing the devs and their time.


    In your analogy, the park didn’t follow any safety guidelines and people are dying on the rides and falling into a lake with piranhas.


    the park didn’t follow any safety guidelines and people are dying on the rides and falling into a lake with piranhas.

    In my analogy it’s a park with trees, bushes, rocks, and slides. I said “park in your neighbourhood” not “mega-extreme rollercoaster park”. I also said “you got approval” which is generally from the city or other governing municipal/county/regional body. And that also requires a plan to be submitted before approval is stamped.

    So no, what you did is make up a bunch of crap to strawman my argument and try to make what I said wrong in some way.

    Nice try.


    They by definition didn’t “get permission” if they are noncompliant with GDPR.


    Are they in the EU? No? Then they don’t need that permission.


    Are they in the US? Then they need that permission too.


    Your comment doesn’t make sense to me.


    Because you don’t know how GDPR works.


    No, I meant the wording of you comment is terrible

    @chiisana@lemmy.chiisana.net avatar

    Was going to say “another one of these?” but, wow, the article really further highlights the childish nature of the Lemmy devs… Can’t wait for Sublinks to reach feature parity and become main stream, so we can leave this dark phase behind.


    Yeah same. I’ve been looking forward to sublinks for quite a while now. I’m jumping to it as soon as it’s ready

    toasteecup, (edited )

    What is sublinks?

    Update: there was a link in the article, thanks though!



    “Sublinks, crafted using Java Spring Boot, stands as a state-of-the-art link aggregation and microblogging platform, reminiscent yet advanced compared to Lemmy & Kbin.”


    Yeah, I’m pretty excited about it. Apparently the Pangora (Lemmy fork) dev joined forces, and the new UI is starting to look great.



    It’s honestly mind-blowing. At every turn, for no reason at all, they act like a bunch of dicks. It’s like they decided to run a community project based on engineering prowess alone, and nothing else.

    Except the engineering isn’t all that good, either.


    You’re being dense, the reason is devs get burned out and you’re asking them to do work for free.

    deadsuperhero, (edited )

    The reason that an open source developer might experience burnout are myriad, but can include:

    • Lack of compensation
    • Insufficient tooling or project infrastructure
    • A high ratio of operators to maintainers
    • Lack of a concrete roadmap, quality documentation, tests, essential resources
    • Lack of an onboarding process for new contributors
    • Inability to reconcile differences with contributors, leading to hard forks or exodus of contributors
    • Intractable architectural issues that require substantial engineering effort, possibly more than the maintainer can actually contribute

    As someone who has done Community Management for an open source, decentralized communication platform (Diaspora), I am familiar with all of these things. This shit is hard, and I am not denying that Lemmy devs have done a lot of good work.

    The problem is actually much simpler than you’re making it out to be. For a social platform, which depends on interconnected self-hosted communities to succeed, you absolutely have to build in the tools and utilities necessary to deal with all the crazy shit that comes with the territory. Ignoring this causes a cascade of problems that gradually get worse the longer they remain unaddressed.

    The devs are surviving on crowdfunding and grants, and doing the best they can with that. That’s commendable! They probably need more of both to have their needs fully covered. But don’t get it twisted: receiving proceeds for your work is not the same thing as working for free.

    TxzK, (edited )
    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    And on .ml you get banned for saying otherwise. Check their modlog.


    Yeah, one of the project devs threatened to ban me after I told him to get past his own ego.

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    Par for the course. I hope for them they don’t break the ethics clauses of their financing.

    Arelin, (edited )

    Well yeah? The only countries accusing China of mishandling the ETIM in Xinjiang (an issue created by the US through Afganistan btw) are the ones committing an actual genocide in Palestine, i.e imperial core countries. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Global South and Muslim countries in general are against the western propaganda about it.


    20 . Welcomes the outcomes of the visit conducted by the General Secretariat’s delegation upon invitation from the People’s Republic of China; commends the efforts of the People’s Republic of China in providing care to its Muslim citizens; and looks forward to further cooperation between the OIC and the People’s Republic of China.


    Yeah, because the West is also committing a genocide, that means your genocide is ok. Both are doing genocides. Torturing and raping hundreds if thousands of Uyghurs, forcing them to abandon their culture, forced birth control, forced labour, forced sterilisation and prosecution without any legal process isn’t just combating ETIM terrorists. That’s same level of BS argument Israel is using while flattening entire Gaza and saying they’re only combating Hamas terrorists.

    “The Organization of Islamic Cooperation and Muslim countries in general are against the western propaganda about it”

    Because they’re corrupt shitheads? They don’t give shit about human rights either, they see more profit from supporting China same way the west sees more profit supporting Israel.


    And you can’t say Amnesty International is Western propaganda because they’re very critical of Israel and it’s genocide as well.

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    TIL two wrongs equals a right!


    You don’t understand how open source works. You are not entitled to any features. Let the devs go on their own pace. A lot of open source projects shut down because of similar reasons.

    masterspace, (edited )

    You don’t know how social networks work. They only survive based on network effects, if they don’t have the most basic functionality that users expect (like complying with privacy legislation), then they will fail to reach critical mass and be outcompeted and die.

    If the devs don’t want to provide the most basic functions that any user of a social network would expect, they’re welcome to be downvoted to hell and have their project go back to being one of the millions of forgotten and unviewed personal github projects.

    Open source projects die because it takes both technical talent and attention to your users to make a project successful, and for-profit companies often pay different people to do those.

    DrCake, (edited )

    The entire point of the “fediverse” is to combat the network effect. Don’t like Lemmy? Move to another app and still communicate with people on Lemmy. Plus it’s all open, can’t find an app you like? Build one or wait for someone to build one you like.


    The entire point of the “fediverse” is to combat the network effect.

    No, it’s not.

    The purpose of the fediverse is to decentralize control of the network, it does not eliminate network effects in any way shape or form. At the end of the day a social network is only as valuable as the users using it and contributing content to it. If they don’t find lemmy pleasant to use, they’re not going to say “let me jump to mastodon” they’re going to go to Reddit.

    Build one or wait for someone to build one you like.

    You really don’t understand network effects if you think you can just sit around and wait for basic functionality and expect your network not to die.

    @Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

    We can expect them to follow the law. And yes this means implementing required features to comply with the law.


    Nothing here is breaking any laws. I don’t know why OP thinks the GDPR applies here, it doesn’t.


    It does apply, but not to the Lemmy devs, but to the instance admins.

    As it stands, you can’t legally host a Lemmy server in either the EU or the US (or places they can reach) and federate with the 'verse at large without fear that the authorities will come after you.


    This is not true at all, you can host a instance in the USA for free and not be subjective to the GDPR. You’re not selling anything, or marketing anything or doing any data collection to be sold. It %100 does not apply.


    GDPR article 3, and the EU-US Data Protection Umbrella Agreement concluded in the US in December 2016 which makes it US law disagree.


    Yeah no it doesn’t.


    Go read it ffs.


    Lemmy instances offer services to me as an in-EU data subject, and that makes it subject under the very Article 3/2 (a) you linked.

    the offering of goods or services, irrespective of whether a payment of the data subject is required, to such data subjects in the Union

    Since there is federation, a US-based instance would still be a data processor if it IP blocked be as coming from the EU.

    I did in fact read it.


    Read the rest of it, instead of cherry picking shit. The instance needs to be collecting your data and selling it or making some sort of money off of it.


    Where does it say that?


    the offering of goods or services, irrespective of whether a payment of the data subject is required, to such data subjects in the Union; or the monitoring of their behaviour as far as their behaviour takes place within the Union.

    Lemmy doesn’t sell anything and it doesn’t monitor you or collect pii.


    Anything that someone’s identity can be even indirectly inferred is PII. The GDPR explicitly defines usernames as online identifiers as PII.

    The whole “irrespective of whether a payment of the data subject is required” bit is so that it applies to free services like Lemmy as well. Lemmy provides me with a free service. It even monitors me through federation, since it scrapes my username and comments from other instances without my affirmative and explicit consent. Using a service, no matter its nature, is not consent as required by the GDPR.

    There is an explicit cutout for services you offer yourself or your household members. The reason it is there is that free services like Lemmy absolutely do qualify.


    No it doesn’t, and good luck finding a case where someone has been fined for hosting a free service that doesn’t sell anything.


    There are dozens of cases of fines issued to municipalities, and government offices that don’t do business. France fined a parliamentary candidate. Italy has fined the Italian Archery Federation, an NGO. Germany fined a bunch of individual police officers and an employee of a Covid testing centre.

    Please either start backing up your claim of some supposed nonprofit exception, or go sealioning somewhere else.


    Cool, so no forum owners of foss…got it.


    Nice moving the goalposts there. You said “not selling anything”. I think police officers or the “Association for the prevention and study of crimes, abuses and negligence in information technology and advanced communications” don’t sell stuff, they were fined nevertheless.

    If I put a link to for example this case where a small social media provider got fined for nothing more than not handling data well, you could move the goalposts even further.

    Or you could look at the countless cases brought against private individuals where they of course are not selling things. Austria fined a guy under GDPR for having a dashcam!

    So again, you made a claim that there is an exception under GDPR for “forum owners of foss”. Let’s see evidence for that claim.


    Summary The company has sent invitations to contacts uploaded by its users without their consent or any other legal basis.

    Let’s see, in the EU and was a company that sold and processed data.

    All you have done is provided that companies that hold pii in the EU have been fined before.

    I’ll ask again, please provide a instance of a person who holds no pii operating a forum or instance that is free, sells no data and makes no profit off the instance being fined.


    I was going to write a long ass answer to this, but tbh I’m tired of you asking and me answering the same question over and over again while not providing any source for your claims.

    • Lemmy holds PII. Usernames and other online identifiers are PII according to GDPR Art 4/1 and legal practice as well. Photos people upload of themselves, people claiming to be Jews or from some country in comments are all PII. You have just said “oh but they are not” without backing up your claims. If nothing else, the fact that Reddit, the site which this is a clone of, holds PII should convince you if the relatively plain words of the law don’t.
    • Lemmy processes data. According to GDPR Art 4/1 data processing does not involve sales of data, just “any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction”. Again, you have not found anything to back up your claim that “it actually doesn’t and selling and processing is the same”.
    • GDPR applies to nonprofits, even non-commercial entities, private individuals, government institutions as evidenced by fines. You claim an exception for “forum owners for free instances” without even trying to back it up, and are asking me to prove a negative, again without providing any evidence of your own.

    So the real question is, let’s say you’re an admin of some instance that grows to some noticeable size. Would you trust your gut feeling of “I hate EU regulations, and they shouldn’t apply to me either” before some random country you probably never heard of sends you a letter that you pay them some large amount of money? Or would you implement basic delete functionalities on your website and sleep easy?

    deadsuperhero, (edited )

    While I think you’re correct about it ultimately being their project, and that users are in no place to demand or expect anything, this thing takes on whole other dimensions once a project is all about building a social platform. Particularly one where volunteers host part of the network themselves.

    It’s one thing to look at some random demand to write everything in a P2P architecture because DNS is too centralized. When I worked on Diaspora, I literally saw people demand stuff like that, and laughed it off. I’m trying to build a platform that exists today, not some pixie dream bullshit compromised of academic circle-jerking.

    But when it comes to basic table stakes for participating in a network that already exists, things change a bit. This is especially true when you’re connecting to a global network that has:

    • Hate Speech
    • Targeted Harassment Campaigns
    • Child Pornography
    • Extreme Gore and Violence

    Suddenly, it makes a lot of sense to say “you know what, admins are going to want to filter this shit out, maybe it’s reasonable for them to have some tools and fixtures that are part of core.”

    Unfortunately, these devs are the kind of people who scream angrily when someone says “Hey, this thing doesn’t actually respect local image deletes / GDPR stuff / content deletion on account deletion”. To me, that’s fucking insane.

    EmilyIsTrans, (edited )
    @EmilyIsTrans@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Likewise, an open source project can totally die if they refuse to engage with the needs of the users. The lack of moderation and content management tools have been a longstanding criticism of Lemmy, and instances will migrate to alternatives that address these concerns. It is a genuine legal liability for instance operators if they are unable to sufficiently delete CSAM/illegal content or comply with EU regulations.

    Eyck_of_denesle, (edited )

    But opensource projects are more likely to get dropped by devs than losing their userbase from what I’ve seen. I could be wrong. Both our points are true. That’s the best part of fediverse. If one doesn’t like lemmy, they are free to choose an alternative. I just don’t agree with demanding features from open source developers. There is a distinct line between demanding and requesting. I’m not saying lemmy is perfect. Maybe Sublinks would be better. Let’s wait. But even Sublinks won’t be sustainable if users do not respect developers time and patience.

    @FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

    I think there is also a distinct line between demanding, for example, a new animated avatar feature and demanding a way to delete child porn.




    Java is horrible. And Lemmy is open source. We could just fork it and have the best of both worlds.


    The core issue here is that there are too many things to do, and too few developers to do them. By the way, for a huge number of these things that need to be done, there is most likely at least one person who thinks it’s the absolute highest priority for Lemmy. Forking would not help fix this issue, it would only make it worse.

    In other words: if you’re a Rust dev, you can just fix it in Lemmy anyway, so there is no benefit from forking. If you’re not a Rust dev, then after forking, you will have a new repo to create issues on, except you’ll have 0 devs to actually fix them.

    1984, (edited )
    @1984@lemmy.today avatar

    I disagree strongly that they are childish. They are 100% correct in what they are saying here. Also this article doesn’t “highlight” their behavior, it’s actually “cherry-picking” behavior that puts them in a bad light. Similar to tabloids read by the lowest iq crowds.

    You don’t demand anything from open source devs. You feel gratitude for what you have.



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    @1984@lemmy.today avatar

    It’s my only account and it’s my honest opinion about this. Take that as you may.


    You are free to build your own platform without the “harm caused here”.

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