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Anticorp, in Old Movies Are Being Enhanced With AI Tools and Not Everyone is Happy

That’s not enhancement, it’s removing our reference for when people actually looked like people. I just posted in the unpopular opinions community a week ago complaining how nobody in movies looks human any more. I’m going to be really disappointed if they go back through all the old movies with an Instagram filter. Come on, motherfuckers. It’s okay to look human.

PullUpCircuit, in Google apologizes for “missing the mark” after Gemini generated racially diverse Nazis

Pretty sure these tools are often seeded with prompts that enforce diversity. Bing does the same or similar. I’m more amused by this, as the process isn’t aware and can’t actively enable or disable these settings.

To actively fit a historical prompt, it would need to not only consider images from the period, but also properly synthesize historical data to go with the prompt.


That would require some kind of machine capable of learning, a model of language so incredibly large that it can comprehend these linguistic nuances, or an intelligent form of artificial device.

Wonder if we’ll ever have something like that in the future.

Aquilae, avatar

I mean, we ourselves are just electronic meat machines (with millions of years worth of fine-tuning).

I’m sure that’ll happen at some point in the future, if we manage to not destroy ourselves and/or the planet by then.


There’s a Sci-fi horror book I enjoyed, called “John Dies At The End”, that posits an alternative history in which computers were created from the brains of pigs.

As a consequence, the civilization is heavily invested in harvesting organs in the same way that we’re invested in drilling for oil.

MacNCheezus, (edited ) avatar

Yes, I saw some talk and a screenshot somewhere that showed that apparently in its current state, Gemini can (or could) be asked to output the prompt enhancements it used along with the generated images.

The screenshot showed someone asking for images of fruit, and the enhanced prompt included “racially diverse groups of people”. Now if they’re inserting something like that even for images containing no people at, it stands to reason that this is just a default enhancement they ALWAYS apply, no matter the prompt, which would explain the racially diverse Nazis (and all the other brouhahahas we’ve seen from them).


That’s really what I’m expecting. My guess is that the training data is skewed, and the prompt cannot adjust.

Either the machine will need to understand what is expected, or the company will need to address this and allow people to enable or disable diversity.

The first option may be impossible to attain at this stage. The second can lead to inappropriate images.

Fisch, in Improved Wikipedia AI Modernizer avatar

Kinda interesting to see what AI can do but I really hope you didn’t actually upload these to Wikipedia

lanolinoil, avatar

It’s a chrome extension that loads/saves them to an external DB and let’s you toggle between them

Landsharkgun, in Improved Wikipedia AI Modernizer

I…what? Who thought this was a good idea, or even a thing that was needed? Why would you need to ‘modernize’ historical artwork? Why the great flying fuck would you do this by putting it through an AI program that - extremely fucking crucially - changes all of the minor details of the piece? This is absolutely terrible. Whoever worked on this needs to unplug all of their devices and go peel some potatoes.

lanolinoil, avatar

Check out my milk bread posts if you’re into potatoes.

Can you share more about what information you think is lost in the high fidelity generations like the lighthouse and colossus, especially given you can toggle the images?

The fidelity with the lines and subject is pretty high right now via gpt4 vision and controlnet, but I could work on getting it higher – Which images bother you the most and what level of fidelity/auto restoration would cause you to have a more positive reaction?

Thanks for the feedback!


My problem is the basic concept. These are historical documents, and you are tampering with them. It’s like translating the Declaration of Independence into leetspeak. As a one-time gag, it’s worth a chuckle, but the idea that it would be an ‘improvement’ or a ‘modernisation’ is an insult. The ‘fidelity’ of your process is irrelevant. You do not and should not need an artifical ‘higher resolution image’ of a centuries-old painting.

lanolinoil, avatar

That’s what I thought – It seems like there’s a group of people this bothers and aren’t interested in regardless of the outputs. It feels ideological, but I won’t go that far and claim that for you or them – Anyway, this isn’t made for you and it is OK that we feel differently.

Thanks for sharing your feedback and opinion again! Have a great day!

Thorry84, (edited ) in Improved Wikipedia AI Modernizer

What are you doing? That painting shown on Wikipedia for the lighthouse of Alexandria is an actual painting, you can’t just replace that with another random image and say look this is better. The painting is the painting, with its flaws and character and historical aspects.

Please stop and delete this.

lanolinoil, avatar

The drawing is the original and the painting is the AI image :)

On that image too, I can’t even see any difference in the lines at all – which differences are most obvious and upsetting to you?

Thanks for the feedback!

Thorry84, (edited )

Yeah I meant the drawing, the original. I would consider that a painting, but that’s semantics.

One of the biggest issues I see with this is the two people in the bottom right. They are naked and most likely slaves. One of them has a lighter skin color and the other a darker skin color. Whilst it isn’t the focus of the original drawing, it is a part of it, because it is a part of history.

In the new “AI improved” version, not only is all detail lost and are there straight up mistakes, the light colored slave now has clothes on (implying it’s not a slave) and the darker colored one is simply deleted. Rewriting history by deleting slavery using AI is a HUGE issue and highlights why you should absolutely not do this.

The original contains so much more information and context, you are deleting all of that. Basically everything that made the original worth anything and worth including in the article is gone.

If you say you can’t see the differences you are full of shit, get the fuck out of here.

lanolinoil, avatar

No need to be ugly I don’t think — Thanks for the feedback all the same.

I honestly did not notice it because my focus was on the lighthouse structure itself and that level of fidelity wasn’t something I personally needed as an addendum to the original image (not replacement)

So, I could get tiny subject fidelity up by using larger images from the start, but that would dramatically increase generation time.

Right now an image runs through GPT AND generates in about 10-15 seconds. If we pretend you were using this, what the max time you’d want to wait for the highest quality image?

If I added an upscale button to the AI image that produced a 4X much higher detail/fidelity image but took longer, would that be a solution?


I think you have a flawed understanding of what “AI” is and does.

It doesn’t enhance, it doesn’t improve, it doesn’t increase tiny subject fidelity. It makes stuff up, it invents data, in other words it’s total BS.

Using something like AI upscaling for videogames is fine, because if it fucks up it’s at worse a tiny glitch to get annoyed with. Using it on something like Wikipedia, which for many people is a source of information, is VERY dangerous and downright stupid. You can’t rely on anything produced by AI. It isn’t the magic zoom and enhance button we know from TV and movies.

When Elden Ring came out, I wanted a huge ass poster of it. But even the official press release only included images of limited resolution, fine for a wallpaper on the computer, not fine for a high quality print. I messed around with different AI upscaling techniques till I found one I was happy with. Even then I spent hours tweaking the parameters and throwing a lot of computing power against it, till I got out something I was happy with. And even now I know small little details which aren’t right because of that algorithm, but I’m the only one who knows or sees so I was OK with it.

If you are learning about subjects by using AI, please stop and use actual primary sources. What you are learning is fiction, a fantasy and not real life.

lanolinoil, avatar

So, this is more than just running the image through an AI generator – It uses a few techniques to lock the image to the lines in the original image and the prompt is aware of the article data and the image via GPT vision, controlnet, and the internet.

Also, this does not replace the images on Wikipedia, it’s a chrome extension that let’s you toggle between original and generated images – The intent is if you see an old 1700s etching and wonder what it really looked like – Or see a poorly drawn Mughal era painting and wonder what the scene might have looked like in real life – The only real ‘funcitonal’ use I’ve seen building it is with coins and other things that are ‘worn down’ It does a pretty good job at making that stuff more visible – There’s a few coin examples in the post.

Can you look at the line drawing of the lighthouse of Alexandria and the AI generated image for me and tell me if there’s some level of fidelity improvement that could be present to make you feel differently? I struggle to find a lot of differences other than the color.

The ‘upscale’ button could just let us start with a higher resolution starting image with all details preserved – In the painting of the lighthouse, where the boy is removed, that kind of thing would get fixed and small characters would be much better preserved, at the cost of generation time – I’m not saying just upscale the AI image.

On the comment about fiction/fantasy – The majority of the images we’re modifying are not ‘primary sources’ in that Hermann Thiersch never saw the Lighthouse – This feels like the same level of fantasy since we’re using his original image with such high fidelity. I’m curious to get your thoughts.

Thanks for the feedback!


Please just stop, you don’t know what you are doing.

People who went to school for over a decade in this subject would be able to tell you a thousand things about some of the images you are referencing. People worked hard to include the best possible image with the article.

You then go and generate some BS image and say: “I struggle to find a lot of differences other than the color.”

And no these things cannot be fixed, there is no fixing a flawed principle. You can’t fix it by renaming it or by saying it’s only a chrome extension. Please stop.

lanolinoil, avatar

Do you have any articles or reading I can do on what those ‘thousand’ things would be? I can definitely build that into the model either with fine-tuning or connecting GPT to the internet.

I wholesale disagree things can’t be fixed and your logic there doesn’t really track. In general your manner reminds me of the famous Sartre quote. You don’t seem to really be interested in engaging in good faith. I find your failure to even attempt an answer at my question suggests your true motives.

If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”…/7870768-never-believe-that-anti-s…

Have a great day and look out for the next update! I will incorporate your feedback into the changes.

lanolinoil, avatar

Oh, I see – I meant the 2nd lighthouse picture. The one that is much higher fidelity to the original image. I see what you’re saying about the first image

avguser, in Daughter of George Carlin horrified someone [comedian Will Sasso and podcaster Chad Kultgen] cloned her dad with AI for hour special

The special was actually really good in my opinion. I personally like the idea of preserving cultural icons a la the talking heads in Futurama via AI. I do think the estate should get royalty rights like they would with deceased artists, but why not embrace this medium of immortality?

golden_zealot, avatar

The content is not Carlin himself, its mimicry.

This means it’s not preservation, it is invention and by extension of that, it’s nothing close to immortality, it’s bastardization.


the first two minutes or so of the special make it abundantly clear it’s an imitation, it’s intended as an impersonation, and should not under any circumstances be taken as a “AI clone” of carlin. they’re very up front about it, and the reasoning for doing it.

it’s been blown way out of proportion by newsfeeds jumping on the “his daughter doesn’t like it” side of the story. it’s no different than comedians doing impersonations of each other on late night talk shows

jballs, avatar

My major problem with it is not getting permission from his heirs before creating it. With that being said, the AI Bill Cosby joke was pretty damn good.


The special was actually really good in my opinion. I personally like the idea of preserving cultural icons

What if the cultural icon specifically says no before their death. Should that be respected?

I do think the estate should get royalty rights like they would with deceased artists,

Does the estate get veto rights?

FaceDeer avatar

What if the cultural icon specifically says no before their death. Should that be respected?

Did he, though? The article only seems to talk about what his daughter wants.


Can you point to where he did agree?

FaceDeer avatar

What if the cultural icon specifically says no before their death.

This is the quoted line I was responding to.


Do the icons themselves have a say in that ?

FaceDeer avatar

George Carlin is dead. He was an atheist so he would probably be rather surprised to be asked about it at this point.


why not embrace this medium of immortality?

isn’t it weird that it’s not them, it’s like a caricature of them? And, as time goes on is their legacy who they actually were or would it be this? It seems questionable even for people who agree before they die, but it seems really unethical for anyone who didn’t agree or were even aware of the possibility.


Preservation would be keeping copies of his standup. This is not a special by George Carlin, this is a copycat. And the copycat will get stale because it won’t create anything new, it will only regurgitate jokes based on the very limited material that exists.

downpunxx, in Cruise patches robo-taxi software to not drag humans across the road anymore
downpunxx avatar

so they say

Immersive_Matthew, in ChatGPT gets code questions wrong 52% of the time

I am using ChatGPT4+ with the code interpreter and I am finding it closer to 90% accurate writing 50-200 lines of c# code in Unity. Beyond 200 it starts to have more issues and the accuracy drops. It has saved me so much time refactoring my project.


Yeah. They buried it in there (and for some of their experiments just said “ChatGPT” which could mean either), but they used 3.5 and oddly enough, 3.5 gets 48% on HumanEval.

fristislurper, (edited ) avatar

They “burried” it in the methodology section, where they describe how they generate prompts. This is the place I expect this to be mentioned, or am I missing something? Where else would they put it.


It’s a pretty important fact since there’s a huge difference between 3.5 and 4. Mentioning it once in one place is not great, plus they also just mention ChatGPT without specifying 3.5 or 4 earlier in that paragraph. The problem I have is this has led to press (and hence many other people) thinking ChatGPT is terrible at coding when in fact using the GPT 4 version, it’s actually pretty decent.

aspensmonster, in AI’s Ostensible Emergent Abilities Are a Mirage avatar

The associated paper and its abstract:

Recent work claims that large language models display emergent abilities, abilities not present in smaller-scale models that are present in larger-scale models. What makes emergent abilities intriguing is two-fold: their sharpness, transitioning seemingly instantaneously from not present to present, and their unpredictability, appearing at seemingly unforeseeable model scales. Here, we present an alternative explanation for emergent abilities: that for a particular task and model family, when analyzing fixed model outputs, one can choose a metric which leads to the inference of an emergent ability or another metric which does not. Thus, our alternative suggests that existing claims of emergent abilities are creations of the researcher's analyses, not fundamental changes in model behavior on specific tasks with scale. We present our explanation in a simple mathematical model, then test it in three complementary ways: we (1) make, test and confirm three predictions on the effect of metric choice using the InstructGPT/GPT-3 family on tasks with claimed emergent abilities, (2) make, test and confirm two predictions about metric choices in a meta-analysis of emergent abilities on BIG-Bench; and (3) show how similar metric decisions suggest apparent emergent abilities on vision tasks in diverse deep network architectures (convolutional, autoencoder, transformers). In all three analyses, we find strong supporting evidence that emergent abilities may not be a fundamental property of scaling AI models.

Page two of the paper states their thesis pretty succinctly:

In this paper, we call into question the claim that LLMs possess emergent abilities, by which we specifically mean sharp and unpredictable changes in model outputs as a function of model scale on specific tasks. Our doubt is based on the observation that emergent abilities seem to appear only under metrics that nonlinearly or discontinuously scale any model’s per-token error rate.

And figure two walks through the argument for it concisely as well:

(OCR for image: Figure 2: Emergent abilities of large language models are creations of the researcher’s analyses, not fundamental changes in model outputs with scale. (A) Suppose the per-token cross-entropy loss decreases monotonically with model scale, e.g., LCE scales as a power law. (B) The per-token probability of selecting the correct token asymptotes towards 1 with increasing model scale. (C) If the researcher scores models’ outputs using a nonlinear metric such as Accuracy (which requires a sequence of tokens to all be correct), the researcher’s measurement choice nonlinearly scales performance, causing performance to change sharply and unpredictably in a manner that qualitatively matches published emergent abilities (inset). (D) If the researcher instead scores models’ outputs using a discontinuous metric such as (Multiple Choice Grade, which is similar to a step function), the researcher’s measurement choice discontinuously scales performance, causing performance to change sharply and unpredictably in a manner that qualitatively matches published emergent abilities (inset). (E) Changing from a nonlinear metric to a linear metric (such as Token Edit Distance), model shows smooth, continuous and predictable improvements, ablating the emergent ability. (F) Changing from a discontinuous metric to a continuous metric (e.g. Brier Score) again reveals smooth, continuous and predictable improvements in task performance, ablating the emergent ability. Consequently, emergent abilities may be creations of the researcher’s analyses, not fundamental changes in model family behavior on specific tasks.)

But alas, AI/ML isn't my wheelhouse, so the paper quickly starts to go over my head.

yogthos, in What are the free and public LLMs available? avatar

a good overview of different open models here

General_Effort, in Outcry from big AI firms over California AI “kill switch” bill
makeasnek, (edited ) in Outcry from big AI firms over California AI “kill switch” bill avatar

Many of these regulations will make it harder for humanity to share in the benefit of AI. The corps currently involved in AI development have made some pushes for regulation. You don’t normally see corps do that, so that raises some questions. Why? Answer: They want to stamp out competition.

You know who has no trouble complying with and/or bending large, burdensome regulations? Huge megacorps. You know who does have trouble complying with them though? Small startups & open source initiatives.

Renegade, in Outcry from big AI firms over California AI “kill switch” bill

California has pushed out badly worded laws in the past. Here’s a definition from the bill.

“Artificial intelligence model” means an engineered or machine-based system that, for explicit or implicit objectives, infers, from the input it receives, how to generate outputs that can influence physical or virtual environments and that may operate with varying levels of autonomy.

Tell me that wouldn’t also apply to a microwave oven.

AnUnusualRelic, (edited ) avatar

My microwave oven has a kill switch though.

And I’m not sure if it has any degree of autonomy.

photonic_sorcerer, avatar

Holy shit

Lucidlethargy, in Microsoft’s Recall feature will now be opt-in and double encrypted after privacy outcry

Whoa, whoa, whoa… The Linux fans ASSURED me this would be both a feature you can’t turn off, and a feature they bury the toggle for deep under layers of frustration.

Surprised pikachu

mozz, in Outcry from big AI firms over California AI “kill switch” bill avatar

I want to hear what AI experts I already think of as qualified (Yann LeCun or Rob Miles) think of this bill


Or can anyone who’s still on Twitter just ask them?

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