This feels like a forced reddit detox.

I, much like basically everyone here, have been avoiding Reddit when possible, and the content here just doesn't hit the same. My fried dopamine receptors were certainly screaming for stimulation early on but now I feel an urge to touch grass and breathe fresh air. What is this? Am I dying? I still hate the angry lightbulb in the sky.

In all seriousness though, I'll admit that I was kind of addicted to Reddit and now I don't want to go near it. Maybe this will turn a new leaf for me. If not here, I'll probably find some other way to satiate my dopamine receptors through more productive means.

UlfarrOT avatar

I'm not going to lie, I don't really use any 3rd party reddit app, and I like the official app and all that, but I've made the switch because I'm not going to support the CEO of the company doing the same thing that reddit mods get made fun of for. However, kbin is a bit more user unfriendly and it certainly is a learning curve. I haven't figured out how to see which magazines I'm subscribed to except for hunting them down from the list of mags. I haven't had any issues with the community yet, and I get how the federation works and all that, I just think kbin is missing some of the features that really made reddit a breeze.

MadCybertist avatar

Go to settings and at the top click on Subscriptions. It lists them all there.

sotolf avatar

look up top left of your nick on top of the site, there you will see a list icon (three dots with lines after them) Click on that, and then on subscribed I hope I uploaded a picture in my comment correctly :)


I don't see your upload on jerboa


To see the magazines you're subscribed to, you have to go to your profile. There is a small bar (at least on mobile) next to your username, that starts with overview, threads,... And all the way at the back is subscriptions.


Try out lemmy too. Maybe the UI will fit you better. I made a kbin account too and I actually hope that kbin is the one that catches on, since it supports interaction with mastodon.

That said, I also really miss the subscribed subreddit bar on top of the page like had.


It's available. Click on the gear icon below your name at the top right. A menu appears.

Look for "Show top bar" and click yes. Although it's not fully working yet; but it has the All/Subscribed/Moderate/Favourites buttons. The Mags listed seem to be random at the moment.


Do you mean in lemmy or kbin? I can't find "Show top bar" in any of my settings.


How to find your subscribed magazines:

  • Hover on your name at the top right of Kbin
  • Click on "settings"
  • On the bar at the top, select "subscriptions"

How to see your subscribed content on the home page

  • Hover over the icon to the left of your name (the icon is 3 rows of 1 dot and 1 dash)
  • Select "subscribed" to see subscribed content only


  • Visit /sub on the server you're on (e.g.


  • Click on the "gear" icon just below your name
  • Look for "Show top bar" and click on "yes"
  • This will show an old school reddit style/reddit enhancement suite style top bar, with "All", "Subscribed", "Moderated" and "Favourites" buttons on the top left corner.
S4nvers avatar

It‘s not intuitive, but you can find your subscriptions in the settings

In terms of features kbin is kinda lacking, but considering that it‘s basically existed only for a few months and has been developed by a single guy it‘s pretty impressive

I‘m sure new features will be added relatively quickly now that a lot of people are willing to help out


I’m really impressed with all the work earnest has done and now is extremely busy doing.


Depending on what you're using, but on PC if you go to the menu bars by your username there's an option to filter your feed by different categories including subscribed.

I agree though, would be better to have that in a more noticeable place eventually because it's not super intuitive.

infinitecaffeine avatar

I’m definitely more of a lurker, and I was commenting and posting on reddit here and there. But being on Kbin (for myself) i’ve felt like i’ll put my two cents down and actually have a conversation instead of getting a copy paste chain. Or i’ll see someone with a question and other users will actively be trying to help. to me it feels good to be somewhere where there is a lot of room for growth as opposed to being somewhere that’s plateaued.

okawari avatar

Honestly, I've been off reddit for a long time. Reddit made casual lurking so hard I stopped bothering.

That being said, the fediverse has probably been the first time in some time where I've had fun on the internet. It has somewhat recaptured the old spirit of finding new interesting things and communities online, even if most of them are just lemmy instances, and the same kind of content that was on reddit.

SmurfDotSee, (edited )

It has somewhat recaptured the old spirit of finding new interesting things and communities online,

This is exactly how i feel about it.

It's like finding out about EFnet from AOL back in the day.

Untitled9999 avatar

Well, going outside is a good thing.

But if you still want online conversations then Kbin/Lemmy/Fediverse seems to be a viable ecosystem for that. Apparently Lemmy now has 370,000 users and Kbin has 43,000 users.


Spez and the rest of the admins did a great job at chasing me away from the platform early. I'd wait for Apollo to die first, but I just can't handle the toxic air suffusing the entire platform lately. Not to mention, it's all but useless right now thanks to the protests.

Thanks to the forced hiatus, I've come to realize how bad the platform was for my mental health. Honestly, even if they fire spez and fix the whole API thing, I might end up taking an extremely long break from Reddit.

discodoubloon avatar

I used to go to bed after 3am sometimes reading that damned site. I think I did 1:30 last night. I really desperately needed to get away from there. Nothing about it was healthy. I can get my stupid depthhub and TIL style information from Wikipedia. I will miss the professionals chiming in until that starts to happen around here.

I definitely welcome the detox. I think I might have even felt it for real the first couple of days.


How about when someone asked a question(maybe a dumb one but who cares), gets an immediate clear answer, says thanks that fixed it or solved it, whatever......then after that arrive the obnoxious know it alls, criticizing the question, criicizing the answer, offering up some "better" convoluted solution....or maybe just obsessing over some small grammar error! lol

MentalEdge, avatar

I'm finding I post and comment at like ten times the rate I did on reddit. The actual user interactions over here are MILES better.


Yeah I’m definitely finding myself taking part a whole lot more over here tbh

zebus avatar

Agreed, Reddit was needing a culling, I’m all for this fresh start even if it’s less people. Hate to sound like a internet hipster but something can become too mainstream lol


Quality over quantity. Not a slight to reddit users still on reddit. I guess the lack of a karma system doesn't encourage karma farming. The lack of bots also help, i guess.


I’ll slight Reddit users. As it became more and more mainstream, the quality of posts and comments have plummeted. Only the smaller hobby subs have managed to keep their quality up.

That’s the critical mass I’d love to see Lemmy or kbin reach. Enough users to have thriving niche hobbyist communities. If I want to start making my own sourdough, right now I’d be forced back to Reddit just for the knowledge base.

MentalEdge, (edited ) avatar

There's also the fact people on new reddit and the official app have "recommendations" in their feeds. The whole point of reddit to me was self-curation. Now it's just yet another algo-driven doom-scrolling hook.

FrostBolt avatar

yet another algo-driven doom-scrolling hook

This is such a brilliant way of putting it

WheeGeetheCat, avatar

you nailed it. Even when I went to reddit to read tech tips or check in with my gardening community, I got sucked into outrage topics that were pinned everywhere. It was slow how it happened too

MentalEdge, avatar

Reddit has been boiling its users for years. We're lucky u/spez walked in with a flamethrower and scorched the dish they were cooking..


Not enough of my niche shit; we need more members To be honest

glennglog22 avatar

That much is true. I love how the upvote/downvote system works on Kbin much better, since there isn't just one total karma sum number.

atocci avatar

It didn't even occur to me that I can see the downvote count, wow. That's how Reddit used to be too, so it didn't register as different, I guess.

garrettw87 avatar

@cody has been doing some work revamping parts of the UI, including the voting buttons. See his post here and let him know what you think.

Ignacio avatar

Same thing over here. It seems that karma being absolutely irrelevant makes us more confident and more prone to participate in discussions and content. That, or maybe the lack of toxicity and vitriol.


Same! I would habitually check reddit via Sync all the time, and would quite rarely visit the site from desktop - only if I planned on posting something too large to really do on a phone. I didn't realise just how much time I spent there until I uninstalled Sync when all this crap started to prevent myself from mindlessly ending up there. I now wonder how much of my life I wasted scrolling through Reddit, and how unbelievably damaging it would be to a brand like Reddit to give people an opportunity to detox like this. I'm really loving Lemmy so far too!


I've got back into gaming again and finished some home projects. Bonus.

AVeryCleverName, (edited )

I was only a casual reddit user at best, but it's just thrilling to once again find something new on the internet. The entrenchmt of big tech made it so boring, which was a tragedy. It reminds me of the dead Kennedy's album, "give me convenience or give me death." And we've been dying for a while


I absolutely am addicted to Reddit but only Old Reddit with RES or Sync on mobile. New Reddit does not hit the same spot for me. My hope is that Lemmy will eventually become a whole lot more user friendly like old Reddit was.


I always liked calling it the "HUMAN DAY STAR" back when I was in college and never left the lab until the last bus of the night.


You’re basically arriving at the party when the doors open and the complaining it’s dead.

Personally I like it here a lot. It’s fun exploring, and I love that there are no ads. The people are pretty cordial compared to the rest of the internet.


I've been on Reddit long enough to get permabanned from favorite subreddits for weird reasons, and kicked off Reddit completely for a whole week (I was permabanned for an alleged bad misinterpretation of a comment, and it took a week for them to review and reverse the ban.) So I've had sore spots.

There are communities I miss, and so far I haven't found equivalent ones here, but my experience here feels a bit like when I was starting Reddit. I'm still learning how to fit in.

Once on Reddit, I was accused of being a tankie (and had to look up what the heck tankies were. I think having mixed opinions regarding specifics of the Soviet Union is controversial) and I was banhammered from a left-wing ideology sub for Atlantism which I still don't fully understand what that means. (Approving of or not being sufficiently critical of NATO activity, maybe?)

So, having been the recipient of injustice by Reddit and its moderators, my attachment to it was already reserved.


what is Atlantism?


I still don't know. It may have had to do with saying something nice about NATO but I'm not sure. One of the problems I generally have is discussing things descriptively rather than prescriptively (I'm often looking at political situations well beyond my pay grade), usually to say this is a problem. I don't know how we're going to fix it but it's bad and is likely to get worse.

ffolkes, avatar

The fediverse is the way. But there's nothing wrong with browsing reddit, just as long as you remember to keep coming here. We need to get more reddit posts mirrored to fediverse communities. There are scripts that will update a lemmy community when its reddit counterpart gets a new post. This is great because it encourages conversation here even if a post started on reddit.


I hope someone makes a post about how to do this in one of the growing communities (TIL/YSK/etc.) so more new-to-fediverse mods know that's an option. I noticed posts from /r/modcoord were being mirrored to it's sister community here but otherwise wouldn't have known that functionality existed.


I was tempted to do this, but it would quickly become spam. Imagine all the garbage new posts that never make it to the "hot" page on reddit, now imagine ALL of those here. Not great without some form of filtering

Th4tGuyII avatar

It's been refreshing. Kbin and the Fediverse feel way more interactive than Reddit felt.

It feels like people actually want to chat a bit here as opposed to either ignoring or simply arguing like on Reddit.


It might be because of the low user count. The more users, the more weird ones will show their ugly faces, and astupid arguments and trolls will spread again. For now, it's good, smaller community are better IMO.

spike, avatar

I as well feel more engaged in every fediverse community I'm part of.
I've even been tooting on mastodon, when I don't even have a twitter. It's fascinating how a welcoming community can make you feel at ease.

transientpunk, avatar

In addition, as we've seen with changes to Twitter, the increased engagement that these for profit companies are all after leads to algorithms that prioritize devisive content. Lemmy not being profit driven seems like a blessing for the community it is fostering.


Agreed, less people makes it also feels more personal, and less daunting to interact sometimes.

Th4tGuyII avatar

Exactly. While there are certainly spaces here we're people are vying for an argument, there are plenty more spaces where people just want to interact and discuss whatever topic is on thread.

It's quite nice, and does feel more personal as you say.


I feel that the "small" bump it has to be accessible makes it interesting for people that really want to access it. The 15 likes on a post feel like 15 real people, engaged, interested, and hit completely different from the 1.5k likes a post in reddit would get.

Th4tGuyII avatar

Agreed. On Reddit you'd routinely see posts with 1,000s, even 10,000s of likes, even absolutely garbage posts would have 100s just from lurkers scrolling through upvoting everything they see.

Even 1 like here feels more real than 100s over there.


feels like people actually want to chat a bit here as opposed to either ignoring or simply arguing like on Reddit.

That's been my issue with Reddit for a while now. People are extremely polarized on everything. You can't have a conversation about a casual disagreement without being downvoted to oblivion and people interpreting it as a personal attack. The smaller, focused subs are better, but still fall firmly into the groupthink dynamic of the rest of the site.

Th4tGuyII avatar

Exactly. Debating with people is fun, but it isn't enjoyable when literally everything but the most milquetoast of opinions ends up starting a viscious argument

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