@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

For my next pair of linen (pyjama) pants, I’ve narrowed it down to 4 choices for topstitching thread… #sewing @sewing

L to R:

• the darkest grey provides contrast; tex 45 is almost “heavy duty” for garment construction seams but on the thin side for topstitching thread

• sew-all Gütermann is tex 30 so I'd have to double it up for topstitching (a bit annoying)

• lightest grey is tex 80 so best to use it for topstitching only (and something else for construction seams)

• white is also tex 80


@DanielMenjivar @sewing linen, nice choice!

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

Did some #sewing this afternoon: four flat-felled seams on scrap fabric to test different thread colours and thicknesses. @sewing

Opinions always welcome! 😉

@Talia@mstdn.social avatar

@DanielMenjivar @sewing

Red? I've started using non matching threads for some things. It's unique (and easier to take out if needed), though you do have to be fairly neat where stitching can be seen

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

@Talia @sewing Yeah, I was already thinking of using red for the drawstring holes and side pocket bartacks. Maybe also for the looper thread on the single needle chainstitch (inside) when topstitching the elastic waistband. I'm not worried about neatness, I can handle that, I’m just not sure I’d want red topstitching everywhere

@Talia@mstdn.social avatar

@DanielMenjivar @sewing

Yes, maybe not everywhere. But could look like cool sporty stripes on an outside leg lapped seam

I like the neatness of your seam samples, I don't usually take so much care with them, but perhaps should


@DanielMenjivar @sewing

Sign me up for Team White but with an option for Team Light Grey.


@DanielMenjivar @sewing I vote light or medium and downvote black!


@DanielMenjivar @sewing light gray 80 tex is my favorite

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

Due to popular demand (LOL), here’s an additional #sewing sample with red thread, this time oriented correctly too. Even at a lightweight Tex 27, red stands out quite a bit. @sewing

I was leaning towards buying some Medium Grey thread in a topstitching weight since the print is already busy enough.

But this morning I started thinking that maybe I actually do want/need the seams to be very well defined so that breaking up the white lines around the pants’ curves won’t look too weird?

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

@sewing These fucking pyjama pants are cursed!

  1. ) I’m never this indecisive about anything.

2.) The more I look at this fabric, the more I wonder how I got convinced to buy it. I hate it.

3.) I was on my way to the bus stop to buy #sewing thread just now when I tripped over the dog stroller, went flying & fell hard on the sidewalk. My left arm is swollen & looks broken.

4.) I need to get my priorities straight instead of typing one-handed when I should be finding an x-ray place! (LOL)


@DanielMenjivar @sewing

Number 4. Do Number 4 right now.

Also, I hope you didn't break anything.


@DanielMenjivar @sewing sorry, hope you are okay.


@DanielMenjivar @sewing

Hope you are OK.

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

I have a thing about always finishing what I start — no matter what — otherwise I would have bought new fabric and started over again.

I already cut out all the fabric pieces too, so at this point, if my arm isn’t broken, I think I’ll just finish them as best as I can and donate them to a homeless shelter and not even wear them once. Fuck these pants, they don’t deserve me!

Also, thankfully my dog was not in the stroller when I fell and he’s fine.

And I just tried typing, and I can do it!

18+ DanielMenjivar,
@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

Thankfully it feels worse than it looks… As in, it would suck to take off my jacket and see a bone sticking out.

I called my doctor but they’re closed for the day. Maybe I’ll wait until tomorrow to see if the swelling goes down? It fucking HURTS though!

As a bonus, I’m wearing only clothes I made myself (underwear, shirt and pants) in the photo! LOL

I think I’m going crazy and still in shock. Maybe I should get off Mastodon for a bit…

Bathroom mirror selfie of a swollen and scraped arm.

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

Went to see my doc with my wife this morning, just got back home.

He said I need to go to the ER and apparently I’m exceeding the max daily recommended dose for Vimovo/Naproxen. Now I know. Also taking Tylenol #3 (with codeine) for pain is “fine” for now…

In Canada, ER waiting times are typically over 12 hours, so we decided to come home so I can get some much needed rest first (#SEID #MECFS is atrociously bad right now) and then we’ll head to the ER sometime tomorrow.

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

Also, I’m back to typing one-handed, so not able to respond to everyone’s lovely replies (thank you!), but I have read them & appreciate them very much.

I’m off to stuff my face with painkillers and get some rest! Big/long day ahead of us tomorrow…

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

Just left the ER. No broken bones.

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

Based on how it looked, the ER doc said I should expect the swelling in my arm & hand to take well over a week to get better. So I thought I’d take it easy this afternoon and finally pick a thread colour for #sewing these pyjama pants.

I was about to order Mara 30/Tex 100 topstitching thread in medium grey, when I realized I already have a spool of Tera 40/Tex 75 thread in the exact same colour!

Gütermann Tera is sometimes sold as upholstery thread, but I’m sure it’s going to be fine… @sewing

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

My mistake was probably going into my #sewing room at all, because of course I had to test it, and I ended up doing much more. (Now I’m getting in trouble from my wife who was distracted in meetings all day.) @sewing

Side seam pockets attached, basted and bartacked.

While I’m impressed that I managed to do this all one-handed with only minimal help from my left hand (ridiculously slowly), I’m not proud of my stupidity for doing it, because of course my arm is extra sore and painful now, DUH!

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

In all fairness, I wasn’t told not to move my arm/wrist/hand and because of a previous injury to my left shoulder that I’m still rehabbing, I need to use it enough to prevent getting a frozen shoulder. Not overdoing it and finding the right balance will be the challenge…

I created a flat felled seam on the butt/seat: the interior looks matched, the exterior doesn’t. I’d seam rip it and fell to the inside instead, but I already trimmed the right seam allowance. #sewing @sewing

Exterior view of a flat felled seam on the seat/butt of a pair of men’s pyjama pants.

@sbourne@mastodon.social avatar

@DanielMenjivar @sewing Is it too late to change your mind about what's inside and what's outside? 😬

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

I wouldn’t be me if I left it that way, or if I used a busted arm as an excuse for shoddy workmanship… So I spent the morning seam ripping the seat seam and #sewing it again, this time felling from the inside. It was tricky since I had already trimmed one of the seam allowances; the last three stripes near the crotch are off my about 1mm or so, but I don’t expect anyone will be looking too closely there… 😉 At least it’s better than it was. @sewing

Interior view of a flat felled seam on the seat/butt of a pair of men’s pyjama pants.

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

Front fly #sewing completed this afternoon. Very slowly, but surely. @sewing

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

Without contrasting thread it’s hard to capture good photos of the front fly stitching, but here’s another photo for your zooming pleasure nonetheless! 😆 Notice how the outer fly stitching is right next to one of the stripes… #sewing @sewing

@Brodyberg@mastodon.social avatar
@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

…and a closeup photo of the side seam pockets now that the side seams are done. Again, the pocket topstitching is right next to one of the white stripes (on both pockets). If the pocket bartacks looked long before, it’s because they extend into the seam allowance — for a cleaner final look — since they were sewn before closing the side seams. #sewing @sewing

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

Here are the pyjama pants with the side seams sewn, overlocked and topstitched and the inseams sewn with a flat-felled seam. Only the elastic waistband and hems remain. #sewing @sewing

A pair of men’s pyjamas in progress with the side seams and inseams sewn.

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar
@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

In terms of the hems, I’m going to brag a little about my #sewing skills, because I have reason to be proud! 😝

I managed to get the outer line of topstitching exactly ⅛” from the edge, consistently around the entire circumference of both hems without using any guides or special presser feet and going entirely by feel from the outside. (I used topstitching thread on the outside and lighter thread in the bobbin for inside.)

Practicing skills with all those napkins is paying off! @sewing

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

And here I am wearing the finished pyjama pants. I forgot to give them a quick ironing before taking the photos, but they weren’t too bad. #sewing @sewing

The only thing missing is the drawstring, because I think I’m going to buy something red so that the red drawstring holes & red pocket bartacks make sense…

And of course, I need to decide if I’m going to keep them, or donate them. They feel nice and are comfy, but I’m not a fan of the crazy busy stripes.

Front view of an overweight man wearing a pair of freshly sewn grey linen/rayon pyjama pants with his hands in the pockets.
Side view of an overweight man wearing a pair of freshly sewn grey linen/rayon pyjama pants.


@DanielMenjivar @sewing
Beautiful...pair of sailing shoes and put you on a sloop!!

@kamikat@horrorhub.club avatar
@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

I think red drawstring will look nice with these pyjama pants after all. I just need to trim it and sew the ends.

Normally I buy twill tape and drawstring for around 50¢/yard or less, but this stuff was expensive at $2.50/yard!

Thoughts? #sewing @sewing

Closeup of red drawstring on a pair of men’s grey linen/rayon pyjama pants with white stripes.


@DanielMenjivar @sewing a stunning addition and I think an excellent choice!

@sbourne@mastodon.social avatar

@DanielMenjivar @sewing Whoa, gorgeous!!

@Brodyberg@mastodon.social avatar

@DanielMenjivar @sewing big 19th century swim vibes here

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

I was expecting to do a tiny bit of #sewing today: zigzag bartacks on the pyjama pants’ drawstring ends. The drawstring wouldn’t easily roll back into itself, so I had to find another way. It was also too thick & heavy to fold in three (like twill tape) to contain the raw edges…

So I decided to melt the ends with a hot knife. It took a lot of practice to be able to do it neatly!

(Tired of seeing these grey pyjamas in your feed? Me too! This will be the last post about them, I promise.) @sewing

Red drawstring ends neatly melted with a hot knife resting on grey linen/rayon pyjama pants with white stripes.

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

Finally put this #sewing thread into a blog post! @sewing


@iquaanyin@mastodon.social avatar

@DanielMenjivar @blogdiva @sewing i like the combo of navy and white stripes (or polka dots) and red accents.

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

After pre-washing & drying this linen twice, I’m not too happy that it feels rough & linty as if it’s pilling. Only then, as I’m taking it out of the dryer the second time do I remember that it’s a linen/rayon blend, not 100% linen. Oops!

I paid over $50 for 2½ yards of this fabric; expensive pyjama pants! The store I normally go to gives me 100% linen for way cheaper than that.

I’m washing & drying it a third time (based on internet research), then I’ll just sew it as is. 🤞🏽 #sewing @sewing

@effika@mastodon.social avatar

@DanielMenjivar @sewing I've found that my expensive linen can take many more washes to soften to the same level as my cheaper linen! Don't give up hope yet!

@sewblue@sfba.social avatar

@DanielMenjivar @sewing I've heard linen is best right before it falls apart. 😀

It is also best to iron it dry. Using the iron somehow tames the fabric in a way that makes it easier to sew.

@DanielMenjivar@mastodon.social avatar

@sewblue @sewing Ah yes, I’ll spray & steam iron it before cutting out the pattern pieces and #sewing for sure. (I do that with everything.) The rayon blend in it means I have to test the temperature first and can’t just set it to “linen”… so far I can see that it will likely be a challenge to press crisp creases into it.

I washed it again this morning, just waiting for it to dry now. It has more stretch with the grain than the crossgrain, which is odd, but likely due to the rayon.

@sewblue@sfba.social avatar

@DanielMenjivar @sewing Keep in mind that it might be linen produced on equipment designed for cotton's longer fibers. Make sure it isn't permanently deforming.

I once made a linen dress that kept stretching along the grain because it was inappropriately woven and had no stability. Gave up eventually because I'd need to pull it apart and interface it, kinda pointless for a summer dress.

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