Gwendolyn, to StardewValley avatar

Day 1 (Yesterday): Santa was dying on a trampoline or something and gave me the deed to a farm. I hadn't settled on the idea of doing an ongoing journal yet, so this is the only picture I have of the day.

I cleared out some land. Made a chest for excess materials. Planted 15 parsnips, and ran around town trying to meet everyone to fulfill some social quest that would crush me with anxiety if this were real life. I ended the day by checking the weather (Sunny day tomorrow) and went to bed.

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 2 (Today): Started the day off by watering the parsnips I planted the day prior. Got a letter in the mail from some fisherman who wanted to talk to me. Then I went into town to meet some people.

I noticed a quest to get a potato for Leah, so I bought 3 potato seeds along with 25 parsnip seeds. I doubt the potatoes will be ready before the quest expires, but I'll give it a shot.

Went to the dock and the fisherman who's name has already escaped me gave me his old rod after saying he was able to save up for a new one and didn't need the old one.

Went back home and planted my potatoes and parsnips, watered everything, and then fished until I was exhausted.

Weather forecast for tomorrow says it's going to rain.

In-Game journal entry for the quest to meet people. It says "It would be a nice gesture to introduce yourself around town. Some people might be anxious to meet the new farmer." 21 out of 28 people greeted.
Screenshot of Stardew Valley showing me fishing in a small pond. My planted and watered plants can be seen a bit behind me.
End of day financial summary for Day 2 in Stardew Valley. The total is 30g which was earned from fishing.

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 3: Rainy days are the best. You don't need to run around and water everything. I was considering running into town to try and meet everyone for that quest but figured I'd probably waste too much time just running around. So, I decided to spend the whole day fishing.

I noticed a weird howling/wailing during the early part of the day, which the spookum lover in me got super excited by. I know it's very likely not some paranormal thing, but I like the mystery of what it could be.

The pond on my property is full of trash. Santa was clearly a slob who tossed all of his old pirated Dreamcast games in the pond.

Since all I was catching was garbage I decided to clear a path down my property to the south exit. The creek by Leah's cottage was much better for fishing.

I forgot how butts this fishing minigame can be. Had a really tough fight with a catfish which I am glad to report I caught along with the treasure chest. Got 8 rice shoots out of it which I planted around Grandpa's misburn/coaster shrine before going to bed.

It's supposed to be sunny tomorrow.

Screenshot from Stardew Valley where my character is holding up the catfish she caught. Length of 12 inches. She's standing next to the creek by Leah's cottage.
Screenshot from Stardew Valley showing the plot of land where a bunch of seeds were planted and the 8 rice shoots are planted next to a small pond. It's dark out.
End of day summary showing I made 753g from fishing.

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 4: After watering my plants (discovered rice doesn't need to be watered?) I went exploring. TV told me I could find food for foraging in the south west of the map, so I found some spring onions which helped bring in some money.

Stopped by the saloon/inn/whatever and played an arcade game. Fun little distraction. Does the arcade game have any impact on the overall game or is it just there for kicks?

Found a broken down house and a bunch of rocks blocking a path over the river. Still haven't met everyone in town, and those potatoes are not ready for Leah, which makes me question if that quest was possible outside of RNG craziness.

Pretty uneventful day overall. Tomorrow will be sunny.

Screenshot of a mini game where a western styled character appears to be in a desert shooting at orcs (?)
Screenshot from Stardew Valley showing a woman looking over a makeshift bridge at a pile of rocks being chipped away at by a man with a yellow hard hat and a pickaxe.
Day 4 summary for Stardew Valley showing total earnings of 408g

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 5: Hoo boy, a lot happened today. Can't fit it all into 4 screenshots.

First big thing, I got a kitty! So, I welcomed Fyre to the farm. Then read a letter I got from Joja saying the rocks were cleared out. I picked my parsnips, watered the rest of my crops, and then noticed I got two new quests to get some new buildings from Robin, and to make a scarecrow.

Well, to be able to put in a new building means I'd need to clear out some space so I cut down a few trees. Then I went into town to see what the price was on a backpack because I'm hurting for inventory space.

Saw a quest from Haley saying that if someone brought her a sunfish, she'd (heart) them forever. Also apparently it's going to be Lewis' birthday on Day 7. I'll probably forget.

Anyways, crossed paths with Haley on my way to the river and she ignored me. Saw some worms in the dirt which upon hitting with a hoe gave me an old handaxe artifact.

Went and caught the sunfish after only two tries. Brought the hand axe to Gunther and donated it to the museum. Gave Haley the sunfish, so presumably she'll (heart) me forever now.

Around this point I remembered the letter from Joja that the rocks were cleared out, so I went to the mine and got a sword from an old man in a cave (Zelda theme plays).

Went down two levels, got some artifact and some Basic Retaining Soil which... I guess I'll figure out how to use eventually.

Went home. Pet Fyre and went to bed. It's supposed to be sunny tomorrow.

Screenshot from Stardew Valley. Haley is replying to being given a sunfish with "Oh! That's exactly what I needed! Heehee! I'm so happy!"
My character from Stardew Valley holding a sword above her head. An old man with an eyepatch is standing behind her in the mine.
End of day summary for Day 5 in which a total of 575g was earned, mostly through farming.

Gwendolyn, avatar

(REMINDER: I'm including the above hashtag in each post so if you don't want me clogging up your feed you can mute it)

Day 6: Fortune teller told me luck would not be on my side.

After watching that quack on the TV, I went out and collected my parsnips, 24 and one golden one (wewt!).

Cleared out some trees, planted some mixed seeds, crafted a scarecrow and put it in my field. Dear god! I hate how chaotic my fields are right now. I'm looking forward to reorganizing everything later.

I pet Fyre before departing for town to buy my new backpack. On my way in I got a cutscene with Lewis where he took me through the old Community Center. After Chrono Trigger posing to seeing disappearing jello jigglers, and finding a weird glowing tablet with strange writing, I continued into town where I got my backpack and some bean sprouts which I promptly planted.

Then, I figured I'd tackle my quest to explore the mine, and barely made my way down to level 5... only to find there's an elevator. I guess it was stuck or something, and I got it loose so I could use it to go down next time.

Found a bunch of ore and gems. Two geodes, which the game has helpfully told me can be opened by the blacksmith, so I guess I'll be paying him a visit tomorrow.

On my way home I ran across... it looks like Abigail playing a flute. Nice little touch to have characters doing things.

Went home, Fyre had stolen the bed so I slept on the floor. It's supposed to be cloudy with a light breeze tomorrow.

My character in Stardew Valley standing in a field with a few plants and a scarecrow.
Screenshot from Stardew Valley. My character is standing by the river next to a purple haired girl who appears to be playing a flute.
End of day summary for day 6 in Stardew Valley showing a total earning of 892g earned entirely by farming.

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 7: When I first started this, I figured it'd just be a quick post, afterall, how much could you fit into like 15 minutes of gameplay? This is turning into a real task.

Anyways, I woke up. Learned how to make stir fry from TV. Walked out the door and had Clint give me a blueprint for a furnace, so I learned how to do that. Watered stuff.

Then I got a strange letter from a wizard who says he could help with the community center issue. On my way I ran into a lady in a wagon being pulled by a pig? She had neat stuff but I didn't have a ton of extra cash.

Went to see the wizard, where we tripped balls and became one with the forest. Then I walked to Clint's to open the geodes I found the other day... only to realize I forgot the geodes back in my chest... so I had to backtrack and waste a bunch of time.

Got an Earth Crystal and Nekoite which I donated to the museum. On my way to the mines I ran into Haley and Linus. Some jackass has been messing with our cool wilderness man and I'm not happy about it.

Had an initiation quest to slay 10 slimes so I spent the rest of the day mining and slaying. Got to level 9 and was exhausted. (Should have take the elevator to floor 5) Got home so late that the time was red, so I just jumped into bed with full pockets.

Stardew Valley screenshot from inside the wizard's tower. A partial magic circle is visible on the floor. The wizard is saying "I sometimes observe the local villagers in secret"
Stardew Valley screenshot showing me talking to Linus (white haired caveman) and him saying "Someone was throwing rocks at my tent last night... I just had to wait it out."
Stardew Valley screenshot of the day end tally. I earned 325g from an assortment of ways.

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 8: Woke up and went through my pockets since I was in a rush to get home on time yesterday.

Noticed I had some rubber boots I must have found in the mines, and since it was raining, I figured I might as well put those on.

Headed over to the blacksmith and museum to break some geodes and make some donations but since I didn't need to water my plants, I arrived too early. Caught a fish to kill time, and then broke crap and made my donations as soon as I was able. Got a reward for donating stuff of 8 cauliflower seeds.

Remembered that I'm playing a farming game and I won't be making money if I don't actually... y'know... do some farming. So I stopped by the shop and got some more assorted seeds and planted them in my unorganized monstrosity.

Cleared out some more of my fields, crafted a furnace and set some copper up to smelt. Then I went to the saloon and played Journey Of The Prairie King for far too long. Made it to the third screen of the graveyard looking place and then got careless and just tossed out all of my lives. I will beat that game!

Nice to know that playing the arcade doesn't use up any in-game time. I'll have to make a day of beating it someday.

Finished meeting everyone in town and got a quest to give someone a gift to become popular (groan).

Headed home but couldn't get through the door because Fyre had decided to sleep right in front of the door. I finally managed to move the plant by the door which allowed me to squeeze past Fyre and off to bed for the night.

I made money I think. It's supposed to be sunny tomorrow.

Stardew Valley screenshot showing a horribly unorganized garden with seeds planted haphazardly.
Screen from the Journey Of The Prairie King minigame in Stardew Valley. There are no characters on the screen and the extra lives counter is at zero. It's monochromatic in color and the border is full of tombstones.
Screenshot from Stardew Valley showing me trying to enter the house but my cat is sleeping in front of the door, barring my path.

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 9: Watered junk. Donated an amethyst to the museum that I had forgotten about. Headed up to the mines to slay my 10th slime for my initiation and ran across Linus.

I'm getting the impression that people give him a hard time. Noticed I had a quest to give someone a gift, I had some daffodils and Linus sounded like he needed a pick me up, so I gave him one.

I became aware of the character relationship tab and noticed the checkmarks for talking to people. I assume this means that talking to people regularly improves your relationship with them. So I did a quick run around to talk to as many people as I could.

Noticed Abigail sitting in her room next to an SNES and decided we needed to become friends.

Slew a slime, wasted my energy mining, went to the adventurer's Lodge thing. Bought a new wooden sword (yay?).

Headed home and smelted copper till bed.

Stardew Valley screenshot of the inside of Pierre's shop and home. In a closed room is a girl with purple hair sitting next to an SNES console.
Stardew Valley screenshot. Inside of a rustic looking sort of hunting lodge. A man sits in a rocking chair by the fire and a man behind the counter has a talking bubble above his head saying "Greetings"
Stardew Valley screenshot. Character standing next to a furnace that is glowing red.

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 10: Watered the plants, watered the cat. Mail said there was a new fishing rod, and since I actually find fishing in this game relaxing, I figured I'd go see how much I'd need to save up.

On my way, I walked over some worms, and noticed they moved. Now, I knew you could use a hoe to get stuff from where worms pop up, but I didn't realize they'd react to you stepping on them. Found a lost book which was magically teleported to the museum/library. This was surprising. I figured I'd need to donate it.

Was going to try and talk to Abigail but the shop is closed on Wednesdays and I couldn't find her. Ran around, trying to find her, ended up talking to a bunch of other people. Nabbed a quest to catch a flounder for Gus.

Wondering what the checks under the gift box under the character relationship tab is for. I hadn't given Maru a gift today and she had a check. What timeframe does that keep track of?

Eventually checked out the rods. Not as bad as I expected, and then I spent the rest of the day fishing. Did not catch a flounder.

On my way home I stopped by the spring onion patch and foraged some of those, and then I ran into Leah... who stepped on a bug and had a completely understandable reaction to it.

Adds Leah to become friends with list

Supposed to rain tomorrow.

On my way home

Stardew Valley screenshot showing my character hanging out on the docks, fishing.
Stardew Valley screenshot of dialogue with Lean. Leah says "This morning I accidentally stepped on a bug." and looks sad.
Stardew Valley screenshot showing my end of day sales summary. I earned 605g mostly from fishing.

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 11: Noticed that the limited time instills me with this anxiety, and I've been rushing around. So, this time I started off exploring the menus and just thinking about things. Pausing the game when I needed a moment. It's stressing me out, which is funny because of how it seems like it's the opposite for most people.

Noticed my combat and mining skills were lagging a bit behind so I figured I'd go dungeon... err... mine diving.

But upon leaving my house I got a peculiar letter from a "hat mouse". It referred to an old house, which I correctly assumed was the old rundown house I stumbled upon earlier.

Super cuuute! But alas, I did not have enough coins for cute hatness.

Stopped by Abigail's door to say hi (not creepy at all).

Went and mined and slayed until exhausted. Leveled up my mining and combat. Wewt!

Stardew Valley screenshot showing a letter from the mail. "Hi. Me sell hats. Okay, poke? Come to old old old Haus, poke. Bring coines. -hat mouse"
Stardew Valley screenshot. Character standing next to a broken down old house. A white sign is draped on the side saying "hats". An enormous (presumably) mouse is looking out over the half door. It's gloomy due to rain.
Stardew Valley screenshot showing inside of shop and the bedrooms in the back. My character is standing waiting for a purple haired girl to walk out of her room.

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 12: Did morning chores. Remembered a quest to find Robin's axe. Went down south to find it and discovered that hat mouse was still there. Bought an ugly hat that I'll probably never wear again (especially because it doesn't even cover all of my head pixels).

Found Robin's axe.

You're part of the problem Jodi (see picture).

Went by the community center and discovered some little junimo... crafts... bundle... thing. Tossed some things I had in there. Apparently there's a broken bridge somewhere that this can repair?

Felt like Abigail would probably like purple since it seems to be her color, so I gave her an amethyst.

Spent rest of day clearing fields. Apparently tomorrow is an egg festival.

Dialogue with Jodi "The food at JojaMart might not be the healthiest for my family, but with such low prices you'd be crazy to shop anywhere else!"
Dialogue with Abigail. She appears happy. "I seriously love this! You're the best, Gwen!"
Image of some paper or tablet or... thing with a leafless tree design. On top are bright colored wrapped boxes that the UI refers to as various bundles. The currently selected bundle is the "Spring Foraging Bundle"

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 13: Oof. Well this felt like a waste of a day. Did morning chores. Video game dad is cooler than real dad and gave me some cash.

Went into town. Talked to everyone I could. Was thinking of buying some items, but I triggered the egg hunt and never got the chance to go back. I didn't even win either. Abigail went all MLG and nabbed more eggs than I did.

Stardew Valley screenshot showing dialogue with Pam. "Hehe... I put something nice into the punch"
Stardew Valley screenshot showing dialogue with Leah "Mmmm... This fruit punch is unusually good."
Stardew Valley screenshot showing dialogue with Lewis "Well, that's it for this year's Egg Festival. Thanks for coming, everyone!"

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 14: Learned how to make coleslaw from the TV. Did morning chores. Sold a lot of crops.

Bought a fibreglass fishing rod and caught some seaweed for a quest for Demetrius.

Tried running around town trying to find people for relationship building. Couldn't find Abigail or Leah. Kinda disappointed there.

While looking for them, I ran across a cutscene where Linus is rummaging through garbage for food. Told him he's fine. Gus proved himself to be a solid dude.

Chopped a bit and then went to bed.

Dialogue option in Stardew Valley where the question is "Do you think there's something wrong with what I'm doing?" The option that is selected reads "No. It's a shame for food to go to waste"
Stardew Valley screenshot showing dialogue between Gus and Linus. Gus says "If you need food... just ask. I don't want anyone in Pelican Town to go hungry"
Stardew Valley end of day summary for Day 14. A total of 2042g was earned.

Gwendolyn, avatar

Day 15: I played this late at night and was falling asleep so I'll probably forget some details but here we go.

I completed a bundle for the Junimo, which resulted in them not fixing a bridge, but instead giving me a bunch of seeds. So that's cool. I went and planted them. Also, a few more "donation" plaques showed up in the community center, so I guess I'll need to grab my notebook and mark down what to sell and what to remember to bring here.

I know I did some fishing and Sebastian wanted something for a quest, so I probably got him a fish. I think I spent a bunch of time running around talking to people. I seem to remember being excited that I ran into both Abigail and Leah.

Stardew Valley screenshot showing the inside of a run down community center. A girl looks off to the right as a small cute creature carries off a green bundle.
Stardew Valley screenshot showing dialogue with Sebastian saying "Hey, thanks for the help. This is just what I wanted."
End of day summary for Stardew Valley. Day 15. Total earnings of 250g

campchitaqua, to queer

Hi, fediverse. I'm Gigi. I'm a disabled, neurodivergent, queer mom (2 kids, 1 cat) that works in tech support/customer service. I like music and crochet and decorative planning and video games and reading and tv and fandom and magic, and... all kinds of things.
#introduction #queer #neurodiverse #adhd #disabled #crochet #hobonichiweeks #planners #stickers #gaming #stardewvalley #thesims #fandom #fanfiction #starwars #startrek #spn #iwtv #lotr #witchy #magic #tarot #astrology #books #reading

Okajin, to Minecraft French avatar

Je m'improvise un peu "curateur" de jeux vidéo. Enfin je vais surtout vous exposer ce que j'aime :p

Si vous avez aimé et/ou et que vous vous demandez ce que ça donnerait en vue du dessus (le ), vous devriez regarder du côté de :

Le trailer d'early access :
Le trailer de leur première grosse update :
Le trailer de leur deuxième update qui arrive le 10/11 :

Okajin, avatar

Cette semaine je vais vous parler d'un "jeu de ferme". Vous connaissez ? Vous voulez changer d'époque? De contexte? Je vous invite à jeter un oeil sur !

Durant la vous aidez donc votre village fraîchement installé à se développer et à perdurer. Suivez les conseils que les esprits que vous trouverez vous donneront. Cuisinez, dressez les animaux, plantez et récoltez !

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