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dohpaz42, in Linus does not fuck around avatar

I feel it’s equally important to point ot that Torvalds recognized his toxic behavior, apologized for it, and took steps to rectify it.

In an email to the Linux Kernel Mailing List, which also addresses the kernel update of Linux 4.19-rc4, Torvalds writes: “I need to change some of my behavior, and I want to apologize to the people that my personal behavior hurt and possibly drove away from kernel development entirely.”

“I am going to take time off and get some assistance on how to understand people’s emotions and respond appropriately.”


It’s sad we don’t get this energy anymore. Who will keep the fuckers in line now


Yeah, shouting at your subordinates in public is utter bullshit.


So is breaking the userspace


So two wrongs make a right? Or could this have been a civil private email instead? And if civil private conversations aren’t working, then it’s time to part ways.


This probably helped others not to make the same mistake


Of working with Linus? Yes, it probably did.


What? I’m talking about breaking userspace?


A civil public email would have been fine.


Acceptable, yes. But a good manager knows not to shine a spotlight on the mistakes of the team. There’s nothing to gain keeping it public that you wouldn’t also gain by keeping it private. But your team’s morale is kept high if you sing their praises instead of their shortcomings.


I get what your saying, but i feel like the aggressively public development model means that more could be public here than i would accept on another team.


That was seriously admirable. From memory he actually did improve quite a lot after that as well.

erev, avatar

I’ve heard he’s not perfect but he doesn’t lose his temper anymore and has only gotten better with age. I respect anyone who can self reflect and introspect and come out a better person.


I’m really glad you added this, that was pretty awful to read.

Crow, in Chad Linux user avatar

If I want to break my computer I should be able to break my computer!

Jeom, avatar

task managers creator added a function to kill the entire pc. but people reported it as a bug and someone else at Microsoft removed it


I also use youtube


Dave Plummer is a fricking legend!


Trying to de-bloat KDE feels like a game of chicken. Whichever K-application I try to uninstall, I get a prompt asking me to confirm if I want to uninstall a plethora of important-sounding kde packages. It gambles on me not knowing which "kde-[...]" packages are vital for KDE Plasma to run, so I don't take the chance on uninstalling the email client, multimedia programs etc.

ricdeh, avatar

I mean, yes, it might sound a little bit silly, but it is actually simply about the right to make use of the tech you own in the way you see fit, which should be a fundamental freedom AND right. It's the Windows users that look ridiculous from any sane perspective, though I try not to judge people based on their choice of OS lol


Except if you try to use dolphin file-manager as root … fail. I’m still annoyed at Martin Graeslin for forcing that change.

Yes, I know it is simple to patch out. But that would mean I need to recompile dolphin after every update, and assume responsibility for keeping any metapackage that uses it up to date too. Blegh.

darthpenis69, avatar

That's right! By worshipping the almighty penguin he gives us the power to make our expensive computers into useless novelty items.

TechyShishy avatar

Look, if we want to spend 6 hours rebuilding our MBR/GPT, bootsector, and efi partition from scratch, using our grandfather's butterfly, we should be allowed to. Insert angry xkcd here.

darthpenis69, avatar

There's always a relevant XKCD, isn't there?

This reminds me of my favorite (slightly off topic)

TechyShishy avatar

Although honestly, these days we could probably do it in about 2 minutes, blindfolded, with our hands tied behind our backs. Damn, the tools have gotten better, haven't they?


This is a fact and a half. Ihave been using linux on and off for a headless Minecraft server. Vanilla Debian. Yesterday I decided to load up the latest Ubuntu lts, to run stable diffusion. My first end user linux install in ages. And it was a 15 minute seamless experience. From boot ISO to running a normal functioning desktop. Add another hoiur and stable diffusion was up and running. A far cry from building slackware from, from source, in the early 2000s. It truly is amazing when we consider what has been achieved.


Don’t worry, there’s still Gentoo and LFS if you’re a Linux masochist.


That could be fun. I am just amazed at how far the ecosystem has come. Just for kicks I tried getting steam up and running and got fallout 76 running through their compatibility tools in no time i knew the steam deck pushed that along, but did not realise exactly how far it has been pushed. Itay be time to give it a run again as a daily driver.

Marduk73, in Linux Distro avatar

If you’re not aquatinted with distrowatch yet, you should pop on there. It gives overviews of many distros. Asking for recommendations is fine too, but DW is a great resource. On an older machine that needed something light, Sparky Linux was fun. I didn’t use it for it’s particular bundling but still felt smooth and solid. I’m assuming you want lightweight since you mentioned a destroyed laptop? There’s things like Puppy Linux but that feels almost too light to me and maybe didn’t feel finished to me either. Normally Id just straight up suggest Mint but you said you didn’t want that.

MurdoMaclachlan, (edited ) in They are on to me avatar

Image Transcription: Greentext


[Image of a feminine anime character with very pale red hair, pink eyes, blush under the eyes, and an open mouth.]

>Install the Linix operating system

>Suspicious black van is parked outside my apartment and doesn’t move

>Black cashier at the grocer made weird hand gestures at me

>Every second night at 8 PM a car will circle past my window and honk exactly 3 times

>Every new month someone will leave a piece of litter in my mailbox

>Start receiving silent calls from random numbers every time I do the laundry

>Coworker talked to me about his dog in-person, next morning all youtube ads are about dog food and dog toys

>Stopped by a burger stand one day on my way home, all my bookmarked blogs running google adsense start advertising McDonald’s exclusively

>My hotmail account is suddenly flooded with spam mails about alien abductions

I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.


Good human

tuff_wizard, in Good friend

I would never criticise someone’s distro. As long as it was arch built without any scripts.

Xeelee avatar

If you don't use Linux From Scratch, why do you even bother?


I actually want to try a LFS install, mostly to gain a deeper understanding of how Linux works. To anyone who’s done an LFS install: good idea or waste of time?

pimeys, avatar

Learning things is always a great idea if you have time and interest.


I’d rather be waterboarded

Xeelee avatar



Just did that for the first time today and the second, third and ,fourth time aswell

kevinbacon, avatar

This pleb didn’t even write his own kernel.

Hatchet, in Chad Linux user

Let's be honest. If you haven't broken your bootloader at some point in time, you haven't experienced Linux.

Flashback956, avatar

This is the way


thats why you gotta stock up on boot loaders, can never have enough boot loaders, if one breaks I just boot off another one!


Windows probably broke my bootloader (GRUB) more times than I did though.

PennyJim, avatar

As a Linux noob, the only time I've broken my bootloader was updating my distro after ignoring it for a year. I ignored the update because it broke a badly made script badly solving the complex problem caused by a simple problem that I ignored the solution to.

I finally fixed the simple problem because I needed to upgrade a library to get a modded launcher working so I could play with my friends. And I was thinking of rewriting the firmware for my macro keyboard to be better structured anyways.

I went back to the old firmware with a simple fix as the new one has a weird bug that if I hold two "even" keys at once, I get spammed down signals for the higher order one.

Linux has been fun!

PennyJim, avatar

I started writing that, got a little carried away, then decided even if no one cares, talking into the void has always been cathartic


Hi, the void here.
I care, and it sounds like you did have a real proper Linux experience. Good for you. =)


I get that, sometimes it can feel like “why am I even bothering to write a big long comment” but there’s no need to apologise for it. Not everything we say or write has to be profound, sometimes people just want to share a story!

And I feel your pain as well, I had a similar issue updating mine after leaving it sit for about a year, but I very, very stupidly decided to do it on a Friday morning, on my work machine, on the same some code was due to be delivered. So I had a frantic Friday trying to fix my PC and get the work done!

ricdeh, avatar

Yeah that's what makes me so happy about Lemmy, it is currently so (mostly) non-toxic that you can actually ramble on and have a fulfilling social media experience without drama or karma battles (not to say that there isn't drama, but it is easy to avoid)


I mean if you know how to write firmware you don't really count as a Linux noob, regardless of your lack of experience with linux

PennyJim, (edited ) avatar

Duplicate Comment

PennyJim, avatar

Does writing Arduino code really discount me from being a Linux noob? I still think I need to learn python to implement my macros rather then rely on GOME keybinds and bash scripts.

I also need to learn how to make a GNOME theme. I just want the default but with a different accent color. I used to use an extension, but it’s out of date and doesn’t convince pop-os to be in dark mode.

Damn… Every time I start talking about my experience I just start rambling about barely connected things.


To me, noob implies not only lack of experience but also lack of skill, so yeah in that sense I would say it does discount you somewhat ^^

Do learn python, you'll pick it up super easily and will be amazed by the simplicity of the syntax (but perhaps also slightly grossed out by the duck typing and use of whitespace as syntax)


How did you break it?

darthpenis69, avatar

I've broken my bootloader many times. I remember frantically looking up how to fix that online for the first time. Now I know not to do stupid things that could bork my bootloader.


I know not to do stupid things that could bork my bootloader. I still do stupid things that I know can bork my bootloader.


This is the way.


I feel like it’s harder to break the bootloader these days. All my dual-booting escapades worked fine, I still have most of my hair, and there’s no way my Linux skills have improved that much.

tal, (edited )
tal avatar

I think that the major issue with the bootloader is when a user confuses the device file for the entire drive (/dev/sda) with the device file for the partition (/dev/sda1), whch is not entirely unreasonable for a new user who doesn't understand the naming system to do. Like, mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda rather than mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1. Then you overwrite the entire drive, starting with the MBR, rather than the contents of a partition with your new filesystem.

adonis, in When WSL2 first came out, some losers on /g/ were cheering that it would "make Linux obsolete". Four years later, I think it's safe to say they were kinda missing the point.
adonis avatar

If anything, WSL2 made me realize that I didn't need Windows. now, I'm a Linux user for almost 2 years.

Feathercrown, in ditch discord!

Discord makes for a bad forum because it’s not a forum! Stop using it as one! It’s good for small groups that need realtime communication-- friend groups, project groups, even classes of students. If you’re using it as a public forum you’re using the wrong tool!

corytheboyd avatar

I mean, I get it, but when the wrong tool is used so ubiquitously, you have to start asking questions about why people aren’t using the “right” tool. Forums seem to end up being hostile to newcomers, with all this “did you search the forum first you fucking noob?” mentality. Having a living place for real-time questions and discussion just feels better, same way email exchanges feel terrible after using Slack for so long. You can still have incredibly toxic people in real-time chat servers, obviously, but there just seems to be less overall stress to keep the posts in the forum “pristine” or… whatever that was.

Not being able to search for old content is a huge con to real-time chat. Even if the history is retained forever (in self-hosted instances), real-time messages just aren’t the best bits of data to recall later like forum posts. Clear drawback.

Still, people are using discord, not to spite forums, but because it works, is free, and is easy.


Forums seem to end up being hostile to newcomers, with all this “did you search the forum first you fucking noob?” mentality. Having a living place for real-time questions and discussion just feels better, same way email exchanges feel terrible after using Slack for so long. You can still have incredibly toxic people in real-time chat servers, obviously, but there just seems to be less overall stress to keep the posts in the forum “pristine” or… whatever that was.

Tbh you can find similar hostility to newcomers in Discord servers, simply swap some words about for a, “Did you read the pins you fucking noob?” mentality. It’s very much the old forum kneejerk response of, “Did you read the rules/stickied posts?” simply in a different context. As you note though, you’ll find assholes in any communication medium.

Also, to your point about a place for real-time questions & discussion, that’s also to its detriment for anyone out of sync with a server’s more active hours, which I think is kind of an understated argument against it among the usual criticism found in these threads. Sure search is one thing, but the asynchronous nature of a forum is imo one of its greatest strengths, especially considering how flaky and/or inundated Discord’s inbox/mentions can be.


Most of discord is toxic AF and is so prone to astroturfing it’s unreal. Literally just use reddit at that point I beg you.

Real time conversation is only useful for children with too much free time on their hands and that’s why WhatsApp group chats exist.


Who is saying this is using it as a forum?


This, exactly.

Discord sucks at what it wasn’t designed to do… Shocker. That doesn’t make it bad.


Why do people do this when there are already Github discussions and issues?


Because having an active community on github or a forum is a very different feeling to having one on IRC or discord. They’re entirely different tools. IRC-style communities have always been more active than github, discord is just the latest iteration of that concept.

Hosting documentation or issue tracking on discord, though, I hate that. For tech support its… fine, for getting informal feedback or engaging with users its great. Anything archival its a goddamn crime.

The worst is when people try to use discords forum features, which are the worst of all possible worlds…


Yeha, it should be done only for support.

I still think that support stuff should be opened FIRST in the forum tool because it gives visibility for search engines. Just label it as “Support”.

That should automatically open a thread in the discord server where people can discuss. The discord server thread should be tagged in the forum. If any bug/features come from that chat, then they can be linked to the support ticket.

If anyone has a similar support related issue, they’ll find full traceability using a search engine instead of having to find the discord server to search stuff.


Yeah, wait, do people archive some info in discord? Why, there are approaches like github, readthedocs, blogs, wiki, and so on. I only use discord for socializing, works for well-managed servers.


It sucks at what it was designed to do also. One of the trashiest UIs I’ve seen, and buggy af. It’s barely gotten any better too.

uis, avatar

One of the trashiest UIs I’ve seen,

You must have seen only best of the best UIs.

and buggy af.

I don’t think fuck is as buggy as Discord.


i mean, it’s far from perfect, but as someone that’s been using video/voice clients since before there was a commercial solution, what is better? i haven’t found it.


Can you share some of the bugs you encounter? I actually find discord to be quite stable.


My favorite, though more of a UI blunder than a bug, and I think fixed now: If you right clicked on a user name and hit “Add Note”, a box would pop up for you to type in. Like for writing your note in. But that box was in fact the “send them a direct message” box.

So if you hypothetically wanted to write “Asshole” as a note, and didn’t pay attention to what text box had focus, well, that was a bad time.


my screen freaks out and flashes white and pink when I open/type in the gif thingy, in a way that makes me thankful i’m not photosensitive. it’s been this way for over a year.


Depends on what exact type of app you want, but as one example of something that can mostly replace discord and do a far better job-- Slack. There was an app in the early 2000’s for gaming voice chat which I thought worked far better too. It was called something like “Roger Wilco” I think. The only similar apps I’ve used which are obviously worse than discord? Teams, and once MS bought it, Skype.

Poik, avatar

Man Skype used to be so good when it was peer to peer… I don’t see anything that MS brought to that platform that improved it at all.

I hate Slack Overflow (using Slack as documentation) but it beats the pants off of Discord Overflow.


ah yes slack the app that won’t let you voice chat in groups or store chat history unless you pay $7 per user per month. I’m honestly amazed how they’ve been getting away with it this long when discord exists

TrickDacy, (edited )

won’t let you voice chat in groups

Weird, I guess I have been imagining doing that at work for the past couple of years. I do understand though, when you’re used to apps like discord, you forget it’s possible to not only gain new useful features, but have them actually work.

Slack’s pricing logic makes perfect sense to me there. It’s free and works for a large number of users, but the ones who actually need chat history probably can/should pay for it.

I’m honestly amazed how they’ve been getting away with it this long when discord exists

Yeah it’s totally crazy that an app can be considered good enough that many thousands of businesses find it worth paying for. I mean why isn’t every business using free Gmail accounts? Or for similar shittiness in the UI department, why isn’t everyone using Hotmail?


I was pretty clearly only complaining about the features offered by their free tier, which I just checked does still not let you voice chat with three or more people or search chat history. (The chat history issue is more significant by far).

And yes $7 per user per month is not reasonable for an open source project with a few hundred members that doesn’t have a budget, especially compared to discord that gives you unlimited chat history for free. All the open source projects I know that use chat use either matrix or discord.


“I paid for nothing, I don’t I get everything? This janky shitty free app gives it to me!”

They give it for free to nonprofits. Anything else for the confidently incorrect movement today?


Slack got sacked in my circles when they removed the ability to view messages older than 30 days…

The UI in discord isn’t great, but it works, and it’s free.


Users don’t move everything from an already existing forum to Discord. It’s not like people are going there because they want to use it as a forum, lots of forums have been replaced by discord (like in the screenshot of this post). To reiterate the metaphor someone used already, it’s like wanting to eat a steak but the only steakhouse gives you a plunger instead of a knife.


It makes for a bad forum sure, but why should it have to be a forum?


Time zones.


To be able to search through and find information in previous discussions.


You can do that.


Sorry, I forgot to add “easily”.


If you don’t understand it, that’s ok. Maybe they could work on making it easier.


Making it easier is not the problem. The problem is having the search function actually find the messages you are looking for. The biggest problem I have with it is that word order matters too much. “Keyword1 keyword2” will find different messages than “keyword2 keyword1”. Not only that, but it will also search for different variations of the word with no way of preventing it from doing it. If there is a solution for these problems, then no one is taking about it.


If only there was something called an Issues page attached to every code repository. Oh well, that is an idea that is probably impossible or whatever.


They added forum-style posts a while ago, which greatly improves usability. But I won’t use it regardless, due to privacy issues.


Sounds like a very neat feature, but IMO still not great for people outside of the discord server esp. if the threads can’t show up in a search engine


True. That’s why I recommend Discourse if you can’t use a proper development forum like Codeberg or something.


Greatly improved usability, while still greatly hurting searchability, in that common bugs are still hidden away from indexable sight.


Discord has a robust search system


That is absolutely not true unless if you have exact word matches, and anyone with half a brain knows it’s not about searching within discord, but about searching outside of it.

Discord is a black hole of information. What happens inside is unknown from the outside. This is why every single FOSS project using discord loses the right to call themselves FOSS - an issues page is equally free, has way, way better features to relate an issue to patches and releases, and is actually indexable.


That is absolutely not true

It absolutely is.

it’s not about searching within discord, but about searching outside of it.

I’m gonna ignore your uncalled-for personal insult and instead point out that you might want to search a specific group for information rather than the entirety of the internet.

What happens inside is unknown from the outside.

Then just…go inside? These aren’t password-protected communities.

This is why every single FOSS project using discord loses the right to call themselves FOSS

Uhhhh no that’s not how that works.

an issues page is equally free, has way, way better features to relate an issue to patches and releases, and is actually indexable.

I agree.


then just go inside?

Ladies and gentlemen of the Linux community: A guy telling you to step inside the walled garden. Unironically.

I rest my case.

I don’t have the time for this.


A guy telling you to step inside the walled garden.

What “walled garden”? I don’t think you know what that phrase means.

I don’t have the time for this.

Good, go away.


No I will not sign up for ze discord chinese data harvesting op

If your project isn’t something I can index through a search engine - you don’t have a project. Want a forum? Make a subreddit or better yet a Lemmy community.

helenslunch, (edited )

If your project isn’t something I can index through a search engine - you don’t have a project.

LOL are we just making up arbitrary rules now?

If your project doesn’t have a photo of a clown at the bottom of the page, yOu DoNt HaVe A pRoJekT! 🤡


Are you slow

zeppo, avatar

That’s the problem. I know of a couple video games where the publisher closed their forums and opened a discord channel. I have no idea why people view them as equivalent things.


I brought this up in a project Discord once and they told me “this is just the way projects do it now, get used to it”.

I left that server right away.


See I always wondered what the rationale was, hiding from indexers to not get canceled or smth? Bruh 💀


Discord is great for friends, bad for projects. I’ll never have a discord for a project because I don’t want to answer the same questions over and over.


You just gave me a fear I didn’t know I had.


Same as Matrix tbh.

Awesome in FOSS matrix rooms: there are threads, but people never use them. Its horrible, they dont even jump on the boat. You could literally have one message = one topic and everything in a separate thread…

tacostrange, in One OS to rule them all, one OS to find them, one OS to bring them all and in the light bind them.

This is the moment where Hannah Montana Linux will shine

NegativeLookBehind avatar

If you’re not running Ubuntu Satanic Edition are you really a devout follower of the dark Lord


A chance for Faramir, Captain of FOSS, to show his quality.

Tixanou, avatar

uwuntu better

LanternEverywhere, in What I expected

Windows' reputation has never been like a supercar, it's always been quite the opposite. It's reputation has always been like a work truck that's a bit janky. It'll do almost everything you try to do with it, but it won't do many of those tasks well, and the ride experience will usually be rough.


Windows alternates between Toyota pickup and Ford Pickup.

whileloop, avatar

Meanwhile Linux transforms between Ford pickup, Bugatti, and lemon depending on who is using it.


Mini van?

verdantbanana, in Linux Distro avatar

Arch Linux using arch repositories and aur only with no flatpak or snap on Gnome Desktop pamac for software store

we have tested most major distros on several hardware setups and arch uses the least amount of resources hands down and is able to be installed on dual core using the same install script as our ryzen 7 4k arch linux media desktop Arch uses the least resources and you choose what software store to use or not use and what packages you want to populate your system with

Need a package but in a different flavor either with patches or maybe an older or newer version etcetera the aur repositories more than likely will have what you are searching for such as mutter-dynamic-buffering or a reverse engineered port of Space Cadet Pinball With Arch Linux the World is Yours

In our experience arch has been the easiest to install albeit not a traditional install Arch Linux OS is a container full of Legos you get to pick from and choose how and what to build like Yes, reading is involved but at the end of the install you will have a better understanding of operating systems both Linux, Microsoft, Unix, or any of them and why it is important to you as a user Other distros choose for you and leave no explanation

As long as the hardware requirements were met for the games Arch has been able to run it even newest of games Some games do require a separate run script to play but most custom run scripts are already available somewhere on the web for download

All operating systems have pros and cons but at least with Arch Linux at the helm you can be sure your voyages will be full of adventure and exploration

jkmooney avatar

Arch has the best package management to be sure. For a "Daily Driver" setup, I'd recommend EndeavourOS. It's basically Arch with much easier setup, some useful tools (that you can choose to use or not), and very well set up for a daily use PC out of the gate. I've used both. Arch is nice, but EndeavourOS is what I run on my "Daily Driver" PC.

Monologue, in Linux Distro

debian, stable 🗿 and with flatpaks you can get the latest software. debian and flatpaks is a match made in heaven

Nilz, in Folder

Alternatively you fully commit to it and alias cf to cd


First you need mkfol, otherwise you can’t cf anywhere


and don’t forger for pwf before you rmfol to make sure you’re in the right place, alternatively you can also fol to see where you are

user224, avatar

I am idiot. I started searching for what the cf is. “What could it stand for? Carriage f… ffffffffffff… fffff… FFFFFFFFFFFFF…”

MurdoMaclachlan, (edited ) in Brace yourselves avatar

Image Transcription: Meme


[An image of the character Lord Eddard Stark, from the TV series “Game of Thrones”, protrayed by Sean Bean. He wears leather armour with a a thick cloak, a fur mantle about his shoulders, and grips a sword with both hands, hilt in front of his chest, blade pointing down, as he stares forward with narrowed eyes.]



I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.


Good Human.

Rooki, avatar

Thank you kind man ;)

razieltakato, in I cant be the only one, right? RIGHT?

That’s why I miss Gentoo so much. Nothing handle packages like Portage does!!

But… The compilation times made me migrate to Fedora…

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